1834 January 14th |
Marriage - January 1st at Maidstone church, Mr Robert Pattenden, jun, of Maidstone to Maria Chittenden, otsp. |
1834 March 4th |
Died - February 21st , Mrs Lydia Chittenden, relict of Mr E Chittenden, of Ashford, universally respected. |
1835 September 15th |
Died - September 7th, after a lingering
illness Mr David Chittenden, carpenter of Canterbury, aged 46 years. |
1835 November 10th |
Maidstone Special Constables - On the last day of October pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act twenty four persons were sworn to act as special constables whenever their services may be required by the Mayor and Magistrates. The services are only availableunder a special warrant, and while on duty they are to be paid at the rate of3s 6d a day. The following persons constitute this branch of municipal police:- including T Chittenden, Stone St, butcher. |
1844 January 9th |
Ashford - Yesterday se’nnight, an inquest was held by T. T. Delasaux, Esq., on the body of an illegitimate infant, to which birth had been given by one Esther Chittenden, of Ashford on the previous Friday morning. There were marks on the body which at first induced the supposition that they had not been occasioned fairly. It appeared that the mother was unattended by any accoucheur when she gave birth to the child: that is was born alive: but lived only twenty-four hours. A medical gentleman gave it as his opinion, that the child received injury at the birth, which accounted for the marks on its body: and a verdict of “Natural death” was returned |
1844 May 14th |
Maidstone Petty Session - John Chittenden, carpenter, was charged with obtaining a quantity of timber under false pretences, with intent to cheat and defraud Mr William Smythe, timber merchant, of this town. John Smythe, son of the prosecutor, stated that his father was a timber merchant in this town, and he assisted him in carrying on his business. He knew the prisoner, who had been in the habit of obtaining timber from his father previous to March last for Mr Holmes, china and glass dealer, of this town. He did so in Oct’ 1842 Mr Holmes paid for it. On Sat’ 23rd Mar last, the prisoner came to his father’s premises and saw him (wit) He said he had got a job for Mr Rich Holmes, and wanted some deals He looked at some, and said he thought the 12ft plank would suit him best, and ordered two of them. He also said Mr Holmes told him to ask the price, which witness told him was 9s, and he then went away, saying that the amount was to be booked to Mr Holmes. Prisoner returned again in about a quarter of an hour afterwards, and gave directions to the sawyer how to saw them. Richard Merrony, a sawyer, in theemploy of Mr Wm Smythe, remembered sawing the deals in March last, but did not know what day. Chittenden gave him directions how to saw them, saying that they were for Mr Holmes, and he was repairing some cottages for him. Hedelivered them to Chittenden as soon as they were sawed, which witness thought was about the 23rd or 24th of March. Mr Richard Holmes stated that he was a china and glass dealer residing in Maidstone. He knew the prisoner whom he had been in the habit of employing as carpenter and had sent him with orders to Mr Smythe for timber. He was not in his employ in March last, nor did he authorise him to get any timber from Mr Smythe on his account. This was the close of the first case. There were two other charges against theprisoner, one for obtaining three deal planks on the 20th April value 14s., and the other for obtaining two 12 ft pine planks, value 15s., on the 3rd of May, from Mr Smythe, and purporting to be for Mr Holmes. Similar evidence to the above was given in each case, with the exception of one additional witness in the latter case, named Thomas Smith, boatman and general dealer, residing at the bottom of the town, who stated that the prisoner lived next door to him, and offered two deal planks for sale, which he purchased of him, and gave him 7s. for them. Prisoner did not say where they came from. He gave them up to Mr. Fancett the next day. Witness also stated that he had bought about 8 or 10 12ft deals of the prisoner before, and had given him 3s. each for them. A quantity of deal planks then produced witness said were all his possession, and which he had purchased of the prisoner. Prisoner was fully committed each charge for trial at the next borough sessions. |
1844 July 23rd |
Adjourned Town Sessions - John Chittenden was charged with obtaining under false pretences on the 23rd March last, 2 deals, value 9s. 4d, with intent to defraud Mr William Smythe, timber merchant, Maidstone. There were two other charges of a similar nature against the prisoner and he pleaded guilty to each of them. He was sentenced to 2 cal months hard labor on the charge and one month each on the others. |
1844 July 30th |
Borough of Maidstone Court of Burghmote The Mayor Thomas Day Esq, held a court at the Town Hall, on the 19th instant, for the admission of freemen, when the following young men applied for their freedom, and after the necessary proofs were gone through, they were admitted and enrolled:- William Walter, jun, carpenter, Bower Lane: Chas Peters, labourer, Loose:William Britter, pipe maker, Pleasant Row: Wm. Thompson, brazier, Stone Street: Wm Edward Chittenden, butcher, Upper Stone Street. Etc. |
1845 March 18th |
Marriage March 10th @ Maidstone Mr C. E. Chittenden Butcher to Miss C Hubbard both of this town. |
1834 |
Marriage of Mrs M Chittenden at Maidstone |
1834 |
Death of Mrs L Chittenden at Ashford |
1835 |
Death of Mr D Chittenden at Canterbury |
1835 |
Account of Mr T Chittenden being sworn in as a
Special Constable at Maidstone |
1844 |
Trial of Mr J Chittenden for theft at Maidstone (
Two References) |
1845 |
Marriage of Mr C E Chittenden at Maidstone |
1844 |
Account of Mr W E Chittenden being admitted a
Freeman of Maidstone |
1625-6 |
Baptism of Mary Chittenden @ Smallhythe (Near
Tenterden) |