
1830    January 16th     Henry Chittenden bach, of Brenchley & Sarah Downing widow @ Tonbridge Parish Church..



1836    August 30th     Henry  son of Henry & Sarah Chittenden, Brenchley, Farmer



Parish of Brenchley, Kent, in the year 1841-42. 1842  January 12th   Henry Chittenden of Brenchley   58 years. Ceremony performed by Stephen Woodgate, Vicar. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy from the register book of burials of the parish of Brenchley.  Witness my hand 10th September 1835.   George S Woodgate, Vicar


Declaration of family relationship sworn before Master of Chancery:   I, William Chittenden of Matfield Green in the parish of Pembury in the County of Kent, farmer, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:-   That Henry Chittenden, late of Matfield Green, aforesaid, farmer, was my brother, and that the said Henry Chittenden on or about the 16th day 0f January 1830 intermarried with Sarah Downing at Tonbridge in the County of Kent and is the same person as is referred to in the certificate of marriage hereunto annexed, marked with the letter A.   That there was issue of such marriage, one child only, namely a son, Henry, who was born in the month of August 1836 at Matfield Green aforesaid.   That I know and am well acquainted with the said Henry Chittenden, the son, and he is the same person as Henry, the son of Henry and Sarah Chittenden named in the paper writing hereunto annexed and marked whith the letter B..   That the said Henry Chittenden, the elder, who was never previously or subsequently married to any other person, died on or about the 8th January 1842 intestate, leaving the said Henry Chittenden the younger, him surviving, his sole heir at law according  to the custom of Kent, and that the said Henry Chittenden, the elder, above mentioned is the same person as the Henry Chittenden mentioned in the paper writing hereunto annexed, marked with the letter C.  And I make this solemn declaration conscientuosly believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions ……made and passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King  William IV.   Declared at Brenchly in the County of Kent this 13th day of September 1835 ???   Signed William Chittenden


1689   July   22nd            A true and perfect inventory taken of all goods and chattels of Daniel Chittenden, late……….of the parish of Hinxhill:   Item       His purse…….. and wearing apparel and ready money.  Item     In the kitchen on ……..and two dripping pans.   Two spits, on gridiron, one……..iron, three irons, two pairs of pot hangars, on…… pair of brandirons, one pair of bellows, the tongs and firepan and forty pounds of pewter at sixpence a pound, two warming pans, two iron pots, one……dish, …..?, two…..? one……? and seven……? and……..?and…….? one looking glass and two……? Two mortars and pestles, two……..?two…….? two tabels, one chopping block, two……?, wooden dishes and…… dishes, two wooden plates.   Item  In the parlour one…… amd tabel, three chairs and one……one…….one pair of …….. irons   Item In the closet one small barrell and……and ten bottles…… Item   In the parlor chamber one fether bed and……with all furniture thereto belonging  two……and one box and firepan and tong   Item     In the……chamber two old beds with furniture, three old……and two boxes.   Item   Wooll in the house priced at  …?   Item     In the chamber over the kitchen two old beds with furniture to them.   Item        Linnen in the house, fourteen pairs of sheets, one dozen of napkins, six pairs of  pillow……,one dozen of tabel cloths and ten towels.   Item            In the milkhouse two…… tubs with……in them, two……bottles, one……pare  of five milk coolers, a…… two milking pails, one frying pan, one churn and butter platter, and three……, one …… with buter, one old tabel, one butter and……………..Item  In the washhouse six tubbs and three……and one furnace.    Item      In the buttery six barrells and two water pails.   Item            Twelve acres of wheat at fifty shillings the acre   Item          Twelve acres of oats at twenty shillings the acre.  Six acres of barley.   Item  Two acres of ………     Item………. And Item  Six acres of oats at…   Item       Four working bullocks   Item   Six Milk cows      Item          Four fatting calves   Item     Eight ……priced at…   Item   Three… and two…Item Two… and three……   Item Hay made and to…       Item    Six hogs and thirteeen small pigs.   Item           One Wagon to……with……and……and……three ploughs and one harrow.   Item One saddle and bridle and a horse harness   Item    …… goods at…..one hand……and thirteen ewes and……and……   Item A……young bullocks.   Item   One small bullock and seven wearing bullocks at ItemOne……   Item   Two old horses and…… Item Two pairs of sheets and two blanketts and two……one iron pot, six stewpots…..  Item      One wagon, one plou, two harrows……and…… and sum lambs wool  Item            About eight……of wheet.   Item   Thongs……and forgotten  The sum is 286 - 16 - 00.   Signed by us Robert Court and Thomas - - -