


Captain Newton H. Chittenden, explorer.   Surveyed Queen Charlotte Islands circa 1884.

Shauna Foster:   Chittenden connection:  Hyrum Chittenden, b. 1865 in NSW, Australia (Parents. William and Mary).   Hyrum married Rozina E. Hill, in Utah.   They have a pack of kids, including Rosina Louisa Chittenden (She was always known as Louisa).   She moves from Utah up to southern Alberta in Canada when she is about 15 years old to work on a ranch in Cardston, Alberta.   Cardston is an area where many Mormon pioneers settled and the community is predominately Mormon today.   There she meets Wallace Foster and marries.   I believe this would be outside the LDS Church, as the Mormon connection ends there. They live in numerous places in British Columbia and Alberta.   They have four children, one who dies at birth.   One of their children Ross Wallace Foster is born in Cardston.   He is my husband’s grandfather.   I believe Louisa and Wallace parted company, had new mates, but never remarried.   Louisa died in 1952 in Dawson Creek, British Columbia.


1839.  “Chittenden William, Farm Labourer.  Brought out by Government.  Protestant.  31 years of age.  Born 29 Jul 1808.  Native Place:  Barming, Kent, UK.  Father:  John Chittenden.  Mother:  Elizabeth nee Jordan.  Wife:  Mary nee Dunster, Farm Servant.  Protestant.  22 years of age.  Born 26 Dec 1818.  Native Place:  Sion, Jersey, Channel Islands.  Father: James Dunster.  Mother:  Harriet Langford.   Family:  Henry, I year.  Mary Ann, 3 years (15 Jun).   Ship:  Cornwall.  Arr Sydney, I Sep 1839”   The family farmed at Camden, NSW. And heard the Gospel.   Elders: Eldridge and Graham converted them.   They migrated to Provo, Utah and some of them died there.   Some of the children born later in Camden, remained here as they had married out of the Church.   A William Andrews who arrived with them on the same ship, introduced William Chittenden to two missionaries in Sydney in 1953 and this is where he first heard the Gospel”.

Immigration Records  1925 – 1935.  1934 Feb 26.  Hyrum Chittenden, age 69. Eng., Coutts, Alberta.

Dominion Land Grants:  Hyrum Chittenden Jun.  Ref: 568.  Fol: 399.  Reel:  C-6389. Par: NE. Sec: 30.  TWP: 9.  Range: 24.  Meridian:  W.3.     Chittenden Hyrum.  Ref:  451.  Fol:  110.  Reel:  C-6300.  Part:  SW.  Sec:  32.  TWP: 9.  Range: 24.  Meridian:  W. 3.

Shauna Foster:  I had not found Hyrum’s entrance into Canada.   Coutts is a littler border crossing from the US in Southern Alberta.   It would appear that Hyrum was a traveling fool….his wife died in Idaho in 1930. I have found records of his death in 1948 in Silverton, Colorado.   This is most unusual….as this was a town high in the mountains (elevation over  9,000 feet).   He died there, and his body was sent to Idaho.   He had only been in town for 5 weeks.   He was also senile at his death.   I know one of his daughters came to Southern Alberta and I need to take the legal description you provided and figure out where it was.


Tom Foster:  Shauna has given me her E-mail contacts with you.   I am the grandson of Rozina Louisa Chittenden and Wallace Foster.   My father was born in 1909 in Carston, Alberta.   I believe my grandmother came to Canada with a Mormon family, however did not stay with the religion.   I saw very little of her over the years but did visit with her shortly before her death in 1952.   She had 3 children, Ross, Ada and Stephen.   Grandfather left the family when Dad was in grade 8 and was never seen again except once in Saskatchewan shortly after the war.   Not a good person from stories I have heard.   Dad (Ross) passed away on 2000 in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, at the age of 91.


(Chittenden – Family History and Posterity of Abraham Marsh Wilde and Louisa Chittenden.  Joyce Wilde.  1968.  Page 199, 929 – 273 W6 44WA.   “Abraham Marsh Wilde (born 1857) was the son of Isaac Wilde and Elizabeth Marsh of Bedford Leigh, Lancashire, England.   He married Louisa Chittenden (born 1860) of Providence, Utah.   She was born in Camden, NSW, Australia to Mary Dunster (born 1818) and William Chittenden.   Her parents were born in Lympne, Kent, UK.   Four years after their marriage they migrated to Australia and settled on farm land, near Sydney.   They were the parents of fourteen children.   Later they were baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.   Louisa’s parents and some of their children emigrated to Utah and settled near Providence”     Chittenden Mary Dunster. ‘Heroines of Mormondum’, Salt Lake City.   Juvenile Instructor Office.  1884.  Page: 96. (Noble Women’s Lives Series 2.)  LDS Books.  Area 289. 309. H. 432.