1872 Register- 204. Chittenden George. Age 41. England. Miner. Indian Gulch.

1874 Delinquent Tax List: Brother F. George Chittenden, agent. Personal property $885. Total Tax $26.48. Col’s cs 50 cents.

1875 Mariposa Land Patent Records Mariposa Land Patent Records:1875 Sep 10th

George Chittenden 0050S, 016)E, 025, 5707. 1881 Jul 20th George Chittenden 0050S, 0160E, 024, 025, 1037. 1876 May 20th George Chrittenden married to Mrs Alvina C. Vancampen. Mariposa Gazette on Bear Creek 1876 May 11th by S. W. Carr, Esq. Mines Road site - Commercial venture - names listed include:- 1851 Chittenden Judson H, death notice 11277. 1851 Chittenden Judson H, Mortality Report 11278. 1858 Chittenden Mary Ann, death notice 49799. 1861 Chittenden J. A. employment 16870. 1880 Chittenden I Church 16869. 1880 Chittenden John Church 16871.


1878 Delinquent Tax List - Mariposa County

Chittenden, George, south half of northeast quarter, north half of southeast quarter of section 25, township 5, south range, 16 east; also possession, interest and claim to south half of section 36, township 5, south range, 16 east, containing 480 acres, valued at $612, improvements thereon $100; also quartz mine called the Amelia mine situated on the southwest quarter of section 13, township 5, south range, 16 east, valued at $100; also an extension on the west side of said Amelia mine adjoining it, 1,500 feet in length, valued at $100, personal property valued at $565, total value of all property $1,077, total tax $33.35, collector’s costs $2.