1746 Jul 2nd

KFHS Article 27:  Egerton (5 miles west of Ashford)  “To the most Reverend Father in God  John by Divine Providence  Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan.. WE the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish of Egerton in ye Grace’s Diocese having duly considered ye Grace’s Directions whereby to frame our Presentments do Present unto your Grace the Persons of Warwick Brunger and Grace Jarvis, as coming under the 27th Article - the said Warwick Brunger and Grace Jarvis having been proved Guilty of Fornication - to the rest of the several Article’s we reply.   Nothing Presentable.  James Carrington, Curate: Perpet:  Tho. Fowle, Rich. Chittenden Church. Warden’s

May 1821

April 1822. Ref A2185.   Churchwarden’s Accounts.   Parish of St. Anne, Soho.  File - The Account of Thomas Sheldon Chittenden.

1899 Sep 30th

P84/tri2/50.   Holy Trinity, Brompton Road, Kensington & Chelsea:  Benefice.   Sequestration.   File - Appointment of T. Hillier Chittenden and Fredrick Barr, church wardens, as sequestrators.

Revd E. Chittenden. Ordained Deacon 19154. Priest 1917.  In 1934 he was   Curate-in-Charge of St. Mary’s Buxton, diocese of Derby, having held that post since 1931.


Crockfords:  Edwin Chittenden, Litchfield Theological College 1912. Deacon 1915.  Priested 1917 Lichfield  Cathedral.  Curate St. Chad, Burton-on-Trent 1915-20: St. Luke, Bromley 1920-22: Tydd St Giles 1922-23:  Littleport 1924-31:  Buxton (in charge of St. Mary’s) 1931-43: Rector of Litlington with West Dean, diocese of Chichester from 1943.  By 1963 edition he had retired (1959) and was living in Eastbourne.

Ernest Read Chittenden, University College Durham  L. TH. 1935, B.A. 1936, M.A. 1939 St. Augustine’s  Theological College Canterbury 1932.  Deacon 1936.  Priest 1937 Southwark Cathedral.  Curate St George’s Camberwell 1936-8: Maryborough 1938-40: Rector Killarney, queensland 1940-2: Brisbane Va. 1942-45: St James, Kyogle 1945-48: Gympie, Diocese Brisbane from 1948.   By 1963 edition he had been  in Toowoomba 1954-63: Examining Chaplain to Archbishop of Brisbane 1951:  Honorary Canon of  Brisbane 1954-63: Editor Brisbane Church Chronicle from 1954:  Rector of St Matthews, Holland Park, City & Diocese Brisbane from 1963.   Archdeacon of Moreton from 1963.

Reginald Henry Sedgewick Chittenden, Bishops’ College, Cheshunt. 1946. Deacon. 1949 Priest 1950 Coventry Cathedral. Curate of Westwood Diocese, Coventry from 1949.  By 1963 edition - Vicar of Eastern Green  1954-8; Rector of Upton with Skilgate 1958-61:  Vicar Countisbury with Lynmouth Diocese of Exeter from 1961.

Also in 1963 edition:

John Bertam Dencer Chittenden. London College of Divinity. 1956. Deacon 1958. Priest 1959 Southwark Cathedral. Curate of St. Mary, Lambeth from 1958.

Roy Norman Chittenden. St. Chad’s College, Durham B.A. 1953.  Deacon 1954.  Priest 1955 Exeter Cathedral.  Curate St. Thomas, North Keyham 1954-57: Missionary Diocese of Nyasa 1957-9: Curate of Ashburton Diocese Exeter 1959-61: permission to officiate Diocese Rochester from 1961.  Living at 19 Cleave Road, Gillingham, Kent - which implies he retired in  1961








William Chittenden



William Chittenden



Stephen Chittenden



John Chittenden



John Chittenden



Edward  Chittenden



Stephen Chittenden

Arthur De Boun Chittenden, employed at Shippams Ltd, East Street, Chichester, West Sussex, UK. Contact:-  Douglas Callen c/o Personnel Department (enquiry failed)   Arthur is buried in Tangemere Churchyard,, near to Boxgrove, where his wife Betty still lives.   Arthur’s family came over with the Normans in 1066, hence the De Boun in his name.   One of Arthur’s brothers was a senior C of E Cleric who wrote a book about Chittendens which was published by Arthur James of the Book Guild in the UK.

Yalding, Kent

prtium 5s.   Excriptus fuit per me Richard Beeston in artibus magistru et Vicariu ecclesiae de Yaldinge  et inceptus Vltimo die mensis Januari j Anno salutis nostrae 1599 et regni Elizabethae quadragesimo secundo Ezechiel Flete et Edwardus Chittenden gardiani erant hoc tempore et Anno Richard Beeston, Vicar ibiden et recessi pro exscriptione p- manus dictoru gardianorum Viginti sex solidos et octo denarios legalis monetae Angliae secundem ordinem Comisarij Roffensis.   The Register of the Church of Yalding from the Feast of St Bartholomewe Thapostle in ye yeare of our Lorde /1599 God/ & in the first Yeare of our most gratious Queene Elizabeth of England Fraunce & Ireland Queen of all.  I Richard Beeston, writing in the magisterial district and parish of Yaldinge in the dawn of the last day of January 1599, in the 40th year of the reign of Elizabeth, to assist Ezekiel Flete and Edward Chittenden tem[prary (annual?) guardians.   Richard Beeston aforesaid and aftersigned orders the guardians paid 26 pounds and eight pence legal English money from the Commissary Roffensis.

At the end of the 1599/1600 baptisms it says “Thusefarre we sent in to ye Court att Rochester the tyme of Edward Chittenden & Ezechle Fleet, Ward”.  And again at the end of the 1599/1600 marriage entries “Thus farre our booked sent in to Rochr in ye tyme of Ezechill Fleet & Edward Chittenden, Wardens 1600

“I Richard Beeston, writing in the magisterial district and parish of Yaldinge in the dawn of the last day of Jan 1599, in the 40th year of the reign of Elizabeth, to assist Ezekiel Flete and Edward Chittenden temporary (annual?) guardians.   Richard Beeston aforesaid and aftersigned orders the guardians paid 26 pounds and 8 pence legal English money from the Commissary Roffensis” or “the Bank Roffensis orders Richard Beeston to pay Flete and Chittenden the 26 pounds, eight pence owed them for the year of guardianship”  ???.