Alice B. Chittenden (1859-1944)

Alice B. Chittenden should be called the “Grand Dame” of the Nineteenth Century San Francisco women artists. From the time she began to paint until the end, Chittenden commanded high commendations. Born in New York, she came to the city as a child. Supported by the affluence of a father who was a prosperous miner, and a mother who agreed with her pursuit of art as a career. Chittenden flourished. She was one of two women who broke the all-male monopoly of art exhibitors at the Bohemian Club in 1898. Her gold and silver medals were numerous. She was a member of the early group of San Francisco Women Artists. Her service as an insructor at the School of Design from 1897 to 1940 earned her a life membership in the San Francisco Society of Artists. Alice Chittenden’s subjects were mainly flowers, but she also was a outstanding portrait. Her large flower portrayals, stunning in color and compelling in grandeur, invariably captured praise from the most particular art critic or jaded gallery visitor. She became friends with Alice Eastwood, the Curator of Botany, at the California Academy of Sciences. They went on walks together gathering botanical specimens, which Chittenden turned into slides that still can be seen today in the Academy archives. Her paintings of flowers hang in the office of the Curator of Botany, Academy of Sciences, and in the Russell Library of the Strybing Arboretum. Chittenden became a famous portrait painter of many California celebrities. Her painting of Alice Eastwood today presides over the office of the Curator of Botany at the Academy of Sciences. At the Midwinter Fair Alice Chittenden showed works entitled ‘Roses and Chrysanthemums.’ Father: Joseph S. Chittenden. Mother: Ann Marian Green from Rennsselaer Co. Alice married Charles P. Overton in 1887.


Alpheus William Chittenden

The Book of Detroiters:- Chittenden Alpheus William, architect, born Detroit 24th Feb 1869: son of William Jared and Irene (Williams) Chittenden, educated in Detroit High School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Hochschule, Charlottenburg, Germany: unmarried. Began practice in Detroit, 1898, continuing alone until 1903, since which time he has been member of firm of Chittenden & Kotting. Designed Detroit Boat Club building, Detroit Stove Works, Ford residence, etc: makes speciality of private residences. Member American Institute of Architects (secretary Michigan Chapter). Architectural League of America. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Country, Detroit Athletic, University. Office: 1325 Penobscot Bldg. Residence: 134 W. Fort St.


Chittenden William J

Born Adams, N.Y., 28th Apr 1835, son of Thomas C and Nancy (Benton) Chittenden: educated at institute, Watertown, N.Y. Married at Detroit, 18th Jan 1866, Irence Williams. Came to Detroit 1853, acted as clerk in dry goods store for 3 years, and later was connected with the post office: was office man at Russell House, 1858 - 64: associated with C. S. Witbeck under style of Witbeck & Chittenden, proprietors and managers of the hotel until death of Mr Witbeck, 1882, when became sole proprietor, the house being famous as one of the leading hotels in the country, President Wire Cloth Co., Michigan Wire and Iron Works, Director First National Bank: President Hargreaves Manufacturing Co, Member Masonic order (32), Knights Templar, Shrine. Clubs: Detroit, Fellowcraft, Audubon, Old Club. Office: 1325 Penobscot Bldg, Residence: 134 Fort St, W.


Chittenden William Jaret, Jr

Born at Detroit 21st Mar 1874, son of William Jarred and Irence (Williams) Chittenden: educated in public schools of Detroit and at St. Paul’s School, Concord, N.H. Married at New York City, 16th Oct 1902, May Stevens. Began active career in employ of First National Bank, advancing to office of assistant paying teller: resigned from bank, 1895, to fill position in office force of the Russell House: upon organization of The Pontchartrain Hotel Co., became director and has been one of the managers of Hotel Ponchartrain since its opening, 29th Oct 1907. Member Michigan State Naval Brigade, Episcopalion, Member Detroit Board of Commerce, B.P.O.E. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Boat, Country. Office: Hotel Pontchartain. Residence: 134 W. Fort St.


Arthur S. Chittenden

Born in Binghamton, 27th Jun 1872, son of Joseph and Helen (De Ette) Chittenden, a physician of Binghamton. He received his education on the grade schools of this city, attended Yale University and John Hopkins University in Baltimore. He came to Binghamton and was associated with City Hospital and State Hospital for the Insane. He was a member of the Broome County Medical Society, Binghamton Country Club and Masons. He married, first in New York City, in 1904, to Anna Preston Beebee and had a son Joseph. He married second, 27th Jul 1910, Winifred Browning Carrier, daughter of Montague and Delphine Browning and had two daughters, Constance and Janet. Broome County:  Joseph H. Chittenden, married at the home of the Bride’s father, 26th Oct 1865, by Rev. Charles Keyser, to De Etts Smith, daughter of L. B. Smith, botp.

W. Gus Chittenden married, 13th Oct 1870, at the ME Church in LeRaysville, PA., by Rev. s. E. Walworth, to Josie M. Purdy, both of Binghamton

Love L. Chittenden, widow, of Moore Chittenden died this city 21st Jan 1871, at the home of her niece, Mrs H. F. Lee, age 76, formerly of Salisbury, Conn., where she will be buried


Asahel Chittenden: Columbus Records

Asahel Chittenden, County Commissioner, Franklin Co, Ohio in 1830’s-1840’s. Wife Harriet H.


Bethuel Chittenden

Life of Philander Chase, by Laura Chase Smith, granddaughter. Dutton Press, 1903.

“At this early period (1793-94) there were two clergymen of the Church (Episcopal) who at rare intervals visited Bethel and Cornish……. Another clergyman was the Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, brother of the Governor of Vermont at that time. Hearing that there were a few clergyman in Bethel, Vermont, and in Cornish, New Hampshire, he came over the Green Mountains to visit these few scattered members of the fold. It was no easy journey to cross the Green Mountain then; the distance was not great from Rutland, in Vermont, to Bethel, but the dark mountain track was all the way literally a howling wilderness, inhabited in its bleak and lonely fastnessess only by bears and wolves. At this time young Philander taught school in Bethel, when it was possible to leave his studies at Dartmouth (Hanover, New Hampshire)………. The arrival of the Rev. Bethuel Chittenden at either place was a Godsend to these earnest people, for all knew “he was well-ordained minister of Christ” This fact seems to have been considered to be most important by these seekers after truth…….. “This unknown servant of God was almost like St. John in the Wilderness, clothed in sheep-skin ‘smalls’ glazed by hard and frequent use, and a threadbare blue coat, yet this person was clean and his manners gentle, savoring of true piety mingled with good sense and enlivening remarks.” Mr Chittenden had been ordained by Bishop Seabury, the first Bishop of the Church in America, and had been sent to the wilds of Vermont. Bishop Chase says in a letter to Bishop Hopkins almost fifty years after. It was from this man that I received my first communion, and well do I remember with what solemnity he consecrated the elements of bread and wine…….. “the poverty and humble clothing of this Ambassador of Christ in no way derogated from the authority he had received……”

“In 1971, young Philander Chase, the fifteenth and last child of Deacon Dudley Chase (one of the first settlers who came in 1765) was a student in Dartmouth College. An English Book of Common Prayer fell into his hands and, unlike many youths, he read it and re-read it with great interest. The same year, the young student decided to abandon the Congregational faith and became a member of the Episcopal Church. He interested his family, other relatives and friends so that a small group met on 16th Dec 1793 and drew up a document associating themselves as members of an Episcopal parish. They chose Rev. John Cozens Ogden as their first rector. He, by the way, with Bethuel Chittenden, brother of Vermont’s famous governor, had occasionally addressed this group and schooled them in Episcopal ritual.” Sylvester Sumner Chase 7, Merrick 6, Chase (Benjamin 5, David 4, Benoni 3, Ens. Moses 2, Aquila 1. Born 3rd Sept 1835: m. 15th Apr 1858, Maria Elizabeth Bray Seaver of Boston. She died 12th Jul 1864: m. (2) Sophia Eddy Chittenden. Catkin Hervey Chittenden (1828-1913) born N.Y. Rep for N.Y. 7th District 1869-71 Int: Woodlawn, Cem.


C. Chittenden. Captain: California, San Francisco

A silver pitcher engraved ‘Presented to Capt. C Chittenden 1868-1893 by the Cordelia Shooting Club’. It was found on a beach in Sausalito, Marin Co, CA apparently around the early 1900’s.Note:”A book that speaks of the history of duck hunting clubs in the Suisun Marsh in the central California region and Captain Chittenden is mentioned. He apparently lived in San Francisco and had a sailing/racing yacht that he donated for a temporary club house for the Cordelia Hunting Club during hunting season, which was not racing season. The affluent of San Francisco would pay $5 for a weekend in the Delta for duck hunting privileges. Chittenden was also a “sheriff/warden” to keep out poachers during duck season. Unfortunately, there is no mention of wife or family, or the occasion on which he was presented this beautiful silver pitcher. It was presented not many years after the close of the Civil War, when I suspect he was an older man by then. The pitcher was found on a beach in Sausalito, just across the Golden Gate from San Francisco in about 1910-1915.


Cecil Glen Chittenden

From “Who’s Who in Washington State”. Arthur H. Allen, Seattle. 1927. Cecil Glen Chittenden, undertaker, owner C. G. Chittenden Co., 201 Second Ave. S. Kent, near Seattle, born Decatur, Ill., 28th Jul 1879: s. Andrew H and Mary (Fix) Chittenden: m. Gertrude Baldwin of Marshall, Minn., 16th Jun 1904: three children: Robert A, Edgar A, Glenn H: came to Washington Oct 1906: two terms Kent city council. Lodges: Mason, IOOF, Eagles. Club: Kent Commercial: Republican: Methodist: rec, hunting, fishing, golf: res. 207 Second Ave. S.



This two storey brick house was constructed in 1857 by Chittenden P. Lyon, son of the Hon. Chittenden Lyon of Eddyville, Kentucky, who was Congressman from Kentucky 1825-1837, Lyon County was named in his honour. The Hon. Chittenden Lyon was grandson on his mother’s side of Thomas Chittenden, first Governor of Vermont, and he was the son of Colonel Matthew Lyon, one of the famous “Green Mountain Boys”, who on 10th May 1775, stormed the mighty fort of Ticonderoga, taking the important bastion from the British in the first offensive battle of the Revolution, and the same Matthew Lyon who was Congressman from Vermont 1797-1801. In 1801, Colonel Matthew Lyon moved his family, along with seventy (70) craftsmen and artisans from Fair Haven, Vermont, to Kentucky, locating and founding the town of Eddyville on the Cumberland, and becoming Congressman from Kentucky in 1803-1811. The Hon Chittenden Lyon died 23rd Oct 1842, and is buried in the original old Eddyville graveyard, situated high on a hill overlooking Lake Barkley. A graceful stone obelisk marks his grave. After the estate was settled, three of his sons moved to Madisonville. They were: Chittenden P. Lyon, who married Nannie M Collins, daughter of Orville Collins Sr., prominent citizen and property owner of Madisonville. Matthew S. Lyon, who married Sarah Rebecca Frost, daughter of John B. Frost, landowner with extensive acreage in Hopkins County on the waters of Pond River and Elk Creek. Frostburg Road is named in his honour. These two boys, Chittenden P and Matthew S., were the first cousins of General Hylan Benton Lyon, who in December, 1864, with 800 men, captured from the Union forces and burned, seven Kentucky Courthouses in 23 days, including the original Courthouses at Madisonville, as the bronze marker erected in the West lawn of Hopkins County Courthouse by the Kentucky Historical Society attests. However, General Lyons ordered all records removed from the Courthouse, and stored, before putting a match to it. Another son, Thompson A. Lyon, a son of Hon.Chittenden Lyon by his second wife and therefore a half brother to the two Lyon boys named above, also came to Madisonville, and married Julia Frost, another daughter of John B. Frost, and considered the fairest of the beautiful sisters. About 1847, these (three) Lyon brothers commenced trading and transacting business in Madisonville, in the firm name of M. S. Lyon and Bros., trading in real estate, and also as general dry goods merchant… By the year 1857m, Chittenden P. Lyon was well established as a dry goods merchant, a dealer in real estate, and as a money lender. It was this year he built the brick house, substantially completing it before the year ended. Chittenden P. Lyon, his wife Nannie Collins Lyon, and their children, E.J. , Mary, Matthew, Dilliard, and Ellen, (called “Nellie”), thoroughly enjoyed their new home, although the Civil War caused many hardships during the latter years. Chittenden P. Lyon sickened and died 17th Apr 1863, only 34 years of age, leaving his wife and four children. Chittenden P. Lyon was buried in the original part of Grapevine Cemetery, Madisonville, Kentucky, within prayer distance of the quaint old Christian Church. His stone is a skilfully executed obelisk, similar to his Father’s in design. The gravestone of his father-in-law, Orville Collins, Sr., is located on an adjacent grave. (It is noteworthy here to remember that Chittenden P. Lyon died one year and eight months before his first cousin, General Hylan Lyon, burned the Courthouse in Madisonville during a raid in the Civil War.)… On 6th Sep 1879, Nannie Collins sold the “brick house property” to Professor Hanson Boring, who had married her sister, Mattie Collins. Professor Boring Held private school in two of the rooms on the back side, one upstairs, and one down, while his wife taught music in the South front room.

Chittenden Lyon - Nannie M. Collins (2) Chittenden Lyon (3) + Matthew Lyon - Beulah Chittenden (4) + T. Chittenden Gov. + Elizabeth Meigs.


Charles Curtis Chittenden: Wisconsin Men of Progress

Chittenden, Charles Curtis, D.D.S., a resident of Madison, is the son of Nelson Chittenden, who was born in Chittenden County, Vermont, and was a direct descendent of William Chittenden, who came from England and settled in Guilford, Connecticut, in 1639. About 1830 Nelson Chittenden moved to western New York, studied dentistry in Rochester, and settled in Nunda, Livingston County, to practice his profession. There he married in 1834, Sophie Barton Fuller, daughter of Joshua Fuller, and there Charles was born 10th May 1842, the only son among (p.480). Charles Curtis Chittenden, seven children. In June 1858, the family removed to Madison, Wisconsin, where Dr. Nelson Chittenden established a dental practice, in which he continued until his death in 1873. Charles attended the public schools and the state university until the breaking out of the rebellion in 1861, when he joined one of the first recruiting parties in Wisconsin, following President Lincoln’s call for 75,000 volunteers. This party was headed by Lucius Fairchild, afterward general and governor, and was composed of five members of a military company in Madison, called the Governor’s Guard, which had offered its services to Governor Randall on the day of Lincoln’s call. The party started on the next morning’s train for Mazomanie, twenty-five miles west of Madison, and the same evening returned with enough men to fill the company’s roll to the limit of one hundred men. Young Chittenden did not go with this company, but enlisted the following September as principal musician of the Eleventh regiment, Wisconsin volunteer infantry, under command of Col. C. L. Harris, and served in the southwest until discharged, much broken in health, November 1862. He participated in many engagements in the campaign of 1862, in Missouri and Arkansas, under General Steele. After spending a year in New York and the east, in preparatory study, he returned to Madison and regularly entered the practice of dentistry in partnership with his father. After a preliminary course in medicine at the Miami Medical College, in Cincinnati, he received the degree of D. D. S, without issue. He has never remarried. He was on of the prime movers in the organizing of dentists in Wisconsin into a state society, in 1870, and was elected the first secretary of that organization, which position he held until he was promoted to the presidency. In 1895 he was again honoured by being re-elected president in celebration of the silver anniversary of the society’s existence. In 1871 he was sent as delegate to the American Dental association, in which organization he has retained active membership ever since, being connected with the education section of that body. He is one of less than two score of the early members of this national association still in active membership. In 1885 the legislature of Wisconsin, at the urgent demand of the Sate Dental Society, enacted a law to regulate the practice of dentistry in the state, and establish a State Board of Dental Examiners. Dr. Chittenden was appointed to membership of that board by Gov. Rusk for five years, and has twice been reappointed for a like period, by Governors Hoard and Upham. His present term of such office will expire in May, 1900. At the first meeting of this board for organization in 1885, Dr. Chittenden was elected President, and has regularly been elected annually to that position up to the present time. In whatever position he has been placed he has had the esteem and confidence of his professional brethren and companions. He has, for many years, belonged to the G. (p.481) A. R., and is a member of the Lucius Fairchild Post , No 11, Madison. In politics he has always been a Democrat, but, with 50,000 other Wisconsin Democrats. Voted for McKinley and sound money. He served two years as alderman of his ward in the city council and was prominent in expelling a gang of boodlers from the council and city’s employment. As a pastime and recreation from professional duties and studies, he has devoted much of his energy to music and its higher development. For over thirty years he was organist of Grace church, Madison, all of which service was rendered without compensation. He is a member and vestryman of the Episcopal church, he has always enjoyed a lucrative practice, striving always for the highest and best achievement in his chosen profession, and at fifty-five is at the height of his activity and usefulness, and commanding and enjoying the fullest confidence and respect of the whole community in which he has lived for over forty years. He has been a Knight Templar for over thirty-three years.


Ebenezer Chittenden

2nd, great-great-grandson of Lt. William Chittenden, was born 11th Sept 1726, in East Guilford, whither his father had removed. His mother was a sister of Dr. Samuel Johnson of Stratford. He settled in New Haven. Possessing great mechanical genius, he invented, among other curious machines, one for bending and cutting card teeth in a single movement. It is said some unscrupulous person obtained knowledge of this invention and patented it in England as his own. Eli Whitney had an exalted opinion of Mr. Chittenden’s skill and judgement as a mechanic. He died 11th May 1812. (p. 493).

Thomas Chittenden, brother of the last mentioned, was born in East Guilford 6th Jan 1730. On 4th Oct 1749, he married Elizabeth Meigs and soon after moved to Salisbury. There he resided, cultivating a farm, until 1774, he showed such ability that, though only possessing a common school education, he was sent to the Colonial Legislature from 1766 to 1769, and in 1772 he was made Colonel of Militia and Justice of the Peace. In 1774 he settled in Vermont, at Williston on the Onion River.


Eric Chittenden

”Propelling his passion” By Erica Jacobson. Source = The_Burlington_Free_Press: Date = 09.02.2001: Section = Living, Page 01. At 58 a man returns to his nautical journey as a merchant mariner. WATERBURY CENTER Eric Chittenden roamed through his new home overlooking the Waterbury Reservoir. Carpenters had finished their work only a week before, but the decor already captured chapters of its owner’s life. Each piece a towering mirror that waited for a ceiling tall enough to accommodate it or a door that was found leaning against a barn has a story. Stately, high backed chairs sit next to a massive stone fireplace and look straight out of a medieval banquet. Chittenden saved them from a restaurant he ran for eight years in Waterbury Center. Stained glass signs from the town’s Cold Hollow Cider Mill hang in the living room. He sold that business last year as well a another he owned that made natural leather preservative for such outdoors companies as L. L. Bean and Eastern Mountain Sports. But friends such as Wesley Eldred with his adventures. “It’s a combination of being sort of awe-struck and envious,” Eldred said, “and at the same time, perfectly happy that it’s him rather than me.” He returned to the water in 1963 and worked on a series of Great Lakes ships. Gambling got him fired from a passenger ferry on the Detroit River, and his departure from the John Kling, an iron ore freighter, was no less intriguing. Chittenden has passed out across a set of railroad tracks after a night of drinking in Ashtabula, Ohio. He came to with a locomotive just feet away from his body. The engineers, who had shaken him awake, gave him a ride back to his ship where he got his last paycheck and was fired. He signed onto another ship easily enough a few days later, but the episode made him take his career more seriously. “I started cleaning up my act quickly,” he said. “I got myself in gear. I knew right away that this was my first time away from home, and I could see the opportunities.”. A year at the job. By the end of 1963, Chittenden had finalized plans to fly to Karachi, Pakistan, to join up with the research ship ‘Anton Bruun’. “This was a first,” he said, “being flown halfway around the world to catch a ship.” Formerly the presidential yacht ‘USS Williamsburg’, was now run by the National Science Foundation. Chittenden worked for 13 months with scientists who measured the Indian Ocean for such things as the temperature, salinity and oxygen content. He became the ship’s photographer. “That was an outstanding year,” he said. He watched Pakistani workmen spend several days hand-carving a bronze key to replace the lost one to the galley’s refrigerator. The boat searched for coelacanth, prehistoric fish once thought to be extinct, north of Madagascar. They didn’t find any, but their fish hooks brought plenty of other interesting sea life to the surface. “We did catch these green-eyed sharks,” Chittenden said. “That gave me a real appreciation for what is below the surface.” He and others from the ‘Anton Bruun’ drank schnapps on a Russian research ship one night during the height of the cold war, and later Chittenden beat the governor of the Seychelles island of Mahe in a poker game. “I won an island,” he said. “I won just enough money, and said I have this island.” “It was an island off Guano. All that was on it was guano”. The voyage encouraged Chittenden to move onto larger ships. Eventually, during the Vietnam War when there was a demand for ships to bring supplies to the war-torn country, he took, and passed a 90-day course to become a Coast Guard-certified licensed officer in the United States Merchant Marine. Journeys of that era took Chittenden into situations where mortar shells and missing ship mates some later determined dead came with the territory. “We went past Saigon….and we dropped the anchor, and the instant the anchor dropped….the ship got circled by mortar fire, “Chittenden said. “They didn’t want to destroy the ship. They were sending the message that they wanted the cargo.” In 1973, the 30-year-old bought 326-acre dairy farm in Bakersfield and married fellow Vermonter Francine Beliveau on their third date. A leaky barn roof left Chittenden milking cows in a yellow rain slicker, and an ensuing flood made him sell more than half his herd after a week. During the next few months, Chittenden toyed with several business ideas from maple sugaring to planting Canadian wheat. He settled on running a cider mill from his property by the middle of 1974, and money from going the basement showcases Chittenden’s true passion his 40-year love affair with the sea. A massive galley stove from a Boston whaler squats like a cast-iron Budda in a recreation room. A bronze propeller sits in a nearby utility room just outside of what will become Chittenden’s wine cellar. “When I was doing the basement”, he said, “I pictured the ships I worked on”. Chittenden spent three decades at sea, each year working anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. He started as an officer’s mess boy on a banana boat and worked his way to first officer in the U.S. Merchant Marine before putting his career on hold in 1992 to tend to the cider mill. “I just couldn’t take off for a couple months at a time”, he said. Two years ago, Chittenden decided to return to the sea to work toward capturing that captain’s chair. “It’s an exciting job” he said, “being in command of man’s largest toys. It’s the awesomeness of the largest things on earth water”. So, in a few days, 58-year-old Chittenden will sign onto a ship headed to Asia or maybe the Caribbean or even the Mediterranean Sea. “I’ve got this gypsy” Chittenden said, “and I’ve got to uncocrk the bottle and let it out”. Looking to leave Vermont: Chittenden grew up on a South Burlington dairy farm and was driving tractor loads of hay down Williston Road before he was 10. Even then, larger farms swallowed smaller ones, and he knew his future lay outside farming. “I was the wild man, no question about it” Chittenden said of his early desires to leave Vermont. “I was the wild man who loved being out in the world”. He drove across the country in 1961 and ended up in San Francisco unloading 70-plus-pound bundles of bananas from the Swedish freighter ‘Brita Thorden’. Early the next year, Chittenden, then 20, signed onto the ship to work as an officer’s mess boy. “As long as you had a passport, you could sign onto any ship” Chittenden said. “To be paid to go, even though it wasn’t a lot of money, wow”. His earnings were $69 a month, but sailing to ports in Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Honduras was payoff enough for Chittenden who had taken Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” to heart. Chittenden quickly worked his way onto the deck crew where he organized hundreds of cables for the cargo booms. Routine maintenance included scrambling 70 to 80 feet above the water to scrape and paint masts. “It was like you were on top of the world,” he said. “Just looking out and feeling that wonderful breeze blowing over my body.” Chittenden spent three months on the ‘Brita Thorden’ before returning to Vermont for a break and regaling to sea for up to six months each year kept the cider mill going it is infancy. “Every year for years, I had to go to sea to finance the cider mill.” he said. “Shipping was kind of my sugar daddy.” The couple exchanged letters and the occasional phone call during Chittenden’s stints at sea. When he returned, he brought back more stories. “Sometimes when you’re here,” Francine said of staying in Vermont, “You forget the world is out there. It was always a reminder that this was just a little piece of the big picture.” As his family grew to include two daughters and a son and the cider mill became a reliable source of income, his schedule at sea started to shrink. “He did start cutting back because it was bothering him to come home and not have the children recognize him,” Francine said. “That was a real mind blower for him.” Less time at sea meant giving up retirement benefits and a rising career. By 1992, Chittenden’s future looked landlocked. “It was just a natural transition I felt I had to make and it was quite a sacrifice,” he said. “It wasn’t any better or any worse it was just a different course.” Sea calls him back. Throughout the nine years he didn’t go to sea, Chittenden kept his first officer’s license current. He didn’t want to completely rule out a return to working on the water, but he didn’t have any immediate plans. Yet, as Chittenden picked up subsequent copies of a newsletter for members of a shipping organization, he recognized more and more names and faces in the retirement column. He also knew a growing number of people on the obituary page. His dream of one day commanding his own ship begged the question if not now, when?. Unlike when Chittenden first started, shipping companies now look for potential employees to have more credentials than just a passport. He began training more than two years ago and has fought fires, studied anti-terrorist tactics and shot small arms all in the course of earning certificates to meet standards and increase his marketability. To command a ship, Chittenden needs three more months of time at sea. His plan is to earn time this year by working in blocks of a month to six weeks. He’s flexible, willing to ship out from most any port and go to almost any destination with some preference for warmer climates. As an officer, he’s traded shimmying up the mast for a paint job for equipment checks and running a safe vessel. “The first thing you have to do is not hit another ship,” he said, “and, second, get where you’re going.” Eventually, Francine may join him for her first voyage if the shipping lines, and her stomach, allow it. “I tend to suffer a little bit from seasickness,” she said, “so I wouldn’t necessarily be the best traveling companion. I wouldn’t mind doing it. It would be an adventure. It would be fun.” Call it a return or a rebirth, but Chittenden can’t wait to find out where he’s headed. “It’s funny about you spirit,” he said, “In the end it doesn’t change you are who you are. It’s just what you do with it.”. Merchant Marine History. The US Merchant Marine is made up of commercial ships, cargo and passenger, flying the country’s flag as well as the men and women who work on those vessels. It is not a part of the armed forces, but merchant mariners work on ships that carry war material. Although America had its own ships for more than 180 years by the early 1800s, the US Merchant Marine routinely lost seamen to British raiders during the War of 1812. “They were stopping our ships and kidnapping sailors,” said Frank Braynard, curator emeritus at the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y., and author of 37 books about the sea and ships. That’s just one chapter in the U.S. Merchant Marine’s history, which Braynard describes as a “maddening situation of ignorance and disinterest on the part of the American public. “It has a very sad sort of difficult existence, even from the beginning.” In World War 11, only the U.S. Merchant Marines and a lawsuit granted merchant mariners who aided in the war effort the right to apply for veteran status and receive benefits. The U.S. Coast Guard regulates mariner’s documents and licenses for everyone on a ship from food handlers to the captain. Today, there are about 22.000 U.S. citizens working in ocean-going jobs. The Burlington Free Press. 


Frank Hurlbert Chittenden: Entomologist

b. 3rd Nov 1858 Cleveland, Ohio, c/o S. King & Harriet M. Chittenden. Educated, Cleveland schools, Cornell University, Degree D. Sc. (Western Univ of Pennsylvania, honorary, 1904). With U.S. Dept of Agriculture since 1891. Author of book “Insects injurious to Vegetables” numerous works on entomology, published by Dept of Agr: articles in technical magazines and reference books. Fellow, American Assn for Advancement of Science. Member Entomological Society of Washington, Biological Society of Washington, American Assn of Economic Entomological Society, NY Entomological Society. 1323 Vermont Ave.. office US Dept of Agriculture.


Frederick G. Chittenden: The History of Litchfield County, page 455

“The first National Bank of New Milford originally a State Bank, the Bank of Litchfield County, with capital of $100.000. The first meeting of stockholders was held 8th Dec 1852 and Board of Directors was chosen - F Chittenden. The banking house was the small brick building on Main St. Mr Chittenden was compelled to resign 7th Apr 1853. While a State Bank and very soon after its organization, the Bank of Litchfield County sustained heavy losses on account of the misdoings of it’s President, Frederick G Chittenden…” Page 456 “The Union Library of New Milford was established in the centre of New Milford, 18th Feb 1796. Among the first proprieters, Stephen Chittenden, Jr.


Gertrude Baldwin Chittenden

From “Capitol’s Who’s Who for Washington, the State Encyclopedia” Capitol Publishing Company, Portland, OR. 1949-50. “Gertrude Baldwin Chittenden, Funeral Director, born Grandview, Minn., 12 Mar 1879: son (sic) of Bert Baldwin and Anna (Prosser) Chittenden. Educ. Minn. Schools: Hamline Univ St Paul, BA, 1900: ch. Glenn, Edgar, began teaching Minn. 1900-1903: partner with husband, funeral home Kent, Washington, 1906-1934: owner with son Edgar, 1934---: mem, Eastern Star (past Matron): Republican: Methodist (active) in church affairs); address, 201 S 2nd Avenue, Kent”.


Giles Chittenden, Colonel: 1768 - 1819

Vermont Militia also town representative to the legislature 1803.

Chittenden George: From the Historu of Columbia Co., NY. Chittenden Falls:- An excellent water-power of thirty feet head is here afforded by Kinderhook Creek, which was first improved by George Chittenden, formerly one of the proprietors of the Balance of Hudson. Mr Chittenden was a practical paper-maker, and was interested in the first mill in the county, at Stuyvesant Falls, in1801. In 1809 he put up the second mill in the county, on the west side of the falls which took his name. Here he manufactured printing, bank-note, and wrapping-paper, using machinery which was devised by him, and which, though crude, compared with the present machinery, yet produced paper of superior quality. The mill has been several times enlarged, and is at present (1878) supplied with an eighty four inch machine and seven engines. It is not longer in operation. George was the first town supervisor of the town of Stockport, NY and he belonged to St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in Stockport (one of the founding members).


Giles Chittenden: History of New Milford & Bridgewater Ct. Commemorative Edition, by Samuel Orcutt

Giles Chittenden - page 261 “Names of persons seated in the Presbyterian meeting-house by the committee for that purpose. April 1802, with their tax list:   First Rank Giles Chittenden 1.629 (tax list). Page 267, seating arrangements in meeting-house, G. Chittenden and S. Chittenden.

Stephen Chittenden - page 198. Stephen Chittenden came from Guilford into the town about 1765, and married here, probably, as a second wife, Mary “Bardsley” in that year, and was summoned before the First Church in 1773. Whether he removed or died here is not known.

Stephen Chittenden, Jr - page 199. Stephen Chittenden Jr., married here, but seems to have removed soon after 1804. Page 202. Stephen Chittenden Jr., is listed as a shoemaker on the Assessors’ list for 1793.

Frederick Chittenden - page 820 - served one year as probate judge for New Milford in 1852. Page 823, Frederick Chittenden practiced law for a time in New Milford.


Henry Abel Chittenden

Who died 22nd May 1895 at Montclair, NJ, was the youngest child of Abel and Anna Hart (Baldwin) Chittenden, and was born in Guilford, 29th Apr 1816. He went into business in New Haven, then moved to Hartford, and finally to New York City where he was in business with his brother, Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, in the wholesale dry-goods business. He lived in Brooklyn until 1858 when he moved to Montclair, NJ. He married in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1844, Henrietta Gano, who was a descendant of Francois Gerneux, a Huguenot refugee, on of the founders of New Rochelle, NY. Condensed from p. 502).


Henry T. Chittenden: Columbus, Ohio, USA

“In a way this picturesque structure is a monument to one man’s stubborness. That man, Henry T (Treat?) Chittenden, was a big operator. His big deals began in the 1870s He bought the High Street horsecar line in 1873. And that same year he acquired his first lease on the land where his three Chittenden Hotels have stood. I’ve sketched the third and only one to survive for more than a few months. The land at the northwest corner of Spring and High Streets already had historical significance. On it had stood the home of William Dennison, Ohio’s 24th governor. And in that home Abraham Lincoln had been entertained during February, 1861. A president-to-be (and governor) was to spend considerably more time on the site. In 1899 Chittenden acquired much more land and built his first hotel. Building and furnishings cost an impressive $320,000. The next year his investment went up in smoke. While the ruins were still smouldering he announced his intention to rebuild. The second Chittenden was quite grand. Six stories high, it included two theatres, the Park on High Street and the Henrietta on Spring across Wall Street from the hotel. The hotel and theatres opened in 1892. Work was proceeded on a huge auditorium located adjacent to the Henrietta. Newly elected Gov. William McKinley (later president) moved into a rich hotel suite. Then, on the night of Nov. 24, 1893, while crowds were filling the theatres, a cry of ‘fire’ was heard. Still newfangled electricity is thought to have started the blaze in the uncompleted auditorium/ Fire fighters were on the scene quickly. The theatre crowds exited in orderly fashion. The hotel across Wall Street was at first considered safe. But fierce winds sprayed fire across the narrow street. Then it was afire. The McKinleys were away from home. Other guests had time to collect their belongings and leave. But the fire was soon completely out of control. By dawn “Columbus” greatest conflagration” had utterly destroyed all four buildings “a million dollar loss”. Once more Chittenden, with a group of associates, decided to rebuild. This time he planned the grandest hotel of its day. Eight stories high, it was to be garnished with balconies, open arcades and a profusion of square, Italianate towers with pyramidal roofs. (The papers called them “Spanish Turrets”). Twice-burned-thrice-shy Chittenden demanded fireproof construction. Ninety-seven per cent of its materials are non-combustible. To dramatize the fact, Chittenden staged an ox roast on the unfinished hotel’s second floor, building a roaring fire on the concrete subfloor. It survived the test and opened to the public in 1895. Shorn of its roofs, it still stands, now the property of the Temple of Good Will Corporation”.


Hiram Chittenden, Col: From “Building Washington

A History of Washington State Public Works” Paul Dorpat & Genevieve McCoy. Tartu Publications, Seattle, 1998. “Colonel Hiram Chittenden arrived (in Seattle) in 1906 as the Corps’ (of Engineers) chief engineer for the Seattle office … Hiram Chittenden renewed the public’s faith in the full-sized (ship canal) with its large masonry lock at Ballard (in 1954 it was named for him) and wide cut at Montlake as significantly superior to Moore’s smaller timber lift. The federal government’s $2.275 million appropriation to the project eliminated any need for anxious canal boosters to again turn to private developers. Ground was broken 10th Nov 1911 … (and on) 2 Feb 1916… the first vessels to pass through the still open gates carried commuters … On 4th Jul 1917, the Lake Washington Ship Canal was dedicated. Confined by stroke to a wheelchair the partially paralyzed Chittenden watched what he could of the naval parade from the prospect of his Capitol Hill home. He died 97 days later”. From Cheryl B Pettersen: My Great Grandfather was General Hiram Martin Chittenden of the US Army Corp of Engineers (Ballard Locks are named after him). My Grandfather was Hiram Martin Chittenden Jr. My mother is Evelyn Maud Chittenden (still living) of Seattle and her brother is Hiram Lawrence Chittenden (still living) of Seattle. My Uncle was Theodore Parker Chittenden and his sons’ are Richard Chittenden (living in Ventura, California) and Theodore Chittenden (living in Port Orchard, Washington) and a daughter Jerretta Chittenden Graham (living in Edmonds, Washington.)


Hiram Martin Chittenden: The Yellowstone Story, by Aubrey L. Haines, Vol 11. Pg. 19

“Historian Hiram Chittenden appears to subscribe to the foregoing explanation of Captain Boutelle’s downfall, stating, “for causes not publicly understood he was unexpectedly relieved from duty 21 Jan 1891, and Captain George S. Anderson, 6th U.S. Cavalry, the present superintendent, was assigned in his place.” Pg. 119. “After Lieutenant Hiram Chittenden built the road connecting the Upper Geyser Basin with the lake’s outlet in 1891, the stage coaches took a new route….”. Pg. 165, “Meanwhile the crews of the Corps of engineers (Captain Chittenden’s men) had laid out formal streets and provided concrete sidewalks…. “. They are speaking here of Mamoth Hot Springs which was the site of Ft. Yellowstone, and is today the headquarters of the administration of YNP

Chittenden Hiram M. b 1859 d 1917. Army Corps of Engineers Officer. Builder of the Government Locks on the Lake Washington Ship Canal linking lakes with salt water Puget Sound. Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, Kings Co., Washington DC.


Hiram Martin Chittenden: attended West Point Military Academy. Class of 1884, cu#3023, graduated 3rd in his class. Biography published in Dictionary of American Biographies. He died 9th October 1917.


Hiram M. Chittenden

A writer, explorer, soldier and engineer, Hiram M. Chittenden helped shape history throughout the country. From serving in the Spanish-American War to documenting the fur trade industry of the “Wild West,” Chittenden engaged the world from many different angles. Here in Washington, his work on the Lake Washington Ship Canal carved him a place in local history. The locks of that canal, known as the Ballard Locks, honour his effort with it’s official name “Hiram M. Chittenden Locks.” Born in 1858 near Ithaca, N.Y. and a graduate of West Point Military Academy, Chittenden launched an engineering career as lieutenant of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. His first assignment took him to Yellowstone National Park where, armed with a few rudimentary tools and aided by only two assistants, he layed out a road from Firehole River to the West Thumb of Yellowstone River in one season. Eight years later, Chittenden succeeded in convincing Congress to designate funds for a complete road system in Yellowstone. Chittenden designed the system, which is still in use today. After working on flood control projects for the Ohio River Basin and the Sacramento River in California, the tireless engineer headed to Seattle, where he became the District Engineer with the Corps. At the turn of the century, the blossoming Emerald City faced many challenges in dealing with how to accommodate growth. During the late 1890s, for instance, logs and coal from eastern King County were transported to Seattle by train, which often required transferring the cargo more than 10 times due to insufficient railroad tracks. The lengthy process begged for improvement, and Chittenden answered the call with plans for a ship canal. His plans didn’t materialize as quickly as his idea. A proposal by well-known developer James A. Moore to build a timber lock at Fremont for less than $1. Million won the approval of Seattleites and his plans were adopted by public vote. After taking public officials on several site tours to explain his theory, Chittenden convinced them, plus Congress, that he was right. After securing $2.275 million from the federal government for the project, Chittenden prepared to move his plans for a full-sized canal with a large masonry lock at Ballard, and a wide cut at Montlake, into action. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers broke ground on the project 10th Nov 1911, and the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Locks were finished six years later.


Hiram Martin Chittenden, Jr. Evelyn Maud Chittenden of Seattle. Hiram Lawrence Chittenden of Seattle.

Theodore Parker Chittenden = his sons = Richard Chittenden, of Ventura, California, Theodore Chittenden, of Port Orchard, Washington = daughter Jerretta Chittenden Graham, of Edmonds, Washington


Hiram M. Chittenden: “The American Fur Trade of the Far West (1902: Repr., 3 vols

“American Fur Company. At the peak of its influence in the early 19th century, the American Fur Company was the wealthiest fur-trading firm in the United States. It contributed to the economic development of the West, and the MOUNTAIN MEN it employed made important contributions to western exploration. Formed in 1808 by the German immigrant John Jacob Astor (see Astor family), the company founded the trading post of Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River in 1811, and Astor’s employees developed an overland route to the Pacific. Astor was forced to sell Astoria to the North West Company of Canada during the war of 1812. He then concentrated on the Upper Mississippi River valley until the 1820s when he bought out competitors, allied himself with the Columbia Fur Company, and direct his immense resources farther west. Soon after founding Fort McKenzie among the Blackfoot Indians on the upper Missouri River, the company dominated the region and then began a bitter competition with the Rocky Mountain Fur Company farther south. Astor sold out his interest in 1834. Within a few years much of the region’s furs had been depleted. His successors operated mainly from trading posts on the Great Plains until the American Fur Company sold out to the North Fur Company in 1864”


Homer Thomas Chittenden (circa 1922)

Passed away at 4.30 pm yesterday at the home of his son, Linus H. Chittenden, 528 Seventh St. Funeral services will be held from the Goodrich parlors at 3 pm tomorrow, Rev. Murphy officiating. Interment will be in Inglewood Park Cemetery. Mr. Chittenden was born in Warsau, NY, on 16th Feb 1833, and would have been 90 years old, his next birthday. He was a grandson of Governor Chittenden, first governor of Vermont. The governor’s son was the second governor of this state.Mr. Chittenden was a blacksmith and horseshoer for 30 years, and for a long time was located at lano, Ill and made some of the first iron frames for the well known harvestor manufactured at that place. He came to San Pedro on a boat twenty years ago and with the exception of six years spent in Long Beach, and an equal number in Los Angeles, has been here since that time. He leaves to mourn… three sons, Linus H. Chittenden of San Pedro, L. P. Chittenden of Los Angeles, and L. W. Chittenden of Tacoma


Horace Chittenden: Dead

His Father was Register of the Treasury under Lincoln: Burlington, Vt., Dec 26th - Horace Chittenden, son of the late Lucius E. Chittenden. Register of the Treasury under Lincoln, died at his home here today following an operation for a severe organic trouble. Mr. Chittenden was born in Burlington, fifty-five years ago, was graduated from Yale, practiced law in New York, and removed here about six years ago. Two sisters, Mrs Bradford of this city, and Mrs Richards of Boston survive him.


Isaac Chittenden: Scituate, Massachusetts circa 1666

Received his license to keep an Inn Listed in Pierce’s Colonial Lists, 1621 - 1700 by Ebenezer W Peirce


Isaac Chittenden: 1676. Scituate, Plymouth Co, Deputy, 1658. Et seq. Killed at Scituate, King Phillips War


Jairius Chittenden, Capt

From Durham, born 17th Oct 1745 at Guilford, Conn. Died 1828 at Durham, where he settled in 1787 (from Beer’s History of Greene County). The son of Joseph and Mary Kimberley Chittenden, grandson of John and Hannah Fletcher Chittenden, great grandson of William and Jean Scheaffe Chittenden. Served as a private in Capt. Daniel Hand’s Company: Col. Talcott’s Conn. State Regt. In the New York Expedition of 1776. Enlisted 22nd Mar 1776. Also served as a Minute Man. Married Rebekah Hull, born 1750, died 1781. Their children were Leverett, Hervy, born 26th Mar 1790 and others.


John Chittenden: Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut

A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the founding of a Nation:-Volume II.

Chittenden (III) John, son of William and Joan Chittenden, died April 1716, he married Hannah Fletcher. (1) Robert Chittenden was of Marden, near Cranbrook, county of Kent, England. (V) Joseph (2), son of Joseph (1) and Mary (Kimberly) Chittenden, born 25 Jan 1702, died 7 April 1794, he married Patience Stone, born 1703, descended as follows: (1) Rev. Samuel Stone was of Hereford on the Wye, Herefordshire, England. (II) William, son of the Rev. Samuel Stone, was the immigrant ancestor. He and his brother John were members of the first Guilford Company in 1639, and together with William Chittenden, Thomas Norton and others, signed on shipboard the Plantation Covenant, 1 Jun 1639. (III) Benajah, son of William Stone, was born 1649 and married Hester, daughter of John Kirby, (IV) Benajah (2) son of Benajah (1) and Hester (Kirby) Stone, born 1678 and married Hannah de Wolfe. (V) Patience, daughter of Benajah (2) and Hannah (de Wolfe) Stone, married Joseph Chittenden St., as mentioned above. (VI) Joseph (3), son of Joseph (2) and Patience (Stone) Chittenden, born 4 Nov 1727, died 8 Jan 1793, he married (first), 1749, Sarah Norton, born 1731, died 18 Feb 1761, descended as follows: (1) Thomas Norton, the Immigrant ancestor, died May 1648. He is said to be a son of William and Dennisse (Cholmondly) Norton, of London, England: grandson of Richard and Margery (Wingate) Norton, of Sharpenhow, in Bedfordshire: great grandson of John and Jane (Cowper) Norton, of Sharpenhow: great-great-grandson of John Norton: and great-great-great-grandson of Sir John Norton, alias Nofville, who married the daughter of Lord Grey de Ruthyn, and was tenth in descent from the Seigneur de Norville who came to England with William the Conqueror. (II) John, son of Thoams Norton, was born about 1628, and died 5 Mar 1704: he married Hannah, daughter of William and Hannah Stone. (III) Thomas, son of John and Hannah (Stone) Norton, born March 1676, died 21 Sep 1740, he married Rachel Starr, (IV) Daniel, son of Thomas and Rachel (Starr) Norton, born 17 Jan 1707, died 4 Dec 1789: he married Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Jane (Leaming) Bradley (see Bradley IV).  (V) Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Bradley) Norton, married Joseph Chittenden, Jr, as mentioned above.


J. E. Chittenden: Central California Historical Biography. (Page 775)

J. E. Chittenden, an old settler of Kern County, is a native of Illinois, born at Warsaw, Hancock County, 17 May 1839. His father E. F. Chittenden, a farmer and merchant by occupation, was a native of Connecticut’


Lucius Eugene Chittenden: 20th Century Biographical Dictionary

Lucius Eugene Chittenden, great-grandson of Vermont’s first governor, Thomas Chittenden, was born in Williston, Vermont on 24th May 1824 - lawyer and author…..He was prominent in anti slavery and “free soil” movements, edited the Free Soil Courier, helped to organize and chaired the Free Soil state committee prior to the party’s official birth in Buffalo in 1848, and led the successful campaign of John S Robinson for governor in 1852 ….. Chittenden found time to write extensively of the history of Vermont and of the people and events about him. “Although his history is at time inaccurate and perhaps overly influenced by a fondness for the dramatic as well as a bias for Vermont, it is still of value”. Lucious Chittenden was married to Mary Hatch in 1856, fathered three children, and died in Burlington, Vermont on 22nd Jul 1900.


Lucius Eugene. Chittenden: Dead

Was Register of the Treasury during President Lincoln’s Administration - died in Burlington. Special in The New York Times. Burlington, Vt. July 22nd Lucius E. Chittenden died at the residence, of his daughter, Mrs William Bradford in this city about noon to-day, at the age of seventy-six years. Mr Chittenden had been in somewhat feeble health since an accident which he sustained in New York some three years ago, when he was run over by a wagon. He came to this city about three weeks ago, and the change seemed to be beneficial. On Wednesday he suffered an attack of cholera morbus from which he did not have strength to rally. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made, but the interment will be in this city. Lucius E. Chittenden was born in Williston, Vt. May 24th 1824. He was a member of one of the most distinguished Vermont families and a great-grandson of Thomas Chittenden, who was the first Governor of the Commonwealth and who we re-elected eighteen times to that office. He was educated in the common schools and academies near his home, studied law, and was admitted to the bar at St Albans in September 1844. He removed to Burlington where he practiced his profession, with success, one of his partners being Edward Phelps, later United States Minister to Great Britain. He became interested in politics at an early age, and was prominent in the anti-slavery and Free Soil movements, and became a Republican, with the birth of that party. He was a State Senator from Chittenden County 1850-00. In February 1861 he was appointed by Gov. Fairbanks, a delegate to the famous Peace Conference held in Washington and he afterward prepared and published a careful report of the debates and proceedings of that conference. Having been associated with Salmon P. Chase in the Peace Conference, a friendship was established between the two, and when Mr Chase became President Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury he tendered the position of Register of the Treasury to Mr Chittenden. This offer was accepted and Mr Chittenden held the office for four years, during which time he gained the intimate friendship of President Lincoln. At the close of the civil war he went to New York City, where he practiced law until quite recently. Mr Chittenden was a forceful and effective public speaker and a man of scholarly tastes. He was a member of the Groller Club and his library was rich in rare volumes relating to the early history of engraving and printing. He had a very valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to the early history of Vermont, which was purchased recently for the University of Vermont. He was also a member of the Republican Club. Sons of the American Revolution Founders and Patriots, and the New England Society. Among his published works are ‘Recollections of President Lincoln and His Administration’ and ‘Speeches, Addresses and Letters of Abraham Lincoln’. He had nearly completed a life of Thomas Chittenden. He married Mary, daughter of Dr. Horace Hatch of Burlington, in 1856. Mrs Chittenden died in 1894. Three children were born to them, Horace H,, now a lawyer in New York: Mary, wife of William Bradford, now living in Burlington and Bessie B., wife of the Rev. Frederick Richards of New York.


Lucius Eugene Chittenden

Claimed the record for signing his name as a government employee. It was in 1862, while he was registrar of the treasury. A bond issue of $10.000.000 was made necessary by the efforts of our minister to England, Charles Francis Adams, to prevent the delivery of two ships building in England to the Confederates. The bond issue was necessary to furnish security against damages if the case should go


Lucius Eugene. Chittenden: (1824 - 1900)

A grandson of Thomas, who was prominent in the anti-slavery and “free-soil” movements prior to the American Civil War, was a bank president and a member of President Abraham Lincoln’s administration in the U.S. Treasury.


Lucius Eugene Chittenden

Mr Chittenden’s second volume. Personal Reminiscences 1840 – 1890 including items not hitherto published of Lincoln and the War. Mr Chittenden’s previous writings on the war period, both in magazines and in book form, as been valued as vital contributions to the literature of a great epoch. He returns to old subjects in some of the chapters of his present volume, the last seven being in fact entirely devoted to a sympathetic and discriminating study of Lincoln’s career, but in the main the volume enters upon themes of which the author has not written before. Born in Vermont and for many years engaged there, either as a schoolmaster, Lawyer of banker, he has found on his native soil many interesting topics of which to write. He has been a book hunter in his time, and a collector and student of birds, while the Adirondack region has found in him one of the most devoted visitors and staunch defenders. Earliest among the chapters is one on the Free Soil Party, of which he formed a part and through which he came to know a man who had been recommended as possessed of “extraordinary brilliancy and adroitness” and whose name was Samuel J. Tilden. He also came into association with Martin Van Buren and learned to know “that marvellous influence which he was reported to exercise over those with whom he came in contact.” He saw Van Buren at his Lludanwald home and passed a night there, taking dinner and breakfast with the ex President and his son, and he tells a pleasing story of a fine plate which a servant placed at his place during the dinner. Van Buren’s son, “Prince John” observing Mr. Chittenden’s interest in this plate , remarked that it had been originally for the King of Italy. He had purchased it in Paris and presented it to his father and he added, slyly, that his father ought to be grateful for so magnificent gift. “Indeed I am grateful” broke in the ex President. “Perhaps more grateful for this than another present you made me about the same time – a bill of exchange for acceptance for more than the cost of the china.” Prince John not to be outdone by this retort, promptly replied: “I intended that the entire transaction should represent a beautiful case of filial and paternal affection. I presented you with the china, that was filial. You paid for it; that was paternal. Could anything be more complete ?. Mr. Chittenden had been reading law for a short time under the eye of an uncle in Vermont when a proposal suddenly was made to him that he teach the district school on the neighbouring Hog Island. As he looks back upon the rough experience he there encountered his reminiscences are altogether pleasant. What is more, he has acquired a belief that of the men contemporary with him who have emerged successfully from the battle of life a majority earned their first beginnings in attending a district school. He knows that the vocation is not popular now, and yet does not hesitate to predict more successful lives for those who enter upon it than the other young men who are absorbed in athletic and other sports on liberal allowances from fortunes accumulated by their ancestors. Mr. Chittenden was called in to teach a school from which two men successively had retired in defeat, the first having been smoked out by means of turf placed upon the chimney, and the other having had his ardour effectually cooled by being plunged into a snow drift head first. One of the Committee who applied to Mr. Chittenden promised faithfully to assist him to “lick any boy who undertook to cut up any monkey shines.” But Mr. Chittenden declined the assistants being, being content to undertake the work alone. He had been only a short time engaged when a certain boy undertook to muscle him but a firm grasp of the boy’s collar, a vigorous jerking of him over a desk and a blow from a walnut ruler upon the muscle of the offending young man’s arm, quieted the intended disturbance and secured a peaceful school for the remainder of the winter. For three months of service Mr. Chittenden received a total of $36. It was almost the first money he had ever earned, and he lent it to his uncle at 10 per cent. Besides this $36 he, of course had received his board, a part of the contract having been part of his contract that he should follow the honoured custom of “boarding around.” Of his experience as a boarder of that class his recollections are wholly pleasant. He was always provided with the best room and the best bed, while the doughnuts, sausages, spareribs, and mince plea? Still possess so fragrant a memory that he would prefer to sit down in them now rather than before anything from the menu of Delmonico. As a book hunter Mr Chittenden’s most striking stories pertain to local histories and especially to a certain history of Indian wars, by one Daniel Sanders published in 1812, which the able author owing to an unfavourable criticism strenuously aimed to suppress. For more than twenty years Mr. Chittenden sought out this book in vain, but at last, while staying in a country house in Vermont, he received permission to explore the garret and turn the barrels upside down, the result of which was that at the very bottom of one of those barrels Daniel Sander’s book, in perfect condition, came to light. Not more than six copies are known to exist, and of these Mr Chittenden’s and one other copy, he believes the only perfect ones. Another laborious search which he undertook was to find a copy of Royal Tyler’s play “The Contrast” which had the reputation of being the first play written by an American and produced on the American stage. With all the booksellers he long had standing orders for a copy of it, and at the old bookshop, including William Goward’s he had handled, he thinks, “some hundreds of volumes, in vain, when at last at an auction sale he obtained a copy which possessed the additional and unrivalled value of having once belonged to Washington and containing Washington’s autograph. Quite as remarkable as these stories is one he tells of a journeyman fresco painter once employed at his house, who he learned, possessed at his humble home in Bleecker Street, a series of old and modern prints, said to have been in his family for three generations, and with which he would not part. Mr. Chittenden called in Bleecker Street to see them and was astonished to behold prints easily worth $2,000. This Italian afterwards deserted his wife and parted with a few of his drawings to Mr. Chittenden for much less than what they were worth. That he had become possessed of them by irregular means Mr. Chittenden has no doubt; nor does he question their genuineness, for in Paris at the Louvre, he once submitted the ones he had purchased to experts who pronounced them genuine, while Rosa Bouheur, on seeing one which had been attributed to her promptly endorsed it with her autograph in the margin. As Register of the Treasury Mr. Chittenden had some novel experiences. Those which he relates in the main pertain to attempts at what the rigidly righteous would call bribery. He had not been long in office when a beautiful pair of revolvers, enclosed in an elaborate case, arrived from a corporation which had been in the habit of receiving it’s drafts with greater promptness than the ordinary routine would give; this present being the method by which promptness had formerly been secured. Another case grew out of the discovery that his bank account, on being written up, showed the unusual condition of a balance $50. greater than he had himself been able to reckon up. Month by month this balance increased until at last he had $250. more than his own figures could show, and then the mystery was explained. Just before his balance showed the first increase he had appointed a certain clerk, with a salary of $1,200, and this clerk called one day to explain that, through illness and increased family expenses he found it difficult to make his usual payment. He would be glad if, the amount then due could be postponed for a while, and remarked that he had almost already paid one half of the debt, the amount remaining due being, as the clerk supposed $350. Mr. Chittenden expressed great surprise at this statement and the clerk then explained that he was merely complying with a custom providing that one-half the salary of the first year should be paid for an appointment. Mr. Chittenden says he at once gave the man a check for his $250. but the check was never presented for payment, and years afterward, when the bank wished to close the account, the amount was still undrawn. It is the only profit, he says, he was ever conscious of making out of his office as Register. We have not space to pursue these interesting reminiscences at further length, although many readers would be glad to know the explanation the author gives of that extraordinary railroad phenomenon in Vermont known as Essex Junction, as well as to read of his experience during the days that followed the assassination of Lincoln. The wide range of reminiscences is not more remarkable than their brightness and originality. Something of the true Vermont spirit pervades them, with the individuality of a strong and honourable man, who has done something in his time and done it faithfully and well.


Lucius Eugene. Chittenden: From the (Burlington, Vermont) Free Press, 1st Mar 1894 p 4

A transcription from the NY Tribune:- 1861 to 1865, who died after a short illness, was born in 1826, and was the daughter of Dr. Horace Hatch of Burlington, VT. Mrs. Chittenden was educated in Burlington. In 1853 she was married to Mr. Chittenden. In 1861 the family removed to Washington, where they remained during Mr. Chittenden’s term of office. While in Washington Mrs Chittenden was noted for her tender care and work for the wounded soldiers of Vermont regiments who were brought to the city (Nyc, not Burlington—SB), where they have since lived. Mrs. Chittenden was a prominent member of the Broadway Tabernacle, and was actively identified with its charities. She was also a member of several charitable organizations. Her husband and three children, Horace H., Mrs William Bradford, and an unmarried daughter, survive her. There will be no funeral in this city.” Although the burial will be here (Burlington) the body will not be brought here until next spring. ie No buriels in Vermont during the winter because the ground is frozen.


L. S. Chittenden: Paige, Root & Chittenden: Central Historical Biography. (Page 734)

Paige, Root & Chittenden. After a long experience and acquaintance with Mr. E. J. Root, Mr L. S. Chittenden came with him to Hanford in the fall of 1889. They selected a valuable tract of 960 acres of land belonging to Timothy Paige, of San. URL: http://www/ - size 2kb - 2 Aug 2000.

“Pen Pictures from the Garden of the World. Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Fresno, Tulare, and Kern. California. Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago”. No date but understood to be about 1892. Page 734. “… Mr L. S. Chittenden came to Hanford (then Tulare County, now King County) in the fall of 1889”. In association with others he planted over 900 acres of raisin grapes. No further genealogical data. Page 775. “ J. E. Chittenden, an old settler of Kern County, is a native of Illinois, born at Warsaw, Hancock County, 17 May 1839.” His parents were E. F. Chittenden of Connecticut and Julia Rogers. He married Elizabeth Clapp, Nov 1885, and had sons Virgil and Justin.


Lyon Chittenden: (1787-1842)

Son of Matthew Lyon, born in Fair Haven, Vermont 22nd Feb 1787. Member Kentucky State House of Representatives 1822. Member Kentucky State Senate 1827. U.S. Rep for Kentucky 1827-35 (12th District 1827-33, 1st District 1833-35) Died 23rd Nov 1842. Interment: Eddyvale Cemetery, Kentucky


Marjorie Lee Chittenden: History of Madison

The Munger sisters by Mira Chittenden Bowman and Marjorie Lee Chittenden. 1964 “Contributions to the artistic side of life in Madison was a branch of the Munger family. The father, George, was sixth in line from the original settler, Nicholas. George began his career as a teacher, but soon took up painting and was a successful portrait. His descendants here in Madison have two interesting paintings which he made in Washington after the burning of the Capital and the White House by the British during the War of 1812. They are now owned by his great-grandson, Horace W. Chittenden. George Munger built his family home on the Boston Post Road near Neck River in 1802. The house is still standing, though moved to the hill back of its original site. It is now owned by his great-granddaughter, Mrs. Morgan H. Bowman (Mira Chittenden) and occupied by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Donald Balmer. ….. The third sister, Amanda Ann, married Samuel Chittenden and lived in one of the Chittenden houses in East River for the rest of her life.” “Seventy or more years ago Mr. Samuel Chittenden, father of Judge Chittenden and George B. Chittenden, kept a lumber yard at East River near the bridge. Probably this was the only one in town. There being no matched or planed boards to be bought very near, Mr. Chittenden built a little shop, installed an engine and machinery for planing boards and also took up the manufacturing of sash, blinds and doors, and for a while he also made churns. Part of the building now stands but the greater part has disappeared. East River Shipyard: Captain Jack Chittenden built the ‘Charles’ at his door, now the home of Horace Chittenden, East River. The ‘Ocean Eagle’ built for Capt. Henry Bishop to be used in trade with New Orleans, sailed under his charge with his two sons and a neighbour, Hosmer Chittenden as a part of his crew. They sailed for the south and were never heard from again. Coasters Southern Trade: The coasters followed the coast line beyond New York and Philadelphia. During the Civil War they carried troops south and then carried supplies to them. Captains Henry Bishop and Samuel Chittenden ran a line to New Orleans and the Gulf ports, taking output from the Chittenden shops where doors, blinds and sash were made. This business lasted till the outbreak of the Civil War: Mr Shailer was responsible for having the churchyard laid out in its present shape. It was said there was not land enough, but Mr George Chittenden drew a plan and made measurements and gave it to us. The church yard had long been an eyesore to many of the church members, more particularly to those living about the Green, so it was suggested to the society that money be expended in having it laid out in formal grass plots with a central driveway. But the pessimists were at least 100 against the one optimist - Mrs Nash - who felt it could and should be done. Fortunately Mr. George B. Chittenden was visiting his parents, and being consulted, became much interested, gave his time and experience and knowledge as a civil engineer to making a black and white mathematical demonstration for all doubters to look at and be convinced. It showed there was plenty of space to have a central driveway with circular one at the top which would allow any carriage to drive to the very steps of the church later he laid out the plot. To Mr. Chittenden’s assistance and help was due to success of the plan. East River Singing School: Mr William Chittenden whose home was where Sarah Hull now lives, said “He didn’t have much of a voice, but could sing a tolerable bass”. He was often on hand, lending his interest if not his voice. Some of the older ones attending included Edward Chittenden. Madison also boasted of Ebenezer Chittenden II, 1726 - 1812, who was a silversmith of distinction and a mechanical “genius”, as was the inventor Reuben Shailer”. The members of the Madison Historical Society may be willing to add some data to the above recollections - members listed included Mrs Oscar Chittenden.


Martin Chittenden

Was the second son of Thomas Chittenden, the illustrious first Governor of Vermont and was born in Salisbury, Connecticut 12 Mar 1769 and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1789. He died 5 Sep 1840 in his seventy-second year having been for about thirty years employed in public service. He was 8th Governor of Vermont (1813 - 1815). He settled near his brother Noah, in the south part of Jericho on the Onion River.


Martin Chittenden:. 1763-1840

Son of Thomas Chittenden, born in L of Jonas Galusha Chittenden born in Connecticut 12 May 1763. Member of Vermont state Legislature, State Court Judge, US Rep. For Vermont, 4 Districts, 1803-1813. Governor of Vermont 1813-1815. Died 5 Sep 1840. Internment at Old Cemetery, Williston, Chittenden County, Vermont.


Martin Chittenden. Hon: lived many years in Jericho, near his brother Noah. Representative many years before he removed to Williston


Mercy Chittenden: History of Ancient Wethersfield [Connecticut] Vol 2. By Henry R. Stiles Page 207

Chittenton, “The aged Mrs.,” died 29th Apr 1767 - Newington Church Record. Page 338: Francis, Sgt. John m. (2) Mercy [Chittenden] 16th Jan 1783 who died 13th Oct 1745, age 83, Page 374: Goodrich, Col. David married (1) Hannah [dau of Thomas Jr. & Elizabeth Chittenden] Wright of Wethersfield, who died 27th Apr 1688, age near 28. Page 493: Lusk, William T. married (1) Mary Chittenden; (2) Matilda Thorn; he was an eminent NY. Phys. Grad. Y. C., and Bellevue: served in Civil War. Page 678: Stillman, Deacon Ebenezer married (2) 10th Oct 1841, Anna Chittenden, of Guilford, Conn., who died 4th Jun 1845. Page 846: Wolcott, Hannah Blinn (dau. of Charles Wolcott & first wife, Hannah Blinn) born 27th Jun 1848 married 10th Dec 1876, Geo. M. Chittenden: Issue: 1. Elizabeth Wolcott Chittenden, born 31st Mar 1884: 2. Marion Chittenden, born 9th Oct 1888. Page 851: Wright, Thomas married May 1658 (Wethersfield Recs., 11, p. 171, and Talcott’s N.Y. & N. Eng. Families, p. 729, say 16th Jun 1657) to Elizabeth (dau. Lieut. William) Chittenden* (acc. to Chapin, tho’ Savage thinks this marr. May have been that of Thomas of Guilford.) She died 17th Feb 1675, age 38; he died 23rd Aug 1683. “Elizabeth Chittenden who married Thomas Wright, was the daughter of Lieut. William and Joan (Sheaffe) Chittenden; born Cranbrook, Co. Kent, Eng., 1694, son of Robert and Mary (Merriam) Chittenden; died in Eng. Jul 22nd 1593. See American Ancestry, Vol. 5, p. 16)


Myers Chittenden

Benjamin Leonard and Cornelia Jane Myers Chittenden of Branch County, Michigan, moved south to escape the frigid winters. In the 1890’s they purchased a farm on Old Chattanooga Pike, which is now part of and industrial area. The Chittendens had two sons: Myer, born September 4, 1872 and Fred born, April 23, 1877, died July 6, 1892, buried at Quincy, Michigan. On January 19, 1898 Myers married Bessie Dow, the daughter of Malcolm and Martha Hill Dow of Hillsdale, Michigan, born August 13, 1875. They moved south in 1898, lived on a farm before buying a house in Cleveland. They were members of the First Baptist Church where Bessie taught a women’s Sunday School class. Myers worked for the Post Office delivering mail by horse and buggy before Ocoee Street was paved. Bessie was the first person to use the parcel post system at Cleveland post office. She mailed a one-pound package to Michigan for eight cents. A son, Benjamin Malcom was born Novermber 27, 1901. On February 24, 190? Jack Bazemore was born. Myers died of Diabetes in 1937. Bessie died April 21, 1945. Both are buried at Fort Hill Cemetary. Ben Chittenden worked at the post office for 37 years. He married Alta Marler, November 23, 1924. They had two daughters: Helen and Marlene: two sons: Myers Ben (Bud) and Don. Ben died of a heart attack January 12, 1978. Alta died March 15, 1978. They are buried at Fort Hill Cemetery. Jack Chittenden worked with Cleveland Fire Department, later with Cleveland Police Department. In the early 1940’s he began working at the post office from which he retired in 1965. He served in the United States Navy during W.W.II. On January 16, 1937 Jack married Dorothy Liner, a teacher from Charleston, Tennessee. They had one daughter, Susan, born November 22, 1947, Jack died October 13, 1985 and is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery. Helen Chittenden, born March 16, 1926,married Leo Alger Murray, Jr., of Mason, Michigan. They had four children: Gary Lee, Douglas Allen who married Pamela Skoi and they had two children, Ben and Kimberly: Timothy Malcom: Linda Ann married John Dietrich and they had two children, Margaret and Alex. Helen Murray died February 17, 1965 and is buried in Michigan. Marlene Chittenden, born July 4, 1929, married James Dale of Lansing, Michigan. They had two children: Craig Malcom, who married Kathleen Lennon and had two children: Karen Frances who married James Clickner and had two daughters, Jamie and Kelly, Marlene Dale died April 18, 1977. Myers Ben (Bud) Chittenden born June 12, 1931, married Jo Ann Gilliland. He is retired from teaching. They had one son Thomas who married Elaine Johnson: and a daughter, Laura Faye, who married Paul Mazurek. They had two children Helen and Joseph. Don Allen Chittenden, born February 14, 1941, married Doris Mae Stephens June 16, 1974. He is employed in engineering with the Department of Transportation. Doris is a cosmetologist.


Myers Chittenden

Cleveland Postal Clerk Succumbs to Operation: Cleveland, Tenn. Oct 9 ????. Myers Chittenden, 65, retired postal clerk, died at his West Thirty-second Street home at 2 a.m. today from the effects of a series of operations he underwent the past spring, when both lower limbs were amputated. The operations were necessary, due to blood poison. Mr Chittenden, a native of Michigan, had lived here most of his life, coming here when a lad with his parents and residing on a farm south of town. He was educated in the Cleveland schools. He entered the postal service here 30 years ago last May 1st, when he was retired having a splendid record of service. He was an active member of the First Baptist Church until his recent illness, being a member of the board of deacons, as well as being active in church schools. Mr Chittenden operated two publishing houses in Michigan on printing school books. Submitted by: Susan Chittenden, 2077 Hickory Drive, Cleveland, TN 37311 (Granddaughter of Myers and Bessie Chittenden)


Nathaniel W. Chittenden

Santa Cruz County Place Names, by Donald Thomas Clark. “Chittenden was a small community and former railroad station located near Soda Lake in the extreme south eastern corner of Santa Cruz County, California. It was named for Nathaniel W. Chittenden, a San Francisco lawyer who settled in the area prior to 1873. He was one of the owners of nearby Rancho Salsipuedes, which formerly had been cattle grazing lands for Mission Santa Cruz during the Spanish and Mexican eras, and later became a land grant following secularization of the California mission properties (You might be interested in knowing “sal si puedes” in Spanish means “get it if you can” because of the quicksand deposits there). Mr Chittenden died in Watsonville, CA in 1885. After a legal battle, his lands were divided up amongst his relatives. The railroad station closed in 1942. There is also a Chittenden Creek which flows through former lands of Nathaniel Chittenden to enter the Pajaro River. Chittenden Pass, also passed through Nathaniel’s properties, becoming a county road in 1894. The Chittenden Post Office at the aforementioned community of the same name, operated from 12th Apr 1893 until 15th Jun 1923. The Chittenden population in 1893 was estimated by the postmistress to be between 70-80 people. There is also a Chittenden Springs, a sulfur springs on property also owned by Nathaniel and later acquired by his cousin, Talman Chittenden, who sold it to a San Francisco banker, A.F. Martel. Martel turned it into a resort in 1906 and changed the name to El Pajaro Springs (Pajaro means “bird” in Spanish). The St. Francis hospital of San Francisco acquired the resort in 1918 and changed the name to St. Francis Springs. The springs were located near the Chittenden railroad station and the Pajaro River.

ii Truxton7 Chittenden b 14th Apr 1807: m 2nd Oct 1830, Maria J. Harrison: res. [‘78] Clark’s Mills: hus: 1. Virgil D. W. 8 Chittenden, b Westmoreland 7th Aug 1841: res. [‘78] Gundrum, Ind 2. M. Della 8 Chittenden b Westmoreland, 2nd Nov 1843: m 30th Oct 1872, Adelbert J. 8 Douglas, M.D. [270.i.] res. [‘78] Iiion.


Noah Chittenden, Hon

Oldest son of Governor Thomas Chittenden, born in 1753 had entered public life previous to his coming to Jericha, as we find him sheriff of Addison County in 1785. He married a daughter of John Fasset of Bennington, and had two children: Thomas, born in 1791, and Hannah wife of Hon. Truman Galusha, born 1795. His son Thomas, or as he was commonly called, Judge Thomas, after his father’s death, removed to Ohio, where his son Thomas Jefferson still resides. Most of the original titles to land were lost by sheriff’s sale for taxes. By this means: “Judge Noah” became the owner of nearly or quite 2000 acres, by far the most opulent landholder in town. He had, therefore, a great influence, and was much employed in public business in town and county. We remember him well - a hale, stout, vivacious old gentleman. He died rather suddenly of apoplexy in 1835. From Hemenway’s Vermont Historical Gazetteer. Pr 832, Jericho, Vermont. (In land records it is noted that Noah Chittenden did a lot of selling and buying of land in Jericho, Chittenden County, Vermont). President Elector from Vermont 1812.


Robert D. Chittenden: History of Fresno County Biography: (Page 833, Volume 1)

Robert D. Chittenden. An enthusiastic promotor of good roads and kindred advancements, and a student with wide experience of public transportation, is Robert D. Chittenden, the enterprising President of the California Road and Street.


Russell H. Chittenden (Henry) 1856-1943

Biochemist, educator: born in New Haven, Conn. As a senior at Yale (1874), he created the first American course in physiological chemistry (later known as biochemistry). He remained at Yale until 1922, bringing Yale’s Sheffield Scientific School into prominence as its director (1898 - 1922), while concurrently lecturing at Columbia University (1898 - 1903). He made pioneering studies in the enzymatic digestion of proteins and starch, and isolated glycogen (“animal starch”) in 1875. He began his advocacy of a low-protein diet for humans in 1907 and investigated the toxicology of human alcohol and chemical addiction (1903 - 1915). After his retirement, he concentrated on writing histories of both biochemistry and the Sheffield School.


Samuel H. Chittenden: Memorial Hall, Madison. By Mary Scranton Evarts 1950

Its history began in the Fourth of July, 1894, when invitations had been sent out for an Old Home Day for all of Madison’s sons and daughters from afar, to make plans for a memorial for our soldiers. A building committee consisting of James R. Meigs, Samuel H. Chittenden and George M. Whedon was appointed Miss Myra Chittenden, now Mrs Bowman, with her popular violin, and the Madison Band completed a program which we would give much to hear again. Miss Marie Hotchkiss gave them $100 and Mr Samuel Chittenden loaned them $100 at a time of need and only $50 was taken in return.


Samuel Chittenden: A Poem from “Spun from the Sea” by Grace Miner Lippincott

If you should live in Madison (A village on the Sound) let me give you a kindly tip Before you get around. When settlers came as pioneers, whose names old records mention, They intermarried through the years, In proper like convention. When you talk to your neighbour friends, They most times are related, Their children keep the village trends and never have mismated. Through Hammonasset, over East Are Dudleys by the score, With Willards, Dowds and Chittendens, Along the Central shore - plus five more verses.

Lee Acadamy Pupils - Madison: Chittendens 1822. Lurandi. 1826. Samuel. & Chittenden Simeon.


Samuel R. Chittenden: of Mendon, ILL, delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1876.


Simeon Baldwin Chittenden

Was born at Guilford 29 Mar 1814, and died at Brooklyn, NY 14th Apr 1889, he went into business in New Haven, Connecticut, and moved to New York City in 1843. He made a fortune in dry goods trade, and retired in 1875 with a large fortune. US Congressman for New York 1874 - 1881. Buried Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York. Section 5. Plot: 6496. He married twice, had two children y his first wife: S. B. Chittenden, Jr, of Brooklyn and Mary, who was married to Dr. William T. Lusk of New York City. (Condensation of pp. 487-488).


Simeon Baldwin Chittenden

A Representative from New York: born in Guilford, New Haven County, Conn., 29th Mar 1814; attended Guilford Academy; engaged in mercantile pursuits in New Haven 1829-1842, moved to New York City and engaged in mercantile pursuits in 1842; unsuccessful candidate for election in 1866 to the Fortieth Congress; vice president of New York City Chamber of Commerce 1867-1869; elected as an Independent Republican to the Forty-third Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Stewart L. Woodford; re-elected as an independent Republican to the Forty-fourth Congress and as a Republican to the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses and served from 3rd Nov1874, to 3rd Mar 1881; unsuccessful candidate for re-election in 1880 to the Forty-seventh Congress; retired from public life; died in Brooklyn, N.Y., on 14th Apr 1889; interment in Greenwood Cemetery.


Simeon B. Chittenden Memory

Mr Seth Low made an address in memory of Simeon B Chittenden. He said: Mr President. Since the Chamber last met another of the noted merchants who in our day have given weight and influence to this body has passed away. On the morning of the 14th of April the Ho. Simeon B. Chittenden died at his home in Brooklyn. He overpassed by five years the allotted limit of threescore years and ten, and until the very end he had not found the added years to be labor and sorrow. Indeed up to the end he made these years bright with a ripe and generous pallanthropy. It was characteristic of him that he should have illuminated the closing days of his life by a gift to The Young Woman’s Christian Association of Brooklyn of a well-chosen site for a building which he hoped they would soon erect for their permanant home. This is not the place nor the occasion for the full story of his life, but Mr Chittenden illustrated so happily many of the best qualities of the American merchant that upon this aspect of his career I trust I may be permitted to say a few words. Beginning as a boy who was compelled to make his own way, he reached by middle life a position of well earned etainouse in business circles. This position he attained, by no stroke of luck, by no happy accident, but by his slow processess of industry, coupled with a never failing integrity. At one moment of his career, when his business was at it’s largest, his store, with it’s contents, was burned to the ground. The next morning the firm of S. B. Chittenden & Co., opened for business in other quarters and continued it’s prosperous course unchecked. The flames might destroy his merchandise but no fire could dismay or conquer the clear head and stout heart of the brave man. So it was demonstrated anew, in his case, that a business does not consist of warehouses and merchandise, but of the man with the capacity, the courage, and the will to carry it on. While still not an old man, at the age of sixty, Mr Chittenden brought his business life to a close by voluntary retirement. He had demonstrated his ability to carry his business successfully through every panic which occurred during his commercial life. He had acquired a fortune which he deemed ample for his wants despite his always liberal giving. He now demonstrated by his retirement his possession of that still rarer quality in a successful merchant, the ability to be content at some point in the strifo for wealth. Nor did he suffer, as some men have done in the like case, for the lack of his lifelong occupation. Though not a man of marked literary tastes, life in all it’s aspects, interest him, and he found no difficulty in keeping himself happily employed. Thereafter he devoted himself with more zest than ever to the work of wisely giving , for the advantage of his fellows, what he thought he could properly give. At the end of his commercial career Mr Chittenden entered Congress, serving as a member at the House of Representatives for seven years. During this period he repeatedly displayed, on the floor of the House the same dauntless spirit which led him to exclaim at a critical time “just before the outbreak of war” if there is anything in my sentiments really offensive, I make it a point of honour to expose them for consideration. The whole period of his public life was rife with debates on questions of currency and resumption. Mr Chittenden brought to the discussion of these questions the same clear sighted judgement which he applied in his own business ad it is saying little to say that he advocated his views fearlessly and with power on every occasion. For the resumption of specie payments he advocated first, the removal of the arbitrary restrictions by which Congress endeavoured to determine the amount of the national bank currency to be issued in the different sections of the country; second, the restoration of the right to fund greenbacks in United States bonds: third, the cancellation of greenbacks so funded. It cannot be doubted that his plan, if adopted, would have proved efficient, although with others, he at one time questioned the success of the plan actually chosen. It remained an offence to him to the last that the forced loan of greenbacks should continue to be issued as legal tender when no longer having excuse as a war measure. He arranged with Gen. Butler for a friendly suit to test the constitutionality of issue in time of peace. In this suit Mr. Chittenden’s opinion was not sustained by the Supreme Court, but Mr Byron in his recent book on the American Commonwealth refers to the decision as one of the most striking instances of the expansion of the Constitution by judicial interpretation. Mr. Chittenden relentlessly opposed the coinage of the silver dollar, except of a value equal to the gold dollar, claiming that the Government should give honest weight in coin as uniformly as a merchant should ive honest measure in goods. In one word, he valued eloquently, persistently, and fearlessly in the counsuls of the Nation the views and conclusions which his business experience had impressed upon his judgement. It fell to his lot, during these days in Congress, to play a leading part in one achievement, which may well be alluded to at this time. Mr. Chittenden introduced and secured the passage of the Bill which permitted the statue of Washington, which now stands upon the steps of the Sub-Treasury, to be placed there by this chamber and in the raising of the money to carry this purpose into effect Mr. Chittenden’s name as was apt to be the case in such matters, led all the rest. And so it happened that when President Harrison stood the other day during the celebration of the centenial of Washington’s inauguration upon the steps of the Sub-Treasury, the statue of the great Washington gave vividuous and meaning to this solemn occasion, and this statue stands upon the same stone on which Washington himself stood when he took the oath of office. Thus, Mr President, Mr Chittenden illustrated the due traits of the typical American merchant, not only in his mercantile success and his reputation for unswerving integrity, but in his philanthropy and in his public spirit. In all alike he reflected honour on the city in which he made his home and on this chamber with which, for so many years, he was prominently identified. I beg, therefore, to offer the following preamble and resolution: Whereas, since the last meeting of this chamber, The Hon. Simeon B. Chittenden, at one time a Vice President of this body, has been taken from our midst by death: therefore be it Resolved. That this Chamber sincerely mourns his lose, and gladly and affectionately places upon the record this testimonial of his worth as a man, his value as a merchant, and his services as a public spirited citizen. The resolution was adopted.


“There is a story told around Guilford, Connecticut, about Simeon B. Chittenden, one of the town’s wealthiest and most powerful native sons. Having moved to New York and made a bundle in dry goods during the Civil War, Chittenden was elected to Congress and kept a summer home in Guilford. The story goes that Chittenden once offered to build the town a library. There were two conditions: that it would be named after him and that it would be built on the town green, where no buildings had stood since 1838. The town rejected the offer.” “The incident almost certainly never occurred, according to local historian Joel Helander, whose family has lived in Guilford for 14 generations. ‘Chittenden was a preservationist’ says Helander. ‘He would never have proposed such a thing’. But the fact that the story survives says something about Guilford’s pride and proprietary feelings about its green. ‘It is the center and the gathering place,’ says Edith Nettleton. ‘You don’t think too much about it, but you appreciate it’”.


Simeon B Chittenden: History of Sussex & Warren Co. New Jersey

“Mr Dennis is an active patron of many worthy objects that come before him, and is a trustee, with William E Dodge, S. B. Chittenden, William A. Booth, and others of the Syrian Protestant College, at Beyrout.


Simeon B Chittenden: Mrs Chittenden and Miss Anna S. Chittenden. Arrived NYC 17th Aug 1903 on the S.S “Bluecher” from Hamburg.


Thomas Chittenden

Driven out of Williston by the British in 1776, he moved to Danby, Pownal and Arlington and returned to Williston in 1787, remaining there until his death, 24th Aug 1897. He had served in the Vermont Legislature and was elected its first Governor in 1778, serving in that capacity until his death.


Thomas Chittenden of Scituate

Yeoman, in consideration of $45 paid by Joseph Kent of Charlestown yeoman, conveyed 4 ½ acres of upland lying in Scituate, being the westerly part of land I bought of John Hyland which formerly belonged to Joseph Chittenden, bounded by land late belonging to Stephen Chittenden, deceased, Westerly by land of Jonathan Jackson, jun. Dated 3rd Dec 1724. [Kent Genealogies]


Thomas Chittenden 1730 - 1797

Governor, born East Guilford, Conn. A Vermont Farmer. He was a member of the Council of State that drew up the Vermont first request for Statehood (1777) after it had declared itself an independent republic that year. When the Continental Congress rejected the request, he bacame Governor of the Republic (1778-1789) & (1790-1791). After Vermont began negotiations with the Britsh Commonwealth in Canada. Thomas Chitttenden born, East Guilford, Connecticut, 6 Jan 1730, died 25th Aug 1797. He served as Governor of Independent Vermont 1778-1789, and then as Governor 1791-1797. Father-in-Law of Jonas Galusha. Father of Martin Chittenden


Thomas Chittenden 1730 - 1797

Born in East Guilford, Conn. A farmer and land speculator (a member of the Onion River Company, along with Ethan and Ira Allen and others), credited with being the first settlers in what is now Williston. He submerged the family’s heavier belongings in a duck pond and headed for Arlington during the Revolution. He was a member of the council of state that drew up Vermont’s first request for statehood in 1777, after Vermont had declared itself an independent republic that year. When the Continental Congress rejected the request, he became governor of the republic (1778-89 and 1790-91) After Vermont began negotiating with the British commander in Canada, the adjacent states of New York and New Hampshire settled their territorial disputes with Vermont and it was accepted as the 14th state (4th March 1791). Chittenden served as first governor (1791 - 97)


Thomas Chittenden 1730 - 1797

Vermont’s first governor, was sometimes called One-Eyed Tom. Chittenden was a substantial farmer in his native Guilford, Connecticut before he moved his family to Williston on the south bank of the Winooski River in 1774. Their homestead barely begun, the Chittendens were forced south by the British in 1776. He bought a new farm in Arlington and became a prime mover in the fight for Vermont independence. All the contentious factions seemed to like and respect Chittenden, and so he was elected governor every year except for one from 1777 until his death in 1797. He reportedly was a generous and humble man who exercised his office with sagacious diplomatic skill. Etham Allen said of Tom Chittenden, “He was the only man I ever knew who was sure to be right in all, even the most difficult and complex cases, and yet he could not tell or seem to know why it was so”.


Thomas Chittenden: “History of Worcester and Its People” by Charles Nutt, Volume 3. Pages 153, 154

“Representative citizen of Worcester whose death at his home there on 19th Feb 1894, was felt as a severe loss by a large circle of friends and business associates, was a member of an old New England family, which for many years was most closely identified with the life and affairs of the State of Vermont. It was a member of this family who was the first governor of the newly made State after the Revolution. Thomas Chittenden was one of the most conspicuous figures of the Green Mountain State at that period, and was the natural choice of his fellows for the first and highest honour in their gift. The Chittenden family is of Welsh origin and the name is derived from 3 Gaelic words, chy, tane, den or din, which has the significance of a castle or fortress in a valley between mountains. William Chittenden, a native of Cranbrook, Kent, England, who in the year 1639 came from his native land and settled at Guilford, Conn. He was the great-great-grandfather of Governor Chittenden and also of Bethuel Chittenden, the first Protestant Episcopal minister in the same state. Thomas Chittenden was born 6th Jan 1730, at East Guilford, Conn., and like many of the most prominent figures in our early history was brought up on a farm. When 18 years old he went to sea, and as England and France were then at war, his vessel was captured by a French cruiser. He was sometime in winning his liberty, and when he did so, he found himself friendless and indigent in a West Indies port, from which he had great difficulty in making his way home again. He decided thereafter to make his home on the land and became rapidly well known in the Winooski Valley, situated on the south side of the river of that name, and about 12 miles above its union with Lake Champlain. Here he lived and prospered until the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, in the disturbances preceding which he had taken a prominent role. At the conclusion of this trouble he was elected first federal Governor and distinguished himself most highly in that difficult post when unusual powers of organization were required. He married Elizabeth Meigs, and they were the parents of 10 children.

It was from such sterling stock as this that Collins Williams Chittenden was descended, and he himself displayed in his character the same strong and trustworthy traits that were possessed by his ancestors. He was born in Springfield, Vermont, 3rd Jan 1838, and was educated at Athol, Mass., where he attended the local public schools, his parents having removed to the latter place in his infancy. After completing his studies at these institutions, he went to Templeton, Mass., and there learned the trade of tinsmith. It was while he was at Templeton that the Civil War broke out, whereupon Mr Chittenden, who had inherited an ardent patriotism along with his other virtues from his forebears, enlisted as a private in Company A, 21st Regiment, Mass, Volunteer Infantry. He did not however possess very robust health, and in 1864, after two years of service, was discharged on that account. He at once returned to the North and took up his abode at Athol once more. Here, however, he did not remain for any great period, but shortly afterwards came to Worcester, and there established his permanent home which he occupied until the time of his death. He had learned the trade of tinsmith before becoming a soldier, and upon coming to Worcester he secured a position in this line with a Mr Jordan, who carried a large business in furnaces and tin goods. Mr Chittenden worked for him as a tinsmith for some years, but was later advanced to the position of head of the furnace department. Altogether he remained some 24 years in the employ of Mr Jordan, but eventually he withdrew and became associated with Elwood Adams, with whom he continued engaged in business until the close of his life. Mr Chittenden maintained an extraordinary degree of energy up to the very last. He was a man of strongly domestic instincts and habits, and found his chief pleasure at his fireside. Mr Chittenden was a member of the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic, and in politics a staunch Republican. Collins William Chittenden was united in marriage at Worcester, ist Jun 1871, with Abbie Corey, of Worcester, a daughter of Henry and Abbie (Day) Corey, of Worcester. To Mr and Mrs Chittenden 3 children were born: 1) Florence A, who married Charles E. Disney. 2) Bertha C, who married Frederick A. Moore. 3) Edith E, who married Otto Petersen of Worcester, and they had 2 sons, Richard C, and Warren O. Petersen.


Thomas Chittenden. Gov: 1730-1797

Major 14th Regt., 1767-1770, and Lieut-Col., 1770-1773. Deputy 1765-‘69-’72. Colony of Conn. Gov. of Vermont.


Thomas Chittenden: 1729-1797

Thomas was educated in the common schools. He worked on his father’s farm until age 18, then became a sailor on a voyage to the West Indies during the war between England and France. The ship was captured by a cruiser. Thomas lived on a island in the West Indies, moneyless. He reached home only after suffering, including the loss of one eye. Thomas married in 1749 and settled at Salisbury, Ct, where he became a prominent man as a Colonel in the militia, justice of the peace and a representative to the legislature from 1765-1769 and 1772. Thomas first saw Vermont in 1764 while on a military expedition. He later returned with his sons and became original proprietors of Jericho and several other towns, recorded for 42 different pieces of land. In May 1774, he and a neighbour John Spofford moved their families to a large tract of land at Williston, on the south side of the Onion (Winooski) River. There they built themselves shelter and established a good supply of food and necessities. When the American army was forced to retreat from Canada in 1776, Thomas and two neighbours went to Philadelphia, Pa. to learn what defences Congress planned for the northern frontier. Finding that there were none, Thomas moved his family back to Pownal. They walked along a route of marked trees with all their clothes and provisions on two horses. The reached Williamstown, Ma at the time of the Battle of Bennington. Vt After the war, the family returned to Williston. Thomas represented the town at the Dorset Convention in 1776. He was president of Vermont Council of safety, helped draw up Vermont’s Constitution in 1777, delegate to Congress in April of 1777, president of the Bennington Convention which resulted in Vermont being admitted to the Union and the first governor of Vermont from March of 1778 to his death in 1797 except for one year. Thomas was born 6 Jan 1730, son of Ebenezer Chittenden. Married Elizabeth Meigs, Oct 1749. Died 25 Aug 1797. Children: Noah, Martin, Giles, Truman, Mabel, Betsy, Hannah, Beulah, Mary and Electa.


Thomas Chittenden

Origin: Wapping Middlesex, UK. Migration: 1635 on the ‘Increase’. First Residence: Scituate. Occupation: Linen Weaver (Hotten 61). Church Membership: Goodman Chittenden and his wife joined Scituate church on 12 Feb 1636/7 as members #41 and #42 (NEHGR 9:280). Freeman: Oath of allegiance, 1 Feb 1638/9 (PCR 1:110). In Scituate section of 1639 oath of fidelity list (PCR 8:182) (but not in the oath of fidelity list for 1657 (PCR 8:180). Education: His inventory included a “Bible and other books” valued at one pound, one shilling. He signed his will. Offices: Plymouth coroner’s jury, 4 Oct 1655 (PCR 3:92). Estate: In Lothrop’s list of houses built at Scituate between Sept 1634 and Oct 1636, the fourth of fourteen was “Goodman Chittenden” NEHGR 10:421. In 1646 Timothy Hatherly sold to each of twenty-six Scituate inhabitants, among whom was “Thomas Chittenton weaver”, one-thirtieth part of three-quarters of the Conihassett grant (PCR 12:158-60;ScitTR 2:1-4). A grant by the freemen of Scituate to “Thomas Chittenden for a house lot four acres of upland” was recorded 9 Mar 1654/5 (ScitTR 1:300). In his will, dated 7 Oct 1668 and proved 4 Jun 1669, “Thomas Chittenden of Scituate…weaver being weak in body” bequethed to ” my son Isacke Chittenden” one moiety in Conihassett land, also four acres of meadow, one acre of meadow ,three acres of upland, twelve acres of upland on Bushey Hill “which was sometimes Henery Bournes” also “one half of my upland on the second cliff”; to “my son Henery Chittenden” one moiety of Conihassett land, also three acres of upland, one acre of meadow, three acres of meadow, “one half of my upland on the second cliff….also my ten acre lot lying on Bushey Hill and my house lot being five acres more or less with all the housing and buildings,” the houselot could not be divided “but to his (Henry’s) great prejudice’: “my son Henry” to pay to :his brother Isacke: five pounds in six months and five pound more in 12 months; “my linen, pewter, copper, brass and iron vessels all which I have divided between my son Isacke and my son Henery”; to “my son Isacke one loom”; to “my son Henery” one loom; “he that possesseth the great loom shall pay ten shillings to him that hath the lesser”; to “my son Henery all the slays and implements of the shop,” he to pay “his brother Isacke” 30s and allow Isack to make use of the slays so long as they conveniently live together: to Isaac the black horse: an ox to be divided between Henry and Isaac: “my debts which I owe or is owing unto me… equally between them”: residue equelly to “my son Isacke and my son Henery”; to “my kinsman Benjamin Chittenden” a sucking colt; “my son Isacke Chittenden and my son Henery Chittenden” executors (PCPR 2:2:54-55). The inventory of the estate of “Thomas Chittenden weaver” taken 9 Noc 1668, totalled sixty three pounds, two shillings and one penny, including no real estate (PCR 2:55). Not long after 29 Oct 1672, the town of Scituate granted to “Thomas Chittenden’s heirs” fifty acres (ScitTH 1:323-24). On 12 Nov 1696, there were “granted to the heirs of Thomas Chittenden ten acres of upland and five acres of swamp land” (ScitTR 1:448). On 9 Mar 1702/3 “the heirs or successors of Thomas Chettenden” were granted thirty acres of land and seven acres of land (ScitTR 1:511-12). Birth: About 1584 (aged 51 in 1635 {Hotten 61}). (Thomas Chittenden was not in the 1643 list of Plymouth Colony men between the ages of 16 and 60 able to bear arms). Death: Between 7 Oct 1668 (date of will) and 9 Nov 1668 (date of inventory). Marriage: By 1625 Rebecca_____. She was born about 1595 (aged 40 in Apr 1635 {Hotten 61} and evidently predeceased her husband since she is not mentioned in his will. (Perhaps theirs was the marriage-recorded at Wouldham, Kent, 8 Aug 1621, between Thomas Chittenden and Rebecca Bamfort.). Children: i. Isaac, b. about 1625 (aged 10 in 1635 {Hotten 61}): m. Scituate (blank) April 1646 Martha Vinall (MD 2:33, citing Scituate Town Records 4:2:1; PCR 8:28 (giving Bride’s name incorrectly as Mary). On 26 Oct 1676, “Martha Chittenden gave oath to the truth of the inventory” of Isaac Chittenden {PCPR 3:2:14}; on 1 Nov 1676, “letters of administration was granted unto Martha Chettenden and Israell Chettenden to administer on the estate of Isacke Chettenden, deceased” {PCR 5:211}. ii. Henry, b. about 1629 (aged 6 in 1635) {Hotten 61}; m. by 1656 ____ ____ (eldest known child b. Scituate 8 Mar 1656/7). Associations: “Kinsman Benjamin Chittenden” was perhaps a nephew of Thomas. Savage’s suggestion that he was a son of Isaac Jr. is not supported by the evidence. Comment: On 18 Apr 1635, “Linen weaver Tho: Chittingden,” aged 51, “uxor Rabecca Chittingden,” aged 40, and “2 children,” “Isack Chittingden,” aged 10, and “Hen: Chittingden,” aged 6, presented a certificate from the minister of Wapping and were enrolled at London for passage to New England on the “Increase” {Hotten 61}. (It is possible that the certificate was acquired from the minister of Wapping as a matter of convenience rather than because the family had lived there; there are no Chittenden entries in the Wapping parish register,) On 7 Sep 1641, arbiters were appointed to settle the difference between Thomas Chittenden and Christopher Winter (PCR 2:24). Note: The Lathrop Church: “During Lathrop’s ministry at Scituate thirty-six men and twenty-six women who joined the church. Of these, nineteen, including Lathrop himself left for Barnstable or other destinations. As a result, there were only ten male members of Lathrop’s church left behind in 1640 - including Isaac Chittenden. Pioneers of Massachusetts by Pope:- Thomas Chittenden, 51, born 1585, with wife Rebecca, 40, and children, Isaac, 10 and Henry, 6, certified by minister of Wapping, England came in the “Increase”, April 1635. He settled at Scituate, linen-weaver. Took oath of allegiance 1 Feb 1638. Will dated 7th Oct 1668, probate 4th June 1669. Bequest all to sons Isaac and Henry. (Reg. VII. 178).


Thomas Cotton Chittenden: (1788-1866)

Born in Massachusetts, U.S. Representative from New York: 18th District, 1839-43: state court judge. Interment at Brookside Cemetery, Watertown, N.Y.


William Chittenden

Came from the parish of Cranbrook, Kent, thirty-five miles southeast of London, bapt. March 1594, in the parish of Marden: died February, 1660-61, at Guilford, Connecticut: son of Robert Chittenden of Kent, England: was one of the twenty-five signers on 1st June 1639, of the covenant subscribed to by the company who sailed from England to America, 20th May 1639, in a ship of 350 tons and arrived in New Haven, about 10th July: the deed of purchase for their settlement Guilford, from Shaumpishuh, the sachem squaw of Menunkatuck is dated 20th September 1639: was one of the four, Robert Kitchell, William Chittenden, John Bishop and William Leete who received according to the record “full power and authority to act, order and dispatch all matters respecting the public weale and civil government of the plantation, until a church is gathered among us,” on the gathering of the church 19th June 1643, these four magistrates resigned their trust: William Chittenden was the principle military man and magistrate of the plantation, bearing title of Lieutenant, and a man of much ability, influence and importance in the Colony: he had been a soldier in the Thirty Years War in the Netherlands, and had reached the rank of Major: married while in England, Joanna Sheaffe, daughter of Dr. Edmund and Joanna Sheaffe of Cranbrook, Kent, England, she married (2d)  Abraham Cruttenden of Guilford. (From “Chittenden Family History,” by Dr. Alvan Talcott)


William Chittenden, Major: 1593-1660

Guilford, Conn. In 1643 elected principle military man of New Haven, Colony. Magistrate of the Plantation. Deputy. 1643, et seq. Segt., 1648, Kieut. 1653 (Whittemore, Pg. 87) “William Chittenden of Guilford, Conn., came from East Guilford, in County Sussex, adjourning Rye, on the British channel, near the border of Kent, with wife Joan, daughter of Dr. Jacob Sheaffe, of Cranbrook in Kent, and sister of Jacob Sheaffe, and of the wife of Rev. Henry Whitfield, with whom they came to Boston, 1638. He soon went to New Haven, was the founder of the church at Guilford, Conn., 1st Jun 1639, and trustee of the land purchased from the Indians for the settlement. He had been a soldier in the Netherlands and reached the rank of Major. Here he was made Lieutenant of the force of New Haven Colony, and a Magistrate for the rest of his days. He was a representative to the General Court for 27 sessions between 1643 and 1661, and died in February of that year. His children were Thomas, Nathaniel, John, Joanna, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph and Hannah (twins) and Deborah.”

(Chittenden Watson notes) “Baptized Mar 1594, Cranbrook, Kent, England, died Feb 1661, Guilford, Conn. Married Joanna Sheaffe, born 1613, Cranbrook, Kent, England, died 16th Aug 1668, Guilford, Conn, daughter of Rev. Edmund Sheaffe and Joan Jordan. William came from East Guilford in County Sussex, adjoining Rye on the British Channel near the border of Kent, or perhaps from Kent, with his wife a sister of Jacob Sheaffe, and of the wife of Rev. Henry Whitfield: and in 1639, he and his brothers-in-law took up their residence at Guilford. He was one of the founders of the church there on 1st Jun 1639. He was a representative at 27 sessions of court between 1643 and 1661, and a magistrate until his death. He was one of the six persons selected to purchase the lands in Guilford from the Indians, also one of four who received “full power and authority to act, order and dispatch all matters respecting the public weal and civil government of the plantation until a church is gathered among us”. He was the principle man in the plantation. He had been a soldier in the English army in the Netherlands in the Thirty Year’s War and had reached the rank of Major. Here he was made lieutenant of the force of New Haven Colony. Joanna married (2) 31st May 1665, as his second wife, Abraham Crutenden of Guilford, Conn. died Jan 1683 (ref Talcott, pg 167, 260: Flagg, pg 295, 341: Savage. Vol 1, pg 382: Torrey, pg 151).


William Chittenden: “Immigrant Ancestors” Edited by Frederick Adams Virkus

Extracted from Vol. 2 - Compendium of American Genealogy “Chittenden William (1593-1660/1661) from England to New Haven, Conn. 1639 removed to Guilford, and founder of the church there, 1639 Trustee of land purchased from Indians: Lt of Colonial Forces: Magistrate: Representative. Gen. CT. Married Joanna (died 1668) daughter of Dr Jacob Sheaffe.Commemorative Biographical Record of New Haven County Connecticut - Volume 2 (Page 826) Jared Chittenden, son of William, born 1734, married (first) Deborah Stone of Guilford: (second) Elizabeth Ward daughter of Samuel Dudley of Guilford. Lived in North Guilford. His children by his first wife


“In the Whitfield party (settling Guilford in 1639), was a William Chittenden. His descendants, at least four families still bearing that name, live in Guilford now. Others have married and bear other surnames. His father, Robert, has been said to have lived in Cranbrook, Kent, UK.


William Chittenden: Kelley Family History

 ii. Samuel Buel m Deborah Griswell. iii, John Buel m 13th Nov 1695 Mary Loomis. iv, Peter Buel m 18th Dec 1734 Avis Collins. v, Peter Buel, Jr. m Dec 1766 Mary Seymour, vi, Abigail Buel b 3rd May 1770 at Litchfield, Vt: d 29th Oct 1847 at Elyria, O m 7th Feb 1794, Melancthon Woolsey Welles, vii, Mary Seymour Welles m Alfred Kelley. Avis Collins, the wife of (iv) Peter Buel above, was the great granddaughter on one side of Gov. William Lute, who came to this country with Rev. Henry Whitfield about 1611 and settled in Guilford, Conn., with his wife, Ann Payne. He was Magistrate, Deputy Governor and Governor for forty years. His eldest son John m Mary Chittenden 4th Oct 1670; their daughter was the mother of Avis Collins. Mary Chittenden was the daughter of William Chittenden of Guilford, Conn., who came from East Guilford, in Sussex Co., on the British Channel near Kent. His wife was Joanna Shaeffe or Shafe. She was the daughter of Dr. Edward Shaeffe of Cranbrook, Kent, sister of the wife of Rev. Henry Whitfield, with whom they came to Boston. He soon went to New Haven and was one of the church.


William Lawrence Chittenden

Poet-Rancher, Dies: Began his career as Reporter in New York, Became a Texas Landowner. Founded Noted Library. Author of ‘Bermuda Verses’ and of ‘Lafferty’s letters: William Lawrence Chittenden, rancher, salesman, newspaper man, once known as the “poet-rancher,” died yesterday morning in Wickersham Hospital, where he had undergone an operation. He was 72 years old. Born in Montclair, N.J., Mr. Chittenden was the son of Henry A. and Henrietta Gano Chittenden. He began work as a reporter, on a New York newspaper. At the age of 21 he borrowed $50 and started towards Texas. On the way he sent stories to several newspapers and sold a variety of articles to help pay his way. With his uncle, the late S. B. Chittenden, former Representative in Congress from Brooklyn, he started the Chittenden cattle ranch at anson, Texas. He later bought out his uncle’s interest and was eventually the owner of a ranch that had its own town site and railroad. Mr. Chittenden bought large interests in Florida and Maine, and at the same time contributed verse and other material to many periodicals throughout the United States under the name of Larry Chittenden. In Christmas Cove, Me., where Mr. Chittenden spent many of his winters in recent years, he founded a library of autographed volumes. The library was supported entirely by Mr. Chittenden and in 1920 had more than 1,000 autographed books. Among those who contributed their works to the library were Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, James W. Gerard, Dr. Lyman Abbott, Colonel E. M. House and others. Mr. Chittenden was the author of “ranch Verses” which went into sixteen editions; “bermuda Verses,” “Lafferty’s Letters and other works. He was a member of the National Arts Club of New York. Mr. Chittenden is survived by his sister, Mrs Elizabeth E. Pinkham of Montclair, N.J.


William Lawrence Chittenden: 1862 - 1934 (Article from The Handbook of Texas).

William Lawrence (Larry) Chittenden, known as the poet-ranchman of Texas, son of Henry and Henrietta (Gano) Chittenden, was born on 23rd Mar 1862, in Montclair, New Jersey, and educated in Montclair schools. As a young man he worked in his family’s dry goods store and as a New York newspaper reporter. In 1883 Chittenden borrowed fifty dollars and made his way to Texas as a travelling dry goods salesman. To help pay his way he sent articles back to New York newspapers. In 1884 he visited Jones County to look over some land owned by his family and deciding that ranching could be a profitable venture. Three years later he went into partnership with his uncle, former New York congressman Simeon B. Chittenden, and established a ranch at the foot of Skinout Mountain, seven miles northwest of Anson. After his uncle’s death in 1889, Chittenden bought the estate’s ranch interest and further developed it. He began to write poetry and, according to legend, inspired by a comely San Angelo lass, wrote “The Odd Fellow’s Ball” in 1885. His best-known poem, “The Cowboys’ Christmas Ball,” was first published in 1890 in the Anson Texas Western. It has been reprinted and anthologized many times since. Anson citizens staged a show called the Cowboys’ Christmas Ball, in 1934, and the poem has been re-enacted annually since. G. P. Putnam’s sons published a collection of Chittenden’s Texas poems, Ranch Verses, in 1893. The book went through sixteen editions and earned the author the sobriquet “poet-ranchman,” Chittenden moved from Texas to Bermuda in 1904, and, in 1909, Putnam’s published Bermuda Verses. Some years later Lafferty’s Letters was published. Chittenden’s verse appeared in many periodicals throughout the country. During his last years Chittenden had a home in Christmas Cove, Maine, where he began and served as sole financial supporter of a public library consisting of books autographed by their authors. He also founded the Children’s League, a day nursery and fresh-air and convalescent home for underprivileged children. Chittenden never married. He died on 24th Sep 1934, in a New York hospital after undergoing surgery and was buried in Rosedale Cemetery, Montclair, New Jersey.


William M. Chittenden

Founder of the Chittenden Insurance Agency, died 14th December 1994, in Hamden, Conn., at 98. He was born in Clinton, Conn., where he attended Morgan High School. After serving in the Army in World War 1, he joined the Risdon Manufacturing Co., in Naugatuck, Conn. In 1928 he founded the Chittenden Insurance Agency in Naugatuck; where he remained active until he moved to Hamden. He was a bank director and active in several local civic organizations. He leaves a son, three daughters, 15 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren


William. Chittenden: Indexes to Seamen’s Protection Certificate Applications and Proofs of Citizenship

Page 58. 1805. Port: New Haven, Connecticut: Chittenden William, age 28. Born Connecticut