Kentish Gazette

1815 Jul 25th

Page 3 col 4.               “Kent Summer Assizes: Before Lord Chief JusticeEllenborough and Sir Simon Le blanc, knight.  ‘A Calender of the Prisoners’ includes the following:  Thomas Chittenden, 22, and Samuel Hornsblow, 19, for stealing at Higham, one fat wether sheep, the property of Joseph Soloman.”  (Six people and their cases were listed) and (at end of the list it stated): “Death - reprieved”.  (and on page 4 - back page, of same newspaper):  “The Assizes for this county terminated on Friday last when 8 convicts received sentences of death but were all reprieved before the Judges left Maidstone.   A calender of the whole of the prisoners, with a concluding report of their trials, are given in the preceding pages”.

1815 Sep 1st

Back Page, under “Canterbury”.  (ie local news)  “Early on Tuesday morning last, were removed from His Majesty’s Gaol at Maidstone, under a strong guard, and put on board the ‘Retribution’ Hulk, at Sheerness for transportation, the following convicts: viz: John Walter, William Sells, James Petts, James Legg, James Iggulden, Thomas Chittenden, Samuel Hornsblow, James Williams, John Ashdown, Robert Robertson, Wm Newstead, Wm Church, Wm Johnstone and James Golding

Cinque Ports Herald

1826 Saturday Aug 26th

Page 3 col 4.   “The following convicts were on Saturday removed from the Gaol at Maidstone and put on board the  ‘Granada’ at Woolwich for transportation viz. Sophia Archer, Eliza Archer, Isabella Smith and Sarah Ludlow for life, and Elizabeth Welsh for 7 years”.

1826 Saturday Sep 30th

Page 3 col 4.  “Deptford.  The ‘Andromeda’ convict ship being complete and having received on board a guard of 30 men of the 39th Foot will go down the river tomorrow, to receive male convicts at Woolwich”.Note:  Cinque Ports Herald was published in Dover.  The papers are on film at Dover Reference Library, Maison Dieu House, Dover, UK.