Thomas Chittenden. Governor

From Williston, Vt, in 1776, settled in the south part of the town. We have been unable to learn the exact spot where Gov. Chittenden lived, but it was, as we are told, in the vicinity of the residence of A. C. Risdon. He was a native of East Guilford, Conn. He labored on the farm of his father till the age of 18, having only the benefit of a common school education, when he went on a voyage to the West Indies. The vessel on which he embarked was captured by a French man-of war (England at that time being at war with France), and he taken prisoner and landed on the West India Islands, in a destitute situation, from which he escaped and, after enduring a great many hardships, reached his father’s farm in October 1749. About this time, he married Elizabeth Meigs, and rmoved to Salisbury, Ct which town he represented in the Legislature for the years 1765 to 1769, inclusive, and again in 1772. He was also colonel of a regiment of militia, and a justice of the peace.

Thomas Chittenden 1778 - 1789, 1790 - 1797: Governor, born in East Guilford, Conn. A Vermont farmer, he was a member of the council of state that drew up Vermont’s first request for statehood (1777) after it has declared itself an independent republic that year. When the Continental Congress rejected the request, he became governor of the republic (1778 - 1789, 1790 - 1791). After Vermont began negotiating with the British commander in Canada, the adjacent states of New York and New Hampshire settled their territorial disputes with Vermont and it was accepted as the 14th state (March 4, 1791). Chittenden served as its first governor (1791 - 1797).

Thomas Chittenden, Governor of Vermont 1778-1789 and 1791-1797. Born 6 Jan 1730, son of Ebenezer Chittenden. Married Elizabeth Meigs, Oct. 1749. Died 25 Aug 1797. Children are: Noah, Martin, Giles, Truman, Mabel, Betsy, Hannah, Beulah, Mary and Electa.


Martin Chittenden. Governor: 1813 - 1815. Federalist

Martin Chittenden was the second son of Thomas Chittenden, the illustrious field Governor of Vermont and was born in Salisbury, Connecticut 12 Mar 1769 and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1789. He died 5 Sep 1840 in his seventy-second year having been for about thirty years employed in public service. He was the 8th Governor of Vermont (1813-1815). He settled near his brother Noah, in the south part of Jericho on the Onion River. Noah Chittenden did a lot of selling and buying of land in Jericho, Chittenden County, Vermont. The 1790 Federal Census (the first taken in the US) lists the following Chittendens’ in Guilford, New Haven Count, Connecticut. (The number behind the name shows that there were that many with the first name. The 1790 census only gave the name of the head of household and the number of people in the house by category: white males over 16, white male under 16, white females, other free people, slaves.) Abraham (3), Ambrose, Amos, Anna, Anson, Bela, Benjamin, Caleb, Charles, Daniel (2), David, Edmond, Huldy, Jerad, Joseph (4), Nathaniel (4), Noah (2), Samuel (2) Seth, Solomon, Submit, Timothy. There were also three Meigs (surname of the matriarch of the Vermont Chittendens’ listed in the 1790 census: Elias, Nathaniel, Timothy. In the Commemorative Biographical Record of New Haven County, Conecticut on page 826 - Volume 2 - states: Jared Chittenden, son of William, born in 1734, married (1) Deborah Stone, of Guilford and (2) Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Samuel Dudley of Guilford. Lived in North Guilford. His children were by the first wife. In the same book on page 556 - Volume 1 - there is a bio of the Meigs family. Other books that have some information re Chittenden families include the New England Families, genealogical and Memorial (several volumes) and The History of Jericho, Vermont


New England Historic Genealogical Society NEHGS eNews Vol 4. No 32. Whole #88.  22 Nov 2002

Edited by Lynn Betlock and rod Moody <> “Ann Vinal, my matrilineal ancestor by Helen C Sheward of Oakland, California: Timothy Hatherley, London adventurer, settled in 1632 in Scituate, Plymouth Colony, where the general Court had given him large land allotments. By 1646 he divided his tract, named the Conihassett, into thirty equal shares: three he retained for himself, two he sold to his stepson Joseph Tilden, and the remaining single shares he sold to twenty-four men and one woman. I have nine ancestors among the Conihassett partners, but my favourite is shareholder Anna Vinal. Widow of Stephen Vinal with two young sons and a grown daughter, Anna took the unusual step of remaining single and making her own investment in a time and place where widows usually remarried quickly. At her death in 1664 her then-adult sons, Stephen and John Vinal, were given administration of her estate, including the Conihassett share. So Anna Vinal whose family name I have not been able to discover, and about whom few details exist, lives on today in Scituate town records as the one woman partner among twenty-six men. About the time of her Conihassett purchase, Anna’s daughter Martha married Isaac Chittenden, producing daughter Sarah who married Anthony Collomore. Her daughter Mary married Robert Stetson. Her daughter Jeminah married Daniel Damon. Her daughter Jeminah married Thomas Farrow. Her daughter Martha married James Barrell. Her daughter Martha married Elisha Hayden. Her daughter Martha married Amos Hatch Tilden. Her daughter Martha married Howard Tilden. Her daughter Helen married Clifford Callaghan. Her daughter, myself, Helen Callaghan Sheward, making me proud to say, twelth from Anna my matrilineal ancestor.



i. William Chittenden

b 1594 @ Marden, Kent, Eng

d 1660/1 @ Guilford, New Haven, CT

married Joanna Sheaffe

1633 in England

Parents: Robert & Eleanor Hatche

ii. John Chittenden

Sergeant b 1643

d Apr 1717

married Hannah Fletcher

12 Dec 1675

@ Milford. ChildrenJohn. Joseph

iii. Joseph Chittenden

b 26th Mar 1692 @ Guilford, New Haven, CT

d 11th Sep 1727 asp

married Mary Kimberly

26th Aug 1692

Children: Deborah, Patience, Joseph, Gideon, Daniel, Thankful

iiiv. Daniel Chittenden

b 3rd Feb 1697/8

d 18th May 1781

married Abigail Downs

28th Jun 1726

Child: Jarius

v. Jairus Chittenden

m Rebecca Hall 8th Nov 1770

@ New Haven, CT.




vi. Jairus Chittenden, Deacon

m Anna Dewey





vii. Flavel Chittenden

m Maria Cosgrove





viii. James B Chittenden

m Calista J Bacon





ix. Charles Alonzo Chittenden

m Ella T Barber





x. Grant Earl Chittenden

m Ellen Johnson





xi. Kenneth Alanzo Chittenden

m Dorothy Maxine Dixon





xii. Jerald “Jerry” Chittenden


of Portland,

Oregon (USA)





Vermont, Washington Co., History Gazetteer of Washington Co., 1783 - 1899

1.  First officials elected in 1788: Thomas Chittenden, Governor. James Marsh, Lieut Governor. Ira Allen, Treasurer. T Chandler, Secretary of State. Nathan Clarke, Speaker. Benjamin Baldwin, Clerk.

2.  Vermont Central Railroad Co. E. A. Chittenden, Superintendent