James Chittenden

Came to North Springfield from Connecticut, cleared land for Daniel Griswold and built a log house in which he lived until 1790. He served in the Revolution and died 12th Apr 1839, aged 80.


History of Hartford

Mills for carding wool and dressing cloth were among the earliest wants of a people whose clothing was almost wholly of domestic manufacture. The first carding machines were introduced into this country about the year 1800. Fulling and cloth-dressing machines have been in use in this town since 1775. Before the introduction of carding machines wool was carded by hand, indeed most of the cloth, woolen and linen, used in families was made at home. The price for a week’s work spinning was four shilling (sixty-six and two-thirds cents) with board. When Gov. Chittenden kept an inn in Charlotte, Vt., a gentleman who called to see him afterwards related the following fact concerning his visit: “After the Governor’s wife had with her own hands prepared supper and cleared up things, she took her position by the kitchen fire and carded wool till a late hour, while the Governor was in the bar-room alternately transacting official business and waiting on customers at the bar.”


“A wonderful change has taken place in the industrial habits and customs of the people during the past sixty years, especially among the farming population. In the olden days while the men worked from early morn till late at night, the women delved, both in and out of doors: indoors they were busy at their wheels or looms, dipping their own candles making their own clothing, as well as that for the rest of the family - they generally had a large number of children - making their own carpets, and in doing all manner of other household work: out of doors they assisted their husbands in doing various kinds of farm work. They were adepts in handling horses, rode much on horseback, and transacted much business that would now be considered unbecoming for the gentler sex to engage in. Mrs. Gov. Chittenden, on one occasion at least, rode on horseback to a carding machine, taking a load of wool on her horse behind, from Williston to Hinesburg: had her wool carded, and returned home with her rolls the same night.”


“Voted. That Nathan Clark, Esq., Mr. Ebenezer Hoisington, Capt. John Burnham, Mr. Jacob Burton, and Col. Thomas Chittenden, be a committee to prepare a draught for a declaration for a new and separate State, and report to this Convention as soon as may be possible.”

Guilford, CT Library:- “The Nathan Bradley house, built ca. 1665, is standing at 72 State St, Guilford,CT. The records say it was sold in 1667 to John Chittenden. About that time land in East Guilford (now Madison) opened for settlement and an allotment was made to a Nathan Bradley. According to Bernard Christian Steiner’s History of Guilford and Madison (originally published as the History of the Plantation of Menunkatuck, Nathan Bradley was a great hunter and explorer. In 1712 he traced the Hammonasett River to its source. Regarding the gravestones: burials were on the Green until 1820. No Bradley stones seem to have survived. Nona Bloomer, Historical Room Librarian”.