Kentish Express & Ashford News


1882 May 6th

ref page 4,

col 2 & 8

Advert - Mr J Chittenden, auction

@ Ashford

1882 May 13th

ref page 8,

col 7

Death on 7th May at Gravel-walk, Ashford Elizabeth Chittenden, age 47 years.

ref page 7,

col 6

Male servant wanted. Sheep Shearer (good) wanted Apply, James Chittenden, St Mary’s,

Romney Marsh

ref page 6,

col 4

Judgement Summons Court, Ashford. Charles Wicks miller, Great Chart v James Chittenden, labor’, New-wharf, Tonbridge order. Nov 1881; debt and costs, 1 pound 9s; to pay 4s a month. Committal in default

ref page 6,

col 8

Police intelligence at court. Mary Chittenden, an elderly woman, was sentenced to seven days inprisonment for stealing a tin of ox-tongue from Mr Smith’s oil shop, Biggins Street.

ref page 6,

col 6

Alkham. Service of song - on Thursday, before a crowded audience, a service of song entitled “Uncle Tom” was rendered by the Sunday School children. Mr Clout gave the readings and Miss F. Chittenden conducted with the harmonium

Daily Mail

21st Nov 2002

Every Picture tells a story. “This photo shows my mother, Isobel Petherick (nee Chittenden), with her friend alongside their winning logo in the sands at Bexhill when they were on holiday in 1926. It reads “World Record net sale, Daily Mail towers above all”. My mother, a Londoner, read the Daily Mail all her life, like her parents and grandparents before her. Newspapers have always been part of our family. My mother often related stories to us about her grandfather’s newspaper stand on the embankment at Tower Bridge. My brother Vincent went to the London School of Printing and was a printer on various newspapers until he retired. For the past 22 years I’ve been the local newspaper correspondent in my home town of Neath. Things have come a long way wince 1926 when my mother wrote that slogan in the sand. I’ve carried on the tradition and still read the Daily Mail.  Rita Williams, Neath, West Glamorgan.

Dover Chronicle

12 Jan 1884

C. E. Chittenden, Commercial quay, Dover.  Advert: Shipping Agent Mr D. Chittenden, listed as proprietor of “Packet Boat”: Inn, Stroud  St, Dover. - Sketch by G Ledger.


1914 Sep 25th

Mr Chittenden of Eythorne (in Royal Navy) mentioned

Kentish Gazette


1790 Jan 19-20

Mrs Chittenden died at Hawkhurst, widow of the late John Chittenden of Hawkhurst

1790Aug 17-20

Thomas Chittenden, wheelwright, Dover. Advert: wanted, journeymen wheelwrights.

1790 Sep 7-10

Mr Thomas Chittenden, blacksmith of Marden,died - much lamented

1808 Oct 11th

John Chittenden, labourer, Tenterden died 6 Oct in his 91st year.


1834 Mar 12th

Mrs Lydia Chittenden of Ashford, died 21 Feb. Relict of Mr E. Chittenden

1834 Apr 26th.

Mrs Chittenden of Charlton near Dover: Opening an establishment for young ladies

1834 May 17th

Frances Chittenden, aged 87, died15 May at Charlton, widow of Thomas, late of Dover

1835 Mar 28th

Mr. James Chittenden of St. Marys, Romney Marsh - accidental death of his youngest son, about 4 yrs of age

1835 Jun 13th

James Chittenden at East Kent Special Session was convicted of stealing oats at Aldington. Given 3 months imprisonment.

1836 Jul 9th

Mrs Mary Chittenden, aged 77, died 3 July at New Romney. Widow of the late William

1836 Oct 8th

Mrs Jane Chittenden, aged 76, widow, died 3 October at New Romney

1837 Jan 28th

Mrs Chittenden, died 23rd Jan at the Flying Horse Inn, widow of the late Mr.Chittenden, formerly of the Antwerp Inn, Dover.

1837 May 20th

Sarah Chittenden, deceased, of the Flying Horse Inn, Dover. Notice re her estate.


Sarah Chittenden deceased Dover debtor


Mrs Chittenden. Teacher, Dover. Requires pupils

19th January

1/3.  J. F. Chittenden. Chair Faversham

6th April

8/4   Jane Chittenden. Bride of Ashford. Marriage

4th May/Aug

8/4   James Chittenden. Witness. Ashford Court

29th June

1/2   Mrs Chittenden Teacher School

14th Dec

4/4   John Chittenden. Associating. Ashford


1889 Feb 16th

Eastchurch : Mary Yates of white Post Cottages, Eastchurch (Husband - RichardYates) (daughter - Mary Ann Chittenden) died 16th Feburary 1889, aged 67 years. The local paper of 23rd February gives a report of the inquest.

Plaxtol : Within living memory - a collection of memories by village people - Sir Richard Knowles:- “The Chittenden Charity was known as the ‘Beer and Bibles Charity’ and was held to be for the distribution of beer and bibles but it was for ‘ten good wheaten loaves’. When I asked about it in my more revolutionary days I was told by somebody ‘Keep your trap shut it is said that the money was in the care of Richard Knowles of this Parish from 1778, and I can now understand why you think it was beer and bibles.   Your ancestors drunk the beer and none of it went on bibles”.

Surrey M41

1882 - 1893. Sutton/Epsom Advertiser. Eng.SRY.NWS:-


Birth. 1892 Nov 9th Chittenden Charles.Epsom Kent


Master Apprenticeships: William Chittenden of Sutton Valence, Butcher. Henry Godden 8 gns.

Newspaper Extract from The Times

26th Sept 1914

Sinking of the cruiser “Cressy” crew member W. G. C. Chittenden died. “Cressy” was one of three cruisers sunk in the North Sea 22nd  September, 1914 by a German submarine. The “Aboukir” and “Hague” being sunk first the “Cressy” was sunk whilst picking up survivors

Journal of The Amalgamated Society of Tailors.  Vol. 11.  No. 7. Price: 1d.

July 1899

“….Our present duty is with William Chittenden, Secretary of the Maidstone Branch, the lengthening out of whose years is more in keeping with his native sequested Medway than the haste and hum and perplexing economics of industrial centres. Born in Maidstone in 1823, he was at an early age apprenticed to the tailoring. While yet an apprentice he acted as steward and assistant secretary to the local branch. In 1859 he was appointed secretary, which post he has held continuously for forty years. A record surely in the Trade Union movement. In 1866 he was the principal mover in bringing his Branch into the Amalgamation. Since that time the Branch has been noted for its good management and general prosperity. A typical Englishman disposition but has a quiet stubborness and strength of which it is not wise to test, together with a native shrewdness - felt rather than seen - altogether a man whose company is a pleasure and whose friendship is a reliable support in times of doubt and trouble, an honest man and a true friend is a verdict the best of our kind cannot better, be he who he may. 1n 1879 he was presented with a testimonial for twenty years’ faithful service and in the presnet year he has had another testimonial for a further twenty years’ faithful service. Hale and hearty yet he carries his 76 years with the spirit of 40. Looking out upon the world with the calm serenity of one conscious of having faithfully performed the work which fell to his hand and leaving upon the mind the impression that if he so choosed another twenty years would bring in their train a testimonial for sixty years services.” Wm  died 1901. Aged 78.

“Place Names of Edenbridge” by J. Irwin, Edenbridge & District Historical Society.  

 “Chittenden, Chittenden Wood (Hever Parish) County of Kent, England.  Map Ref: TQ 482493 and 484486. Circa1200 Roger de Ynden. c1220 Pagano de Ynden. 1272 John and William Ynden. 1301 Chillindene. c1420 Chyllenden. 1622 Chittenden. A very interesting record of a local name transformation, from Yndens Den, through Chyllenden, to Chittenden. (The name Ynden is still a puzzle and  must await attention of Anglo-Saxon specialists) The original ‘den’ must have been very large, since an annual ‘quit rent’ of 19 shillings 2 pence was paid to Hever Manor’ Den: Old English ‘denn’ ‘a woodland pasture especially for swine’. Sometimes confursed with ‘denu’, a wooded valley, a dean.

1886 Apr 4th

Letter written by John Chittenden, Tenant of a house in Kingsford St, Mersham to his landlord:- Sir, I right a few lines for to let you know that our hous as been broaken open and that thay have taken all the money thay could find thay ave robed me of 10 pounds in goald and silver thay broaken in the Pantery wino thay have taken the windo clean out and I want to know wat is to be done with the hous I should like for you to com up at once and see wot is to don with the hous thear must be son think don is was broaken in on Friday april 2 in the forenoon.

Daniel Chittenden, Victr. (= Victualler) (On Dover Electors 1802 handwritten book listing voters (ie freeman of Dover) in election for 2 dover MPs) for more info see Dover Freemen’s Index and Roll. Mr D Chittenden, listed as proprietor of ‘Packet Boat’ Inn, Strond Street, Dover (Sketch of Dover, 1799)

John Chittenden, overseer at Kingsnorth 1763, was a signatory to a grant of land from Daniel Finch, Earl of  Nottingham, at Kingsnorth Pound (Royal manor of Wye)

Chittenden of Old Romney, 1728, Maidstone 1744, Fairfield 1740, Egerton 1726, Patrixbourne 1731, (In 1726 - 1750 lists of Licences to marry, by Cowper)

Mary Wigan Transcripts of Stone in Oxney, Kent (near Tenterden)

1586 Feb

Johne Chettenden

son of Thomas


1586 Jun 20th

John Chettenden

son of Thomas


1589 Jul 13th

Margret Chittenden

dau of Thomas


1594 Mar 10th

Marget Chittenden

wife of Thomas


1597 Apr

Thomas Chittenden


1789 Nov 9th

Samuel Chittenden

signed with a X u

Elizabeth Parson

signed with a X, wid, both of Stone, witness’s James Weaver, Thomas Glover X

1794 Jun 16th

John Chittenden u

Fanny Stutely

both of Stone

Wit: Mary Jones. Stephen Wenham

1801 Sep 27th

Frances Chittenden w

Stephen Drury

both of Stone

Wit: James Stutely. Stephen Wenham


“Sinking of the cruiser ‘Cressy’.   Crew member W G C Chittenden died. Cressy was one of three cruisers sunk in the North Sea on 22nd September 1914 by a German submarine.   The ‘Aboukir’ and ‘Hague’ being sunk first the ‘Cressy’ was sunk whilst picking up survivors.

FAVERSHAM MERCURY - Saturday October 28th 1905

Death Notice

On the 13th October at Hadisford Farm, Sellinge, Harriet Cullen, wife of George Chittenden.   Age 65 yrs


Extract from ‘Kent Life’       On Tuesday 28th April 1914 a traction engine owned by Messrs Chittenden and Simmonds of Malling and Maidstone where the 10 ton engine ended upside down  in the Medway river having demolished the wooden bridge in the process.   The engine was recovered and towed to their repair yard at “New Hythe”



Chitteden or Cheddington



Thomas de Chetyndone

From Calender of Letter Books 1899 - 1912

of City of London

1391 - 1411

Prior Chillenden


Leased all the Demesnes of Christ Churchtaking food rents on some of the Kentish Manors to supply the Monastery



Roger Chittinden


Subsidy Rolls



Amye Chyttenden


Ref: MI 420



Dunston Chittenden


Ref: 421



James Chetenden


Staplehurst Parish Register



Ales Chittenden


Ref: 26.644.All Hallows, Honey Lane









Albert Jerome


American Clergyman



Hiram Martin

1858 - 1917

American Author & Historian



Lucius E


American Author





British Born American Author









West Kent Quarter Sessions Easter 1703 taken @ Maidstone 6.4.1703.Stephen Chittenden of Otham, labourer, for a forcible entry into the house of Samuel Gabre of Otham - Michaelmas 1702


West Kent Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1746(1747) submitted and fined 6d which paid  the Court.   Mary Chittenden wife of James Chittenden late of Maidstone, taylor, for an assault on Margaret, the wife of Thomas Rigden.   Michaelmas 1746.


From extract of Gaoler’s Journal of County Gaol at Maidstone 1814-17. July 5th 1815  Wed adjourned session at The Bell P.H.   Five Irishmen broke the stilts of a lame man Roberts, and made bludgeons with them and saucepan and frypan, knocked down William Jackson, Thomas Chittenden and Henry Fisher.   We went in and took the Irishmen out and put them in dungeons


(From Parish Chest Reel @ Maidstone Centre of Kentish Studies, County Hall.)  Removal Order 1697.   From Little Chart to Charing.   Thomas Chittenden   Settlement Certificate   7.1.1697.   Thomas Chittenden.   Little Chart?Charing.


Romney Marsh -  ‘Ashford Market.   17th May 1856.   First Market held on new site the present Ashford market until 1996) on 5 acres of land leased for 99 years from Geo Elwick Jemmett with option to purchase.   Commemorative Dinner for  250 people was held in the High Street at 4pm.   Before trading started lots were drawn to determine trading positions.   Daniel Chittenden, the oldest salesman, drew for the  Marshmen, and Charles Small, the oldest, drew for the Hillmen, the Marshmen had the west side and the Hillmen had the east.



Chittenden Thomas Summer Assizes Forging Not Guilty 1831 November. William Chittenden was prosecuted in Ashford Petty Sessions for printing bills without the Printer’s name.   Ordered to pay Five pounds plus Fourteen shillings cost.