1396 – 1640




TYRILL STEPHAN.   FI. 420.   30th October 1463.   Pr.   CA.     1463



Residue of my goods to my wife Cecelia and Stephen Chytnden of Cranbrook and they are my Execs.   William Chytnden of Cranbrook





BAKKE WILLIAM.   FI.  176.   24th November 1464.   Pr.   CA.  1464



To my Godson Alex Chytynden.   4d





MUNDE ROBERT.   FI.   441.   15TH August 1467.   Pr.   CA.    1467



To my Godson (including) Robert Chitynden.   12d each





CHETYNDEN JOHN THE YOUNGER.   FI 174.   27TH December 1471.   Pr.   1 July 1478


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotten 4d.   For my funeral expenses - The amount decided by my Execs.   To my wife Dionese Execs.   My wife Dionese and William Chetynden, Cordwainer.   Will: Part of my lands may be sold, if need be, in order to pay my debts and bequests.   To the marriage of each of my daughters 26/8d.   All the lands and tenements not sold, shall be had by my wife Dionese for life.   After her decease the property shall be had to the next heirs begotten by my body. In fee simple.   If it should happen that all the same heirs should die under age and without lawful issue, then I Will that these lands and tenements be sold, and the money therefrom be disposed of at the discretion of my Feoffees and Execs, in charitable deeds in Cranbrook, especially to my Godson William Chetynden and other children of my brothers who are in most need




CHETYNDEN RICHARD.   FI   250.   3RD June 1472.   Pr.   15th February 1473/4


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotten. 6d.   To the parish priest there. 4d.   To the parish Clerk there. 2d.   Residue of my goods to my wife Alice.   Execs:   My wife Alice and Thomas Portreve.   Will:   Sir John Gylford, Knight.   William Penybregge, Citizen of London.   Shall deliver to Thomas Portreve, Richard Adams, William Chetynden, the Elder and John Atte Kok of Cranbrook, the piece of land called Potmaunystowne, which piece the said Sir John Gylford and William PenyBregge late had of the gift and feoffment of me in a Deed previously made.   Also I Will that John Sharpe, Robert Atte Kok and Thomas Mapelysden deliver to the aforesaid Thomas Portreve, Richard William and John Atte Kok, four pieces of land called the Meed, the two Litylcrofts and Faltegh and of Wynchyden.   These pieces of land had been enfeoffed by me to Robert Fontener, now dead.   I Will that Henry Baker, Corveser (shoemaker), shall deliver to the said Thomas Portreve, Richard William and John Atte Kok, messuage with a forestall called Wynchynden and four crofts of land called The More, Bakkelhousham, the Lytil Bakkehousham and the crofts which the late Henry had of me by enfeoffement called Potmanystowne.   My wife shall be suffered to occupy the said Potmanystowne until one of my daughters is married, or until my eldest daughter living comes to the age of 24.   Then I Will this land to be sold and the money given to my four daughters, when married, or 24




BEVER RALPH.   FI. 285.   27th November 1473.   Pr.  10 May 1474



Will:   To Thomas Chittenden of Tonbridge (Tonbregge).   A Basin, 4 razors, a pair of scissors, half my salves, half my ointments and a book called “Grasyar”, and my short russet gown.







10th December 1473.   Pr.   29th December 1473


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.  12d.   To the Parish Priest of Cranbook.  6d.   To the Parish Clerk of Cranbrook.   2d.   To be distributed on the day of my burial, 6/8d, at my months mind.  7s.   At my year’s mind.  5s.   To the making of a new bell for the Blessed Mary in Cranbrook Church.  13/4d.   Residue of my goods to my mother Joan.   Exec:   Simon Lynche, and 3/4d to him for his pains.   Supervisor My father Stephen Chetyden.   Will:   Immediately after my death my mother Joan Chetynden shall have all the profits coming from two messuages in Cranbrook Street, called Denys Hopys and Sybbotts, for life.   After the decease of my mother , the two messuages shall remain to my brother and sister then living, in fee simple.   However, if my father Stephen should wish to buy the messuage called Denys Hopys, he shall have it for 7 marks.   To my mother Joan, my goods and chattels, and a red hued cow.   To my father Stephen 2 kine in Headcorn.   To my sister Custance (Constance) a cow she already has by her.   To Alice Burgeys, a red hued cow




BAKER HENRY.   SENIOR.   FI 90.   18th February 1476/7.   Pr.   19th May 1477



My wife Joan and William Chetynden, Senior




CRAKEREGGE THOMAS.   FI.  90.   24th December 1476.   Pr.   20th May 1477



A messuage lately acquired of Thomas Chittenden, now of Tunbridge




CHITENDEN, JOHN THE ELDER.   FI.  349.  5th October 1488.   Pr.  26th March 1493


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotten.  4d.   I Will that my cousin Richard Chithenden, dispose33/4d in the following form.   For my burial and month’s mind.  20s.   For my year’s mind and two year’s mind 13/4d, at his discretion.   Also my cousin Richard shall pay 13/4d to Sir Robert Ward, Priest, singing and keeping divine service at the Chapel of Milkhouse, to pray for my Soul and my friends Souls.   To my said cousin Richard, the messuage in which he now dwells, a garden, and four pieces of land (2o acres) lying in the Parish of Cranbrook, upon the Den of Chetyden, in fee simple.   Also to Richard, a cauldron and other stuff lying in the hands of Thomas Draner, and 20s of money due to me by the said Thomas.   Also to Richard, 13/4d which are in the hands of Henry Hernden.   Exec:   My cousin Richard Chithenden, and to him the residue of my goods




CHETYDEN PIERS.   FL.  222.   6th June 1491.   Pr.   1491 or 1492


To the High Alter of Cranbrook.  6d.   To the expenses of my burial and my month’s mind.   13/4d., whereof  my son Stephen shall pay 8/8d and he shall have a dark hued cow.   I Will that my sons Ralph, James, Thomas and Geoffrey each pay 20d to these expenses.   If the money remaining is insufficient to prove my Will, then all my sons except John of Warehorne shall bear the charges thereof, including the payment of my debts.   Residue of my goods to my wife Joan.   Execs:   My sons Ralph and Edward Chetyden.   Witness:   William Chetynden, James Portrefe, Richard Chetynden, et al.   Will:   To my son Ralph Chetynden, a messuage in Cranbrook Street, called Hizlandeplace and two pieces of land called Fridelandes, lying in the Den of Dornden, in fee simple, he paying - - - The Will is unfinished and stops here




CHETYDEN WILLIAM.   FI.   111.   6th August 1495.   Pr.  23rd September 1495


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.   8d.   Execs:   My wife Margery and my son Richard, and to them, the residue of my goods.   Will:   Feoffees:   Thomas Draner, William Reve and James Reve.   My wife Margery shall have her dwelling in my messuage, viz, a room being in the “florehalf” of the Hall.   Her easement in the kitchen, the bakehouse and the Hall.   She is to have her fire.   She shall have her easement in the garden, the raising of her ewe lamb, and all her necessities, her freedom to come and go at all times, for her full life.   I Will that my son Richard, pay his mother, the aforesaid Margery, an annuity of 26/8d per year, for life, besides her little room.    After the death of my wife, all my lands and tenements shall be delivered to my son Richard, to have and to hold forever




LOCAS JOHN.   FI.   124.   5th March 1498/9.   Pr.   28th May 1499



Richard Harman to have and to hold forever with the condition that the said Richard pay Robert and Lawrence, sons of Robert Chetynden 3/4d each.





ADAM RICHARD.   FI.  155.   3rd August 1499.   Pr.   24th September 1499



To Richard Chetynden, Junior.   4d







23rd July 1500.   Pr.   14th December 1500


To the High Alter of Cranbrook.   2d.   To my son Stephen four brass pans, two brass pots, and my brewing vessel and all other things pertaining to household and a feather bed, bolster, a coverlet.   To my son Geoffrey, my furred gown, a pillow and a kercher.   To Peter, the son of William Chetynden, a spit and brass pot.   To my son Ralph, a coverlet, a tablecloth, 16d in money.   To my son Edward, a brass pan and a kercher.   To my son Edward, a brass pan and a kercher.   To my son James, a brass pot and a kercher.   The said James shall pay 2s at my burial.   To my daughter Julian, my beads and a kercher.   To my daughter Godleve, a mattress, a pillow, a kercher an andiron.   To my daughter Margaret, a salt cellar, two cushions and a kercher.   To Joan, the daughter of my son James, a kercher, a platter, a saucer.   Residue of my goods shall be sold and the money disposed of for the good of the Soul, at the discretion of my Execs:   My sons James and Ralph Chetynden.   Witness Sir Thomas, Parish Priest of Cranbrook, John Samson.   Stephen Chetynden




REVE JAMES.   9th September 1501.   Page 332



Supervisor Matthew Chetynden.   Wit:   James, Richard and Alex Chetynden




CHETYNDEN ALEXANDER.   FI.  94.   12th September 1504.   Pr.  10 September 1504


(Note how dates here are inconsistent).


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.   4d.   To the Light of Jesus.  2d.   To the Light of the Blessed Mary.   2d.   To John Sampson, Clerk.   2d.   To my wife Margaret, all the utensils and necessaries in my house.   Residue of my goods to my wife Margaret.   Execs:   My wife Margaret and James Chetynden, Senior.   Witness:   Richard Chetynden, Senior, Richard Chetynden, Junior, James Portreff et alils.   Will:   My wife Margaret shall have my messuage with it’s garden and two pieces of land called Potmanstown, for life.   My wife shall have as much fuel for her own behoof as is needful for her fire, out of my lands called Sankokkes.   After her decease my Feoffees shall deliver my messuage with it’s garden and two pieces of land to my son Richard Chetynden.   All my lands called Sankokkes shall be let to farm during  the life of my wife.   Half of the money received shall be spent for my Soul, the Souls of my Father and Mother and all Christian Souls.   After the decease of my wife, the pieces of land called Sankokkes and the piece called Potmanstown shall be equally divided between my sons William Chynttyden and James Chetynden, to them and their heirs forever.   The other half of the farm of my lands called Sankokkes shall be kept for the marriage of my daughter Joan.   Should she die before marriage, then this money shall be spent for my Soul and all Christian Souls.   If all my children should die without lawful issue, then my messuage and all my lands shall be sold.   Of the money received half shall be spent in the Church of Cranbrook for my Soul, my wife’s Soul and all Christian Souls.   Of the other half, forty shillings to the children of my bother John Chitenden, and the rest for the repair of the foul ways between my lands called Sankokkes and the Church  of Cranbrook




CHETYNDEN RICHARD.   FI 118.   6th February 1505/6.   Pr.   26th May 1506


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.  16d.   To the Light of Saint Anthony.  12d.   To the Light of John the Baptist.  6d.   To the Light of Jesus.  4d.   To the Light of the Blessed Mary of Pity.  4d.   To the Light of the Blessed Mary of Pity.  4d.   To the repair of the house of St John the Baptist, at Goldford.  20d.   To Thomas Everynden, son of James Everynden, a black calf.   To George Foule, son of Edward Foule, my best doublet and jacket.   To Thomasine, the daughter of James Chetynden.  12d.   To Joan, my daughter, five marks for her marriage.   To my wife Margery, two of the best cows to be kept by my children.   To my wife Margery, all the utensils and necessaries in my house, except a large cooking pot of ten gallons and a brass pot for my children.   To my wife, all the grain on the land to be in the care of my children.   To be spent at my funeral.   20s, at my month’s mind.   20s.   At the discretion of my Execs:   Execs:   Matthew Chetynden and Jas (Jacobus) Chetynden, and to them the residue of my goods.   Witness:   Gervase Hendle, John Sampson, Thomas Dranar, William Reve, et al.   Will:   My wife Margery shall have all the profits of all my lands and tenements during her widowhood, except when my sons reach the age of 24.   When my sons are 24, my lands and tenements shall be equally delivered to them, equally divided.   If any of my sons should die before the age of 24, then his part shall remain to the longest liver of my other sons.   If my wife remarries, she shall have five marks at her marriage and five marks a year later..   Then my Feoffees shall let my lands and tenements out to farm.   But my Feoffees and Execs shall sell part of the lands to pay my debts and bequests.   The choice of the part being made so as to least damage to the rest of the lands and tenements.   If my wife, Margery is still my widow when my sons are 24, then she shall receive 20s. yearly during the remaining years of her widowhood.   If all my sons die without lawful issue, the I Will that my lands and tenements be sold.   Of the money from the sale, ten marks to an honest priest to read and sing and pray at Cranbrook Church for a whole year, for my Soul, the Souls of my Father and Mother and all Christian Souls.   To the repair of the Church at Cranbrook five marks.   To my daughter Joan, ten pounds.   To the repair of the foul ways between Robert Chetynden and Omynden, five marks.   Also to Joan Unwyn, 13/4d out of money from the sale.   Also to Joan Chetynden, daughter of Jas Chetynden 6/8d.   The rest of my money to be delivered to my sisters children, if any be alive, else to their heirs.   Also if Thomas Chetynden, son of Matthew Chetynden, would be willing and able to buy my lands and tenements, then he shall buy it for 40s. cheaper than any other man would pay for it.




DRANER THOMAS.   FI.   239.   4th August 1506.   Pr.   18th May 1507



Exec:   My son Simon and Richard Chetynden, and to Richard for his labor.   6/8d.   To the children of my brother Richard Chetynden.   5 marks.




CHITTENDEN RALPH THE ELDER.   FI.   593.   3rd May 1517.   Pr.   16th June 1517


To the High Alter of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.   12d.   To the Light of Our Lady of Pity.   12d.   To the Youngman Torches there.   12d.   To my Godson, Thomas Chittenden.   3/4d.   To my Godson Ralph Chittenden.   3/4d.   To my Godson, Thomas Lowdwyn.   12d.   To my daughter Elizabeth Woulfe.   4d.   To each Godchild, 4d. to pray for my Soul.   To Stephen Chittenden, his wife and children, to pray for my Soul, 4d. each.   To my sister Margaret and her children, 4d. each.   To John Leche and his wife, my sister, and their children, 4d. each.   To Piers Chittenden of Tyll and his wife, 12d. each.   As soon as possible after my decease, my Execs shall provide an honest secular priest to sing and trental of 30 masses within the Church of Cranbrook for the health of my Soul, the Soul of my Father and Mother and all Christian Souls, and he to have 10s. for his labor.   To Richard Moore and Thomas Chittenden, for their labor as my Execx, 10s. each.   To each of my other two Feoffees.   3/4d.   To be bestowed on charitable deeds on the day of my burial, and 6/8d. on the same day to the parish poor to pray for my Soul at my month’s mind,to be bestowed in like manner, 26/8d.   At my year’s mind, 26/8d.   At my two years mind, at the discretion of my Execs.   Execs:   Richard Moore and Thomas Chittenden and to them the residue of my goods.   Wit: Richard Moore, James Chittenden, Thomas Chittenden, Stephen Chittenden, Richard Robyns and others.   Will:   Foeffees:   Richard Moore, Thomas Chittenden, James Chittenden, Stephen Chittenden.   They are Feoffees of my messuage, garden and close in the town of Cranbook, called Heylands.   Immediately after my decease my Execs shall sell my messuage, garden and close.   They shall use the money therefrom to pay  my debts and bequests.   They shall find an honest priest to sing and say Divine Service in the said Church, for the health of my Soul etc, for a whole year, and he to have 10 marks for his labor.   I Will that there be bestowed 10 marks to the repair of the foul ways from the Church of Cranbrook towards Hartley, towards Milkhouse, towards Benenden  and towards Goldford, where needed




KYNG JOHN.   FI.   234.   21st August 1518.   Pr.   5th October 1518



including.   John Chittenden.   Feoffee.   Also out of the money from the Sale to John Draner and Robert Chittynden.   40s. each.   Wit: incl. James Chittynden




FRENCHMAN JOHN.   20th October 1518.   Page 90




CHITTENDEN WILLIAM.   FI.  86.  19th June 1521.   Pr.   4th November 1521


To the High Altar of Cranbrook for tithes forgotton.   4d.   To the Jesus Light.   2d.   To my own Mother, my great stupnet.   To be bestowed on the day of my burial.   6s.   At my month’s mind.   6d.   Exec:   my wife Alice, and to her the residue of my goods.   Overseer:   Richard Hopper and William Herrenden.   Will:   Feoffees:   Richard Hopper, Thomas Bratell and John Lynford.   Feoffees or my messuage, garden and a piece of land thereat, where I now dwell.   My wife Alice shall have the use of this property for life according to her jointure.   If my wife be with child and the child is male, then after the decease of my wife, my feoffees shall deliver the said property to this male heir when he is 24 (If my wife is deceased).   If the child is female, then the property to be let to farm immediately after the decease of my wife and the profits thereof allowed to increase unto the use of the marriage of the said female heir, and also of my daughter, Joan.   To Wit:   Immediately after the decease of my mother Margaret Chittenden I Will that all my other lands and tenements which belonged to my father Alexander Chittenden be let to farm until the money from this farm as well as from my wife’s jointure (my messuage, etc) comes to twenty pounds.   Then I will ten pounds to my unborn daughter and ten pounds to my daughter, Joan.   To be paid at their marriages.   If either daughter should die, before marriage, her ten pounds shall be spent on a priest to pay for my soul etc, and on the foul ways and other charitable deeds.   If the other daughter should die also, then her ten pounds shall remain to my son Alexander forever, after he is 24.   The property which belonged to my father shall remain to my son Alexander forever, once the money for my daughters has been raised.   If the unborn child is a male heir, my daughter Joan shall receive the ten pounds bequethed to her above.   If all my children should die before coming to their said ages, without lawful issue, then after the decease of my mother and wife all my lands and tenements to be sold.   Of the money from the sale, four pounds to the children of John Chittenden, my uncle, in Marden.   Also twenty pounds to the Church of Cranbrook.    The Church to provide an honest priest, to sing and say mass for my Soul, etc.   Wit:   Richard Hoppar, Thomas Chittenden, the son of James Chittenden, John Chittyden, William Haryden and many others




BRATULL THOMAS.   FI.   159.   28th March 1531 (sic).   Pr.   23rd May 1530 (sic)



To Richard Chittynden.   10s. each. Exec: including Richard Chittynden.   Wit:   including Matthew Chittynden






To be buried in the churchyard of Frittenden.   As touching and concerning such goods as by virtue and authority of the Testament of the said John Elsy, my late husband, should be in my administration.   I give with full powers to my daughters Catherine Whyte and Agnes Bychelly who are my Execs.   They are to be the Execs of the last Will of my husband John Elsy.   Wit:   Nicholas Harryson, Parson of Frittenden, John Taylor, John Edynden, Thomas Hartryge, James Reve, John See, et al




CHETYDEN JAMES.   FI.  42. (Cranbrook). 7th April 1534.   Pr.   1534


My last Deed made to my Feoffees Robert Hovenden, William Harneden, Edward Hewett and Alex Cowcheman, shall stand and be in full effect.   To the Trinity Chapel of Milkhouse.   4d.   To Thomas Webb, a heifer, 3 years old.   To the said Thomas Webb a bed of “Ympes”.   Exec:   My wife Alice and my son Edward, and to them, the residue of my goods.   Overseer:   Richard Hovendon of Cranbrook




CHETYNDEN RICHARD.   VOL 12.   FI.  64.  12th August 1537.   Pr.   8th October 1537


My wife Joan to get an annuity of 13/4d. per year for life, which her annuity I granted before our marriage, also to her all household goods which she brought with her at the time of our marriage.   Also to her, two kine and enough hay to feed them.   To John Cowper.   4 marks.   Residue of removeables to my son John Chetynden, who is Exec.    Overseer:   John Cowper of Frittenden.   Wit:   John Taylor, Thomas Hartredge, John Draynor, James Ryve, Edward Reve, et al




HAMON THOMASINE.   WIDOW.   VOL 21.   FI.  244.  (Hawkhurst)


26th July 1540.   Pr.   23rd September 1540



Execs:   Edmond Hamon.   Thomas Chettynden




WELLER THOMAS THE ELDER.   FI.   175.   13th August 1541.   Pr.  9th November 1542



Wit:   including Thomas Chittenden.   To my son Thomas, my messuage and two hardens now inhabited by Thomas Chittenden




CHITTENDEN JOHN.   VOL 22.   FI.  106.   22nd April 1542.   Pr(no date) CA 1542


To my wife Elizabeth, all my moveables, to keep my children.   My wife Elizabeth is my Exec.   To her also the house I live in and the lands on that side of the street, with sufficient fuel to be taken from this land for life.   My wife Elizabeth, to have the several pieces of land on the other side of the street for 6 years towards bringing up my children.   At the end of six years, this land  to be let to farm to John Draynor for 7 years @ 20/5d yearly.   The income from Draynor will amount to 7 pounds.   Of this 7 pounds, 6/8d. to pay the rent of the lands.   The other 20 nobles to go to my daughter Amye at the time of her marriage, or when 22.   After my wife’s death, all lands to my sons equally divided (sons not named).   Wit:   John Draynor, Alex Mebill.




CHETYNDEN RICHARD.   VOL 23.   FI.  91.479


11th June 1543.   Pr. 10th December      (year blank)


All moveables to my wife Thomasine who is Exec.   To each daughter.   4 Marks.   ie to Elizabeth, Alice, Bennett and Agnes., when 22.   All lands to my sons in fee simple.   ie to Thomas Dunson. James and John Chettenden.   (Provision is made for my child which my wife is carrying)..   Overseer:   Simon Lynche.   I Will that if Peter Adam pay 20 Pounds to my wife according to a pair of indentures of certain lands made between him and me, then the 20 Pounds to be bestowed on lands for the benefit of my sons.   Wit:   Sir Peter Curtope, Simon Lynche, Richard Vaughan




AUSTEN JOHN.   VOL.  26.   FI.  159.  (Tenterden). 27th December 1547. Pr. No probate clause



To Anthony Chuttenden, a heifer






10th November 1549.   Pr.   13th February 1549/50


To my son Thomas Chittenden, my loom and accessories thereto.   To my daughter Catherine Chittenden, Four Marks when married, or 24.   To my daughter, Jane Chittenden, Four Marks when married, or 24.   To my daughter Anne Chittenden, Four Marks when married, or 24.   If any of my daughters die, then her four marks to remain to my wife Lettice.   If all my daughters die before married or 24, then the 12 marks to my wife, if she is living , or if not, then equally divided between my two sons Robert and Thomas Chittenden.   Residue of moveable goods to my wife Lettice who is Exec.   Wit:   Thomas Waterman, Robert Raynor.   Will:   My house and lands I now dwell in to my wife Lettice during her widowhood.   If my wife remarries the house and land go to my son Thomas Chittenden on condition he pay ‘His mother’ Lettice 20s. yearly for life.   If my wife remains a widow all her life, then after her decease the house and land to my son Thomas.   He to pay my son Robert 3 Pounds in full payment of the 31 Pounds whereof I the said Richard Chittenden have given and paid unto the said Robert, my son, before making this Will




FOWLE EDWARD.   VOL.  27.   FI.  206.   (Staplehurst)


2qst April 1550.   Pr.  24th September 1550



To my sister Lettice, wife of Richard Chetynden of Cranbrook, one of  my best chests,   Exec:   My sister Lettice Chetenden.   To the children of my sister, Lettice Chetenden, my house I now dwell in and lands thereto in Staplehurst, equally divided






11th January 1551/2/   Pr.   11th February 1551/2


To my wife Joan, a Featherbed and Bedding, some Pewter and Brass, 2 Cows, Some grain, 3 Milk Bowls, 2 Trogas.   A Tub that I bought off Christopher Ilande, etc.   To Thomasine Chyttenden, me daughter, 1 Cow, 1 Flockbed.   To Alice Chyttended, my daughter, 1 Cow, I Flockbed.   To Agnes Chyttenden, my daughter, 1 Cow.   Residue of Brass and Pewter to my daughters Thomasine and Alice.   To my sons John and Thomas Chyttenden, 2 Frying Pans and other cook ware.   To my son William, the Low Wheels, my greatest Malt Tun, etc.   To my two sons Matthew and Alexander, 2 Steers.   Residue of moveables and cattle to my five sons equally divided.   Exec:   My son William Chyttenden.   Overseer:   Thomas Conseytt.   Wit:   Edward Chittenden, Thomas Owen, Robert Raynor.   Will:   My wife shall have her dwelling in my house and have (in worth) 26/8d per year for duration of her widowhood.   She is to occupy enough land to provide the 26/8d per year.   If she remarries she gets 13/4d per year for life and (a provision is made for the child she is carrying).   To my two sons John and Thomas, 5 Pounds each within a space of seven years next after my decease, paid by my son William.   To my two sons Matthew and Alexander 6 Pounds each when 24.   To my son William my messuage and land.   Wit:   Same as above at end of Testament




CHITTYNDEN LETTICE.   WIDOW.   VOL.  27.   FI.  187.   512A


30th May 1551.   Pr.   16th December 1551


I Lettice Chittynden of Cranbrook, Widow, to be buried in Cranbrook Churchyard.    To my daughter Jane Chyttenden, my Best Flock Bed and Bolster, 2 Pillows, best Coverlet, Pair of Blankets, White Hangings, 4 pais of Sheets whereof one shall be a Christening Sheet.   To my daughter Anne Chittenden, my next best Flock Bed, a Bolster, 2 Pillows, second best Coverlet, a pair of Blankets, second best White Hangings, 4 pairs of Sheets, one of which shall be a Christening Sheet.   To my daughter Jane, my Great Cow.   To my daughter Anne, me second Cow.   Residue (After debts and bequests and my Husband’s Will fulfilled and funeral Expenses paid), to my four children sons and daughters equally.   Exec:   My son Robert Chyttenden. Wit:   Stephen Waterman, Walter More, Robert Raynor et al




WEBBE JOAN.   VOL.  30.  FI.  159.   16th September 1555.   Pr.  (undated).



Residue equally divided among Patience Batherst, Ann Chettenden, Ann Castelyn





CHYTTENDEN EDWARD.   VOL.  33.   FI.   10.   534


31st January 1557/8.   Pr.   21st July 1558


! give 12d. towards finding a Priest for Milkhouse Chapel.   Residue of moveables to my wife Agatha for bringing up my children, and she is Exec.   Overseer:   Anthony Banks, Richard Lyie (or Lyne).   Wit:   Thomas Consett, John Sharpie, the Younger, Gervase Barrey, Thomas Webbe, Robert Raynor.   Will:   Land and tenements are in the Parishes of Cranbrook, Biddenden and Benenden.   All land and tenements (exceptions noted below) to my wife Agatha for life.   My wife Agatha to have her fuel, ten loads of wood per year, out of my wood called Wilcock’s Wood in the Den of Ewehurst, for life.   To my daughter Alice Chittenden, my messuage that I now dwell in and lands thereto, located at Golford in Cranbrook.   Den of Omyden, after decease of my wife.   Alice to pay my daughter Clement Chittenden, three years after decease of my wife, 10 Pounds.   If my wife die before Clement is married my Overseer to invest 10 Pounds for her until she is 21 or married.   To my daughters Julia Chittenden and Joan Chittenden, 4 pieces of land (meadow and pasture) and 3 parcels of woodland, about 10 acres in all in Biddenden Parish, Den of Rogley, immediately after the decease of my wife Agatha.   To my daughter Margary Chittenden, a parcel of land and woods called Wilcock’s in Benenden Parish, Den of Ewehurst




CHITTENDEN GEORGE.   VOL.  35.   FI.   20.   547


2nd November 1557.   Pr.   6th February 1557/8


To my sons Thomas, James and William.   One Cow and three Bullocks, equally divided.   To my daughters Alice and Joan.   Half my household stuff, equally divided.   Residue of my goods to my sons John Chittenden and Robert Chittenden, who are my Execs.   They are to keep my ‘innocent’ son Alexander Chittenden in meat and drink and clothing for life.   John and Robert are one another’s heir.   If they both die my goods go to keeping my son Alexander.   Overseer:   My very good friends Henry Alard and John Heareman.   Wit:   Henry Alard.   John Haireman






21st February 1559/60.   Pr.   26th March 1560



Wit:   Thomas Beeching.   Thomas Chetynden




CHYTENDEN ANTHONY.   VOL.  34.   FI.  11.  (Tenterden)


27th March 1560.   Pr.   3rd May 1560


To my son Peter, 5 Pounds, when 22.   To my son Anthony, 5 Pounds, when 22.   Peter and Anthony are one another’s heir.   If they both die before 22, then the ten pounds equally divided among my surviving daughters.   The ten pounds bequethed to my sons to be given to Peter Short of the ‘Den’ for the use of my sons.   To my four daughters 3/6d each when married, or 22.   If all my daughters die before marriage or 22, then the 20 marks to my sons equally divided.   Residue of goods to my wife Joan.   She to bring up my children until they can earn their living in other men’s service.   Exec:   My wife Joan.   Overseer:   Peter Short.   Wit:   Robert Haffenden, Stephen Hinxell et al




LAMBEN THOMAS.   YEOMAN.   VOL.  35.   FI.   158.   (Tenterden)


8TH April 1561.   Pr.   25th May 1561



To the children of Anthony Chittenden.   To Catherine and Anthony Chittenden, 10s each.   To Elizabeth Chittenden, my Goddaughter 20s




CHETENDEN EDMOND.   VOL.   38.   FI.   32.   569.   15th April 1563.   Pr.  (no date)


To my wife Thomasine, who is Exec, all my lands and tenements and my moveables for the duration of her widowhood.   If she remarries, she gets half the profits of my lands and tenements for life, and the other half of the profits equally divided amongst my daughters.   To my eldest son James Chittenden, a messuage in Hawkhurst Parish, in the Den of Siseley (12 acres), in occupation of John Weaver, in fee simple, forever.   My son John to pay my son James 13 pounds, six shillings and eightpence.   To my son Thomas Chittenden, my messuage I now dwell in, in Cranbrook Parish, Den of Hartley, (2 acres of gardens).   To my youngest son Henry Chittenden, my messuage in Sopar’s Lane, in Hawkhurst Parish, Den of Sisely.   Now in occupation of William Fuller (4 acres).   My son Henry to pay my son Thomas 5 Pounds during the two years after the decease of my wife.   The profits of my Houses and Lands to my daughters, equally divided.   Also te Henry the tools of my occupation.   Wit:   John Peende, John Netter, Jerome Coortopp, Richard Godman and William Taylor




CHITTENDEN AGNES.   VOL.  38.   FI.   180.  568


22nd November 1563.   Pr.   24th May 1564


To my daughter Margery, a joined Bedstead and Bedding, my Best Tablecloth, Chest Cupboard, etc.   Residue of my household stuff equally divided between 3 young daughters, and the youngest to have the best of all.   If my daughter Julian be good to her sisters, then I Will to her one of my Kine and my Chest without a lock.  “Desiring you, William Hovenden to keep the pieces of writing which you have until Henry Medle pays my daughter Clemence 10 Pounds.   I will use all these goods to be put into the hands of my son John Allchin for the behoof of my younger 3 daughters”.   Wit:   William Hovenden and Thomas Mone’;s widow




HERNDEN THOMAS.   FI.   256.   26th November 1566.   Pr.   9th January 1566/7



To Richard Chittenden, Cooper, a cow which is now in his keeping. Wit:   including Richard Chittenden


Thomas Hernden of Cranbrook to be buried in Churchyard at Cranbook.   To the poor mens’ box there 10s.   To William Remyington’s wife 5s.   To Hollands Widow 5s.   To Gyles Browne 5s.   To Richard, my fellow, My best coat and to Mylgate, my best hose.   To four men to bear me to the Church 4s.   To Aynford’s widow 3s.   To Robert Remyington 2s.   To Martyn Vyny 2s.   To Banes the Weaver 2s.   To be bestowed at my Burial 20s.   To John Wyldinge 12d.   To John Smyth’s widow in the town 12d.   To Margery Woodman 3 pounds to be paid within one year after my decease, if she die before to Richard Beale’s children.   To Katherine Peende, daughter of Alexander Peende.   To Richard Chittenden, Cooper, one cow being in his keeping.   Residue of goods re debts being paid to Gyles Browne and he to be Exec.   Witness:- Thomas Foster, Richard Remyington, Richard Chittenden, Richard Godman




RAWKENS RICHARD.   FI.   241.  (Marden).   12th April 1574.   Pr.   241.  8th May 1575



Exec:   including Robert Chittenden of Marden




TAYLOR GRACE.   VOL.  42.   FI.  232. (Headcorn)


1st December 1575.   Pr.   18th December 1575



Wit:   Robert Hopper.   Peter Chittenden




CHYTTENDEN THOMAS.   HUSBANDMAN.   VOL.  43.   FI.  316.   602


3rd February 1581/2.   Pr.   March.   1581/2


To my Robert Abbott, Minister and Preacher of God’s Word 10s.   To my kineswoman Joan Harrice, Widow 20s.   To John Chittenden, son of my cousin Thomas Chittenden of Cranbrook, Broad-weaver, my great bible.   To Catherine Chittenden, daughter of my said cousin, Thomas Chittenden, my joined box to put linen in, etc.   Exec:   My kinsman Thomas Chittenden of Cranbrook, Broad-weaver, and to him the residue of my goods, etc.   To the mending of the Colyngton Haven.   12d.   To Charles Sergant, my servant, my brown steer.   To my brother, William Chittenden, my wearing apparel, woollen and linen.   To the mending of the highway from my house to the sand hills towards the Hammerward.   10s.   To be paid at the discretion of my son-in-laws, Thomas Borne and James Horden.   Residue of my removeables to Thomas Borne, my son-in-law and my daughter Mary Chittenden, equally divided and they my Execs.   Will:   Property is in Cranbrook and Biddenden.   To Alice Burchett, widow, 10s a year from my lands.   To my daughter Mary Chittenden my little house and land thereto in Biddenden, now occupied by Christopher Champyon.   To Alice Borne my daughter and Mary Chittenden, my daughter, my house I now dwell in and all my lands in Cranbrook and Biddenden, in my Tenure.   Wit:   Francis Allarde, James Horden and Giles Sergeant




CHITTENDEN JOHN.   WEAVER.   VOL.  46.   FI.   34.   617


19th July 1584.   Pr.   17th February 1584/5


To my Goddaughter Cruttall.   10s.   To my cousin Joan Chittenden, daughter of my brother James, one house with garden, now in Tenure of Thomas Rainoldes, in fee simple.   She to pay my mother 8s.  yearly, for life.   To my Godson  John Chittenden, son of Thomas Chittenden, my house where I now dwell, with two gardens, a shop and a barn, in fee simple, after my mother’s decease.   My sisters being paid and also Thomas Chittenden, my brother, shall have the governance of the house and lands until  the child is 21.   If John dies without issue etc, then the property to his brother, Thomas, on condition that he pay James and Henry Chittenden, my brothers, 7 Pounds each.   To my brother Henry Chittenden, 20s a year, for life if my Godson lives and if the child dies, the Annuity is void.   To James Chittenden, my brother, 30s.   To my sisters, Joan, Annis and Catherine, 3 shillings and fourpence, each.   Residue of goods to my brother, Thomas Chittenden, who is Exec.   Wit:   Richard Goodman, Richard Remington and Jeremy Netter




LOVE ALEXANDER,   (Tenterden).   23rd April 1588.   Pr.   10th March 1588



To my son John Love, my messuage and land thereto (10 acres) in Cranbrook. Now in occupation of William Chittenden.   Wit:   Robert Chittenden




CHITTENDEN THOMASINE.   Widow of Edward.   VOL.  47.   FI.  275.  634


5th May 1588.   Pr.   22nd December 1589


To my daughter Cath Evenden, a Chest, a woollen Apron.   To my daughter Ann Jarad, my best Cassock, save one.   To my son Thomas Chittenden, a joined Table, all the Boards, etc, two Tressles in the bakehouse, one Press in the bedchamber.   Residue of goods to my son-in-law, Richard Crothal, who is Exec.   Overseer:   My son Thomas Chittenden.   Wit:   Henry Kingsman and Christopher Miles, the Writer




CHITTENDEN THOMAS   (Hawkhurst).   VOL.  48.   FI.  72


8th February 1590/1.   Pr.   6th April 1591


To my wife Margaret, all lands and tenements in Hawkhurst for term of widowhood.   Residue of moveables to my wife Margaret, who is Exec.   To my son William Chittenden, a Chest, a Table, etc and Brewing Furnace in the oasthouse, 5 silver spoons.   Will:   To my son William, my house at Hawkhurst with one piece of land and the gardens lying in the Den of Hawkhurst.   Also to William, another piece of land lying on the other side of the street in the Den of Baseden, called the wood (Basden Wood).   Also to William, 3 acres lying against the land of Andrew Robins, North, and Barretts Green, West.   To my son Edward Chittenden, 20 Pounds.   To my son Robert Chittenden, 3 pieces of land (8 acres), one called Tonge’s Croft, one Falls Croft and one called Towne’s in the Den of Basden.   To my eldest son Thomas Chittenden, two pieces of land (8 acres), called Barrett’s land in Den of Basden.   Wit:   Timothy Mercer, Richard Sisle, Nicholas Evrege and John Tucks




WAGHORNE.   ?   VOL.  48.   FI.   291


4th December 1591.   Pr.   20th December 1591



To the children of Edmund Chittenden, 20 shillings each




BEALE JOAN.   WIDOW.   VOL.  49.   FI.  36.  (Goudhurst)


23rd February 1593/4/   Pr.   22nd May 1595



To the three children of Thomas Chittenden, 5 shillings each





GRAYLING ALEXANDER.   Page 220.   3rd March 1596/7



Wit:   including Alex Chettenden







6th January 1601/2.   Pr.   6th February 1601/2



Exec:   including William Chittenden







23rd February 1602/3.   Pr.   9th March 1607


To my son John Chittenden, my house, barns, buildings and lands lying upon the Den of Chittenden in the Parish of Cranbrook, forever.   To my son William Chittenden, twenty two Pounds in money, to be paid out of my lands given to my son John Chittenden.    To Joan Boreman, my daughter, now wife of Stephen Boreman, forty shillings to be paid to her thirteen years after my decease.   To be levied from the lands I give to my son John Chittenden.   Should Joan die before thirteen years are up then the forty shillings shall be divided equally among her children.   To Ralph Lander, son of my daughter Annis, 20s.   To Robert Sudwiks, son of my daughter Susan, 20s.   (A brother of the Testator is Matthew Chittenden).   Wit:   Matthew Chittenden, Alex Chittenden and Edward Fowle, the Writer






19th August 1603.   Pr.   23rd September 1603


Exec:   My wife Elizabeth, who shall have all my goods for life.   After her death, the goods which remain shall be equally divided among my three daughters Elizabeth, Catherine and Susan.   Wit:   William Holcombe and Richard Remmygton






20th January 1605.   Pr.   29th March 1605


To Goddard Ayling, my son-in-law, a gore Cow.   To my son Richard Chittenden, a red Cow with a white face.   To the said Goddard Ayling, a White Pewter Candlestick and Brass Pot, a Pewter Platter, two Pewter Dishes, two Ewe Tags.   To Robert Chittenden, Richard Chittenden and Rachel Chittenden of the aforesaid Richard Chittenden, my son, one Lamb, each.   To my Godson, Robert Newman, a lamb, to be delivered to his father William Newman.   To my son Richard Chittenden, my Cupboard in the hall, my Tables, my first great Kettle and other items.   To Ann Sawnder, my servant, a russet Petticot and some other items.   Exec:   My son Robert Chittenden and to him the residue of my goods.   Wit:   John Fright






30th April 1613.   Pr.   24th September 1615


To my brother, Matthew Chittenden.   12d.   To his sons, Edward and Matthew.   6d. each.   To my cousin John Chittenden.   12d.   and William Chittenden.   6d.   To Joan Chittenden, wife of  Stephen Booreman.  6d.   to my servant Elizabeth Whitemore.   40s.   To Alexander Gray.   5s.   To Edward Gibson.   5s.   To my wife Annis Chittenden all my household stuff.   Exec:   My wife Agnes (Annis).   Wit:   John Alle, John Gibson




CHITTENDEN ROBERT.   YEOMAN.   VOL.  43.   FI.   77.  (Wittersham)


28th February 1614/5.   Pr.   12th April 1615


To the poor of Wittersham.   4 Pounds.   To my cousin William Newman, 20s, to the good of him and his children.   To William French, 20s, to the good of him and his children.   To Robert Chittenden, son of Richard Chittenden, 5 Pounds, when he is 21.   This five pounds to be paid to Stephen Bratle, one of my overseers.   To Rachel  Chittenden, daughter of Richard Chittenden, 10 Pounds, when 18, but to be put into the hands of another of my overseers, Andrew Wright.   To Nicholas Wevenden, the 5 Pounds which he shall owe me at the Feast of Annunciation of our Lady, next ensueing, on condition that he will quietly and peaceably depart out of my farm wherein he now dwells.   To my maid servant Elizabeth Dawlinge, 5 Pounds, when 21.   To my Godson, the son of Stephen Boorne of Benenden, 5 Pounds, when 18.   To my servant, Thomas Allen, 40s. one year after my decease.   To my servant Robert Forward, 20s, one year after my decease.   To William French, the lease of the house wherein I now dwell.   To William Newman, the lease of land of Mr Carpenter.   To Charles Stone, 40s.    Will:   To my wife Elizabeth, during her natural life,  my lands and tenements in Wittersham.   If my wife be with child, then that child shall have my lands and tenements, when 21.   If my wife be not with child then the property, after her death, to Robert and Richard Chittenden, sons of Richard Chittenden, equally divided.   Overseers:   Stephen Bratle, George Gladishe, Andrew Wright, and 20 pounds is to be divided equally amongst them.   Exec:   My wife Elizabeth and she receives the residue of my goods.   Wit:   Charles Stone, Thomas Paine, John Cullings and Joan Packham




MAYLAM STEPHEN.   WHEELER.   FI.  329.   31st March 1614.   Pr.   27th April 1614



To my aunt Chittenden, wife of William Chittenden, 33/4d.   To my cousin William Chittenden, son of uncle Chittenden, my wearing apparel.   To my cousin Elizabeth Chittenden, daughter of John Chittenden, 12d. Wit:   William Chittenden




CHITTENDEN ROBERT.   VOL.  45.   FI.  152.  (Marden).   12th May 1621.   Pr.   8th June 1621


My body to be buried in the Parish Churchyard at Maidstone.   To the poor of the Parish 20s. directly, and 20s. to the use of the poor according to Richard Turner’s Will.   To my daughter Bredgland, Widow, 12d.  to my eldest son James Chittenden, 12d.   To my daughter Elizabeth, 100 marks, one half on her day of marriage, and one half one year after my decease, provided at the payment thereof she and her husband deliver to my Exec a general acquittance for all  such money as was to her from Jane Coveney of Hunton, deceased.   To my daughter Anne, 100 marks, half three months after her marriage and half two years after her marriage.   To my daughter Joan, 100 marks, half one year after her marriage and half two years after her marriage.   To my daughter Matthew, one 100 marks, half three months after her marriage and half one year after her marriage.   300 Pounds to be raised from the sale of my fat oxen, stock of clothing, etc, towards payment of my daughters marriage money, and the rent of Warnes Field and the rent of the Taint which I gave James, my eldest son, of 15 Pounds yearly, during the natural life of me and my wife Anne.   To my son Edward Chittenden, 10 Pounds yearly, until he come to be BA., and 50 Pounds until he shall be Master of Arts.   When he is MA. He is to have 20 Pounds yearly paid to him.   If he should die before then the annuity to my wife Anne.   To my son William Chittenden, all my moveable goods which I have at Colwell Street, except the old wheat and oats and 8 acres of oats growing in Spenne at Colwell Street.   To my wife Anne, 15 Pounds yearly for life.   If she remarries, all she receives is just this life annuity of 15 Pounds yearly.   Exec:   My wife Anne.   My son Robert.   Wit:   George Maye (or Mayo). Richard Ferrall




CHITTENDEN NATHANIEL.   CLOTHIER.   VOL.  45.   FI.   373.  (Hawkhurst)


9th May 1623.   Pr.   23rd July 1623


To the poor of Hawkhurst Parish  20s.   To my father-in-law, John Woodgate, and to my mother Woodgate, his wife, and to Peter Woodgate, my brother-in-law, a piece of gold of value 20s.  to each of them.   To my loving father, William Chittenden, and my mother, Eleanor Chittenden, to Thomas Chittenden, William Chittenden, my loving brothers, to each a piece of gold, value 20s.   To each of my loving sisters Elizabeth Chittenden and Mary Chittenden, a piece of gold worth 20s.   To my loving wife Cecily Chittenden all my household stuff, a Cow, a Heifer, formerly given to her by my father Chittenden and my father-in-law, Woodgate.   Residue of my goods and money to the child my wife is carrying, when 21 if a son or 16 if a daughter.   Exec:   My wife Cecily.   My Exec to be bound within one month after my decease for the penal sum of 500 Pounds to Mr Alexander Fowle and my father William Chittenden for the execution of the provisions of this Will.   Wit:   Joseph Boys and Caleb Hubord




TWITT JULIAN (GILLIAN) WIDOW.   FI.  252.   24th January 1624/5/   Pr.   26th April 1625


To my Robert Abbott, Minister and Preacher of God’s Word, ten shillings.     To my kinswoman Joan Harrice, Widow, 20s.   To John Chittenden, son of my cousin Thomas Chittenden of Cranbrook, Broad-weaver, my great Bible.   To Catherine Chittenden, daughter of my said cousin Thomas Chittenden, my joined Box to put linen in, etc.   Exec:   My kinsman Thomas Chittenden of Cranbrook, Broad-weaver, and to him the residue of my goods, etc




CHITTENDEN WILLIAM.   CLOTHIER.   VOL.  50.   FI.   105.   (Hawkhurst)


12th July 1632.   Pr.   1st August 1632


To the poor of Hawkhurst Parish.   40s.   To my brother Thomas Chittenden of Hawkhurst.   80 Pounds.   To my sister Elizabeth Pargitor of Hawkhurst, Widow.   40 Pounds.   To Nathaniel Chittenden, son of Nathaniel Chittenden, late deceased, my brother, 30 Pounds, when 21, if he shall be thought fit to employ it by my brother Thomas Chittenden and my cousin Thomas Chittenden of Hawkhurst.   If they do not think him fit, then they are to hold in another 2 years until Nathaniel is 23.   Giving him 3 Pounds in the meantime.   To Mr Goodwin, Minister of Hawkhurst Parish, a piece of gold, value 20s.   To Thomas Chittenden, son of Robert Chittenden, my uncle, a piece of gold of value 20s, within six months after my decease.    Residue of my moveables and chattels, to my brother, John Chittenden, who is my Exec.   Will:   To my cousin Thomas Chittenden, my messuage and lands given to me by my father, on the following conditions.   First he shall pay my mother Eleanor Chittenden of Hawkhurst, Widow, 8 Pounds yearly.   Overseer:   My cousin, Thomas Chittenden.   Wit:   William Pope and Thomas Chittenden.   In Probate and granted to John Chittenden, brother and Exec of the Testator  August 1632




CHITTENDEN JOHN.   CLOTHIER.   VOL.   50.   FI.   116.  (Hawkhurst)


23rd April 1633.   Pr.   10th June 1633


To the poor of Hawkhurst Parish.   20s.   To my mother Eleanor Chittenden, Widow, my sister Elizabeth Pargiter, my uncle Robert Chittenden and my cousin Thomas Chittenden, son of said Robert.   20s each.   To my brother Thomas Chittenden.   5 Pounds.   To my wife Mary, to have the use of all my household stuff as long as she remains my widow.   After my wife remarries or dies my Exec to sell the household stuff and divide the money among my children, paying them when they are 21.   To my wife 30 Pounds, on condition that she make a bond of 60 Pounds to insure payment  of 30 Pounds, when the time comes.   This bond to Nathaniel Chittenden, son of my brother Nathaniel Chittenden, deceased, as specified in the last Will & Testament of my brother William Chittenden, and which I am obligated to pay residue of my goods to be divided among my children, when they are 21.   Exec:   My brother Thomas Chittenden.   Wit:   Richard Kilborne, William Duncke and Thomas Chittenden






25th March 1634.   Pr.  17th April 1634


To my son William Allcorne.   1 shilling when 24.   To my daughter Elizabeth Allcorne.   1 shilling when 24.   Residue of all my goods and household stuff, to Thomas Chittenden and William Woodland of Cranbrook, broadweavers, forever, to bring up my children William and Elizabeth.   Will:   Concerning my lands and tenements.   This property shall go to Thomas Chittenden and William Woodland towards bringing up my children until they are 21, to have and to hold forever.   Execs:   The said Thomas Chittenden and William Woodland.   Wit:   John Willis and Jeremy Botting






8th December 1635.   Pr.   27th April 1656


To my eldest son William Chittenden.   50 shillings, one year after my decease.   Also to him all my wearing apparel, one of my young Hogs,   To my son Thomas Chittenden.   20 shillings, and to his wife 10 shillings, one year after my decease.   To my daughter Mary Chittenden 5 Pounds, one year after my decease.   Also to her half my household stuff indoors, equally divided between her and my Exec.   Exec:   My son Stephen Chittenden, and he to have the other half of my household goods.   Wit:   John Chittenden and Jonas Bottinge, the Writer.




SCOTHFORD RUTH.   WIDOW.   FI.   247.   12th July 1636.   Pr.   31st January 1636/7



To Eleanor Chittenden, wife of Thomas Chittenden, my best gown and red waistcoat.   Wit:   including Thomas Chittenden




WILLIAM COBBES.   SELLENDGE.   13th March 1619/20



William Chittenden and Thomas Colman






My SS Thomas, George (and his wife), Alexander, Edward, Peter, William, Arthur, Richard and James, (last 7 under 21).   Dorothy (Nee Chittenden) my wife.   Exec:   John Walter of Marden.   Overseer:  My brother Chittenden.    Wit:   Alexander Thomas, William Chittenden, Richard Thomas and George Apsley.   Probate 9th August 1630.   Before Robert Steep.  Clk






Will of my late husband Thomas Apsley.   My 6 young children Edward, Peter, William, Arthur, Richard and James.   Exec:   My brother William Chittenden of Hawkhurst and William, his son.   John Woodgate of Hawkhurst and William Hunt of Benchley.   Overseer:   My SS Alex:   Lands in Benenden.   John Walter of Marden.   Wit:   Thomas Lake, John Smith, Joan, wife of Edward Read of Gowherst.   Probate:   2nd September 1630