Kay & Ed Chittenden: Letters from the Mailbag: Kay and Ed Chittenden dropped me a brief note and family picture. They were very pleased with the introduction made for them in the 1995 newsletter. “Had no idea you were going to do that and it was a delightful surprise. Thanks so much”. It was our pleasure. We hope that you can make 1997 reunion or if visiting nearby give me a call. Capt. Tom Chittenden wrote that within the first twenty-four hours in New Orleans he was asked if he knew Alfred Chittenden. He, of course, looked Alfred up in the ‘book’ and found him to be the only Chittenden in the New Orleans directory. Capt. Tom phoned Alfred and learned that he is retired. He was interested in receiving the newsletter and other information, so I am adding Alfred Chittenden of 6331 Paris Avenue, New Orleans 70122 to our list. Capt Tom Chittenden later wrote from Seward, Alaska, and described the natural beauty of Resurrection Bay, “looking at the alpine mountains all around”. While waiting for the ferry to Kodiac Island, he reported seeing many bald eagles fishing in the bay. Cecil Chittenden from Soldatna, Alaska, wrote to join our Newsletter list and he told us teat he has been in Alaska for many years, working in an artic oil field. A faithful Chittenden is Susan in Cleveland, Tennessee. She wrote that she found the 1995 newsletter most interesting. We are pleased to hear that. She said that she lead written to Ed Chittenden in Maryland, but she could not make direct connection. Ed was pleased to hear from Susan. Ed was born in Michigan about 40 or 50 miles from where my grandfather, Myers Chittenden was born. Later on Susan sent this letter. “When cleaning out my desk drawers, I ran across this picture of my grandparents. Myers was a ggggggson of William Chittenden of Guilford, Connecticut. He was born in Branch County, Michigan and his wife, Bessie Dow, was from Hillsdale County, Michigan. The baby in the picture is their granddaughter Helen Chittenden born March 1926. (It is my guess that the enclosed picture is about 70 years As soon as the newsletter is finished the picture must be returned to Susan because she writes, “We have very few pictures of my grandfather as he usually took the pictures”. Myers and Bessie Dow Chittenden moved to Tennessee in 1898. He was a postal worker. “And my dad and his brother followed in Myers footsteps.” Susan said that the Cleveland post office did not have a parcel post service until January 1913 and Bessie Chittenden mailed the first package by parcel post. It was a one-pound package to Hillside, Michigan and it cost eight cents (Times and prices have certainly changed). Thanks Susan for sharing this information with us.



“Arizona Daily Star” Pima Co

1850 Oct 10th

George Chittenden

b @ Clinton, Middx, CT.

Par: Hanson (28) & Nancy (26) Chittenden


1912 Jun 4th

Katie H Chittenden

birth @ Livingston, Ky.

Mother: L. Mitchell

1912 Aug 8th

Ire Chittenden

birth @ Livingston, Ky.

Mother: Vina Quertermouse.

1912 Aug 12th

Julian Chittenden

birth @ Livingston, Ky

Mother: Lena Syner


Daniel A. Chittenden

died, age 27 of consumption

@ Middx, CT born Mount Pleasant, PA


1922 Jan 8th

James W Chittenden

of Nez Perce, ID

died @ Lewiston

1924 May 18th

Opan Chittenden

of Nez Perce, ID

died @ Lewiston

1930 Apr 4th

Rozna E. Chittenden

of Bingham, ID

died @ Blackfoot

1940 Jan 7th

Elmer Joshua Chittenden

of Canyon, ID


died @ Nampa

1942 Mar 9th

William Smith Chittenden

of Canyon, ID


died @ Nampa

1950 Aug 21st

Eliza B Chittenden

of Canyon, ID


died @ Nampa

2002 Apr 7th

Jeanne Chittenden


died, age 68

@ Harve Mountain, Tucson




Alumni Records: Ruth Chittenden. Class of 1929. Arnold, NE, High School. Custer County, Rossevelt Co., NE



California. Mariposa Gazette May 20th 1876

On Bear Creek. May 11th 1876. George Chittenden married Mrs. Alvina C. VanCampen, by S.W. Carr Esq


California: Monterey County. Watsonville Register - Pajaronian, dated 4th Jun 1957

“Hitch-Hikers Tale Leads to Crash Scene - A dazed and battered 25 year old hitch hiker who asked to be taken to a hospital Monday unfolded the story of Monterey County’s 24th traffic fatality since 1st January. James Daffan of Roanoke, Va., stumbled to a residence about 50 miles south of Monterey along Highway 1 and asked to be taken to a hospital at 10 a.m. He was taken to Monterey County hospital at Salinas. Meanwhile, residents in the area began to look around and 150 feet below a steep cliff along the highway they spotted the wreckage of a car. The body of Lawrence K Chittenden, 20, of Hollydale was found inside. Chief Deputy Coroner Chris Hill said he thought the accident happened sometime Saturday night. Hill said Daffan was apparently thrown from the car before it landed at the bottom and could have been unconscious for several hours. Daffan could remember nothing of the accident, not even the make of car in which he was riding. Police were puzzled at the lack of skid marks on the road, although Chittenden’s car plunged from a straight stretch of highway. Chittenden, a naval reservist, had left home alone for San Francisco amd apparently given Daffan a ride”, (Lawrence K. Chittenden. SS# 545-50-8333, died 1 Jun 1957, Monterey County. Reg# 530. State File 57-61920).


California: Daily Alton, 1858 Jan 7th

The wife of A. Chittenden Jr. a daughter


California: San Francisco Daily Morning Call 1874 Feb 5th

Wife of William Chittenden, a son @ Santa Cruz 23 January


California:  The Orange County Register Pacific Rim; Southern California

17th Aug 1991. Dorothy A. Chittenden, 75, a Tustin homemaker, died Thursday. Graveyard services at 10 a.m. Monday at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana. Arrangements by Fairhaven Mortuary, Santa Ana. Survived by he sons, Daniel, of Santa Ana, and Michael, of San Clement; and two grandchildren


25th Mar 1993. Juanita LaGrand, 73, a Garden Grove homemaker, died Monday. Services at 10 a.m. today at Pierce Bros - Smiths’ Mortuary, Huntington Beach. Burial in Kentucky. Survived by her sons, Phillip, of Garden Grove, Gary, of California, Donald, of Costa Mesa, Robert, of San Luis Obispo, George, of Fortuna, Rodney, of San Diego, and Steven, of Iowa: daughters Linda Chittenden of Kentucky and Mary Guilmain of Kentucky; 17 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


21st Oct 1994. Michael Eugene Chittenden, 51, of San Clemente, a service technician for Pacific Bell, died Saturday/ Memorial services at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Lesneski, San Clemente. Graveside services at 3 p.m.


California: Santa Ana. Wednesday at Riverside National Cemetery

Survived by his brother, Daniel, of Tustin. 1st Aug 1996. Lawrence L. Swanson, 71, of Santa Ana, a retired Marine master gunnery sergeant, died July 24th of heart failure. Arrangements by Fairhaven Memorial Park Mortuary, Santa Ana. Services held at Waverly Church, Santa Ana. Survivors: wife, Keiko, daughters, Chiaki Haverstick, Laureen Chittenden; brother Rudy; four grandchildren


Cincinnati Commercial 1858-1899

Heritage Books, Inc: 1996. Page 95

Chittenden A. M. - Notice date: 6th Apr 1882.   Death Date: 4th Apr


Colby Free Press and Tribune. 13th December 1928, page 5

Funeral of Leslie Saunders - The high esteem in which Leslie ‘Shag’ Saunders was held by his chool mates and the people of Coby in general was very amply shown by the great crowd of people who attended his funeral held last Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church. The whole town joined in the sorrow of the relatives of this exemplary young man, who, in his quiet way, held a place of high regard among them. The young men of the DeMolay had charge of the general arrangements for the funeral of their fellow member and conducted the service at the cemetery. Rev. L. R. Templin conducted the services at the church and spoke feelingly of what the young man had meant to the town, to his family and to his schoolmates by his friendliness, his willingness to help and his appreciation of good fellowship. With personal sadness we append the obituary that was read at the services. Members of the high school football team were pall bearers and present and former athlete coaches, Theodore A. Fleck and David C. Chittenden, were honorary pall bearers. Mr Chittenden driving 64 miles from Herndon to attend the funeral of his former pupil and constant friend.


Connecticut: Meriden Daily Journal, Friday Oct. 11th 1889 pg 1, Col 3

“Bust of S.B. Chittenden” F. E. Ewell of Sandwich, the sculptor, has finished the model of a bust of S. B. Chittenden of New York City, the giver of a new library building to Yale College. It will be done in marble at Paris, and will be placed in the Yale library when finished”


llinois. Chicago Tribune 20th Apr 2002

IHarriet Pierson Berman, age 98, died 14th Apr 2002. Born 22nd Jan 1904 in Chicago, to Warde and Ann, nee Loker, Chittenden, she had lived in the white Lake area for many years. On 6th Jun 1925 she married Henry S. Pierson who preceded her in death on 11t Jun 1970. On 30th Jun 1974 she married Louis J. Berman who preceded her in death 30th Apr 1980. Mrs Berman had been a homemaker and was preceded in death by a son, Daka L. W. Pierson on 21st Aug 1987. Survived by sons, Warde C. Pierson of Illinois and H. Duane [Irene S] Pierson of Whitehall: five grandchildren, Nancy L. Pierson Beauchamp, Jeffrey L. [Beth] Pierson, Joan D. Pierson [Neil] Manny, Emily M. Pierson and Robert D. [Jeanine] Pierson: eight great-grandchildren. Memorial Service will be held later in the Spring


Connecticut Death Index 1988 – 1996. State File No: 06171

Chittenden John. Died 8th Mar 1990 at Middletown, Middlesex, Conn. Born 8th Oct 1893, Madison, Conn, age 96. Never married. Merchant.


Memorials to White Lake Community Fund, Box 42, Whitehall, MI 49461

Notice: Patricia Sue Chittenden, age 40, of Ranger, WV: died May 2, 2000, in Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, after a long illness. Surviving: husband George Chittenden, daughter, Amanda Chittenden, at home; son George Lee Chittenden, at home; parents, Leonard and Pearl Jean Wiley of Midkiff; sisters, Sharon Blevins, Kathy Mosley and Maude Colegrove, all of Midkiff; brother, Leonard Glen Wiley of Ranger. Service will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at McGhee-Handley Funeral Home, West Hamlin, with the Rev. Clifford Ellis officiating. Burial will be in Wiley Cemetery, Midkiff.. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


Kansas: Radges Topeka City Directory

1910 p. 171 Chittenden Arthur L r 701 Western Ave. 1916 p. 159 Chittenden Arthur L (Laura) supt of agts Aetna Life Ins Co r 219 Laurel. Chittenden Cleo maid hotel Throop. Chittenden Henry b Co Farm. 1921 p. 208 Chittenden Arthur L (A Laura) agt Bank Savings Life Ins Co r 1338 Fillmore. 1924 p. 171  Chittenden Arthur L (A Laura) Agent The Bank Savings Life Ins Co 4th fl CB&L bldg h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Leverett, student r 1338 Fillmore. Polks Topeka City Directory:- 1927-28 p. 139 Chittenden Arthur H sismn Western Typewriter Co h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Arthur L (A Laura) Agent The Bank Savings Life Ins Co. 4th floor CB&L bldg. H 1338 Fillmore Tel 2-1009. Chittenden Leverett G sismn r 1338 Fillmore. 1929-30 p. 125 Chittenden Arth H agt Pierce & Co r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Arthur L (A Laura) Agent, The Bank Savings Ins Co, 4th floor CB&L bldg, h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Leverett G sismn r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Thos stockman McClellan Stores Co r 1338 Fillmore. 1931 p. 122 Chittenden Arth H sismn Pierce & Co r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Arthur L (A Laura) Agent The Bank Savings & Life Ins Co, 4th fl CB&L bldg h 1338 Fillmore Tel 2-1009. Chittenden Leverett G driver White Eagle Oil Corp r 1338 Fillmore. 1933 p. 86 Chittenden Arth H agt Minn Mut Life Ins Co r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Arth L (A Laura) agt Bank Savings Life Ins Co. h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Leverett G r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Nora Mrs r 431 Roosevelt. Chittenden Thos J student r 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Virginia B student r 1338 Fillmore. 1946 p.87 Chittenden Arth H USA r 1338 Fillmore (‘USA’ notation implies military service). Chittenden Arth L (Anna L) genl ins h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Nora B Mrs clk Fleming Co. r 1719 Western. 1948 p. 93 Chittenden Arth L (Anna L) h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Nora B clk r 1719 Western Ave. Chittenden Norman student r 1719 Western Ave. 1954 Chittenden Arth L h 1338 Fillmore. Chittenden Nora brmo h 701 E 7th. Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library obituary index (which is incomplete for some years) Chittenden Clara C Topeka Capital Journal 1992 May 11 p. 6c b. 1912 Feb 3 d. 1992 May 10: burial Yankee Hill Cemetery, Lincoln Nebraska: Husband Walter J died 1971. Chittenden Thomas Judson St. Paul Minnesota (formerly of Topeka) b. 1909 Oct 19 d. 1986 Apr 17: Topeka Capital Journal 1986 Apr 19 p. 29: Wife Mary Jane survives. Chittenden Virginia Topeka Capital Journal 2000 Apr 11 p. 6b b. 1914 Jun 20 d. 2000 Apr 7 burial Valley Brook Cemetery, Overbrook Kansas.


Kansas: Osage County Chronicle. Rutland Daily Herald. 5th Dec 1890

A great grandson of Vermont’s first Governor, living in Danville Indiana who is probably the largest mason in the world. Weighed 11 pounds at birth and now weighs 909 pounds, is 6ft 5 in, tall. It takes 41 yards of cloth to make a suit, 3 pounds of yarn to make a pair of socks and a whole side of leather to make a pair of boots. His parents were both small, his father weighing 150 pounds and his mother 115 pounds. His wife who has recently given birth to a baby girl weighs some 130 pounds


Kansas: Osage County Chronicles: Topeka (KS)

Virginia Belle Chittenden, 86, Topeka, died Thursday, April 6th 2000, at her home. She was born Jun 20th 1914, in Topeka, the daughter of Arthur and Anna Laura Gilmore Chittenden. She attended the Topeka schools, and was graduated from Topeka High School. She lived in the Topeka area all her life. She was married to Richard Isles. They were divorced. Her parents and three brothers, Leverett, Art and Tom have preceded her in her death. She is survived by two nephews, one niece, and several cousins. Burial will be Valley Brook Cemetery, south of Overbrook (KS).


Kansas: Topeka Capital Journal - Obituary Index: 1986 Apr 19 page 29

Chittenden Thomas Judson of St. Paul, Minnesota (formerly of Topeka) born 19 Oct 1909 died 17 Apr 1986 wife Mary Janes survives. 1992 May 11 p. 6c: Chittenden Clara C born 3 Feb 1912 died 10 May 1992 husband Walter J Chittenden who died 1971. Burial Yankee Hill Cemetery, Lincoln, Nebraska.


Kansas: Topeka Capital Journal 11th Apr 2000 p.6b

Virginia Chittenden, born 20th Jun 1914, died 7th Apr 2000 buried Valley Brook Cemetery (Overbrook, Kansas)


Kansas: Topeka: Norman D Chittenden, 70, Topeka, died Thursday 31 Jan 2002 at a Topeka Hospital. Services and burial will be private. Penwell-Gabel Mid-Town Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to Midland Hospice House, 200 S. W. Frazier Circle, Topeka, 66604.


Kansas: Topeka Pamela S. Young Rusk, 48, Topeka, died Monday 26 Nov 2001, shortly after arrival at a Topeka hospital after she was stricken at home. She was born 20 Jun 1953, in Topeka, to Oscar C. and Josephine B Stramel Young. She graduated in 1971 from the Kansas School for the Blind in Kansas City, where she excelled as a student and cheerleader. She was a vendor in the Business Enterprise Program for more than 21 years. She worked at the Shawnee Co., Courthouse until 1998 and had been honoured for outstanding service. She became store manager of Envision White Canes and More, where she worked since 1998. She had received the career achievement award from Envision. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and past treasurer of the Alumni Association of the School for the Blind. She was a past vice president of the Topeka Association for the Visually Impaired and was a volunteer for the Ring-a-Day programme. She was instrumental in establishing the Gofor Beepball baseball team in Topeka. She married Michael W Rusk 5 Aug 1972 in Topeka. He survives. Other survivors include he mother. Josephine Young, Topeka: two brothers, Cliff Young, Henderson, Nev and Greg Young. Topeka: and a sister Peggy Chittenden, Topeka. Services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home. Burial will be in Mount Calvary cemetery. Mrs Rusk will lie in state after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home, where a parish rosary at 6.30 p.m. Wednesday will be followed by visitation until 7.30 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Guide Dogs for the Blind, P.O. Box 151200, San Rafael, Cailif.94915.


Kentucky. Paducah. Monday May 7th 2001

Otto Chittenden. Marion, Ky – Otto Chittenden, 62, of Marion died at 10.40 a.m. Sunday at Crittenden County Hospital. He was a member of Marion Christian Church. He is survived by his wife, Jean Chittenden of Marion, a daughter Belinda Dempsey of Marion, a son, John Sallee of Marion; three brothers, Russell Chittenden, Kenny Chittenden and Bill Chittenden, all of St. Louis; three sisters, Dorothy Case of St. Louis, Callie Chadwell of Paducah, and Carol Stroede of Arizona. He was preceded in death by three brothers. Memorial services will be held at a later date. There will be no visitations. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of contributions to Crittenden County Resque Squad, 214 Weldon St, Marion, Ky. 42064, or Crittenden County Humane Society, Courthouse Square, Marion, Ky. 42064. Gilbert Funeral Homes of Marion is in charge of arrangements.


Kentucky. Paducah. Sunday Jul 15th 2001

Slayden – Chittenden. Doug and Joy Slayden of Lola, announce the engagement of their daughter Alizabeth Slayden, to Devin Chittenden, son of Barry and Angie Chittenden of Hampton. Miss Slayden is the granddaughter of Sis and Patsie Lasher of Hampton, Vera Stayden of Lola and the late Bob Slayden. She is a 1907 graduate of Livingston Central High School and a 2001 graduate of Murray State University. She is an alumna of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Mr. Chittenden is the grandson of the late Wayne and Ann Threlkeld Lucian Chittenden of Joy and the late Melva Dean Chittenden. He is a 1997 graduate of Livingston Central High School and a student at the University of Louisville. Wedding vows will be exchanged at 7 p.m. Jul 21st at Lido Beach in Sarasota, Fla. All friends and relatives are invited to a reception at 4 p.m. Aug 12th at Hampton United Methodist church.


Kentucky. Paducah. Sunday Sep 2nd 2001

Devin and Alizabeth Chittenden. Sarasota, Fla. Alizabeth Slayden and Devin Chittenden were united in marriage Jul 21st on Lido Beach, with the Re. Mark Benton officiating. Music was provided by Barry Chittenden, father of the groom, vocalist. Parents of the couple are Doug and Joy Slayden of Lola, Ky.; and Barrie and Angie Chittenden of Hampton, Ky. The bride chose her sister, Miss Rebecca Slayden of Lola, as maid of honor, Bridesmaids were Mrs Robin Hurst of Ledbetter, Ky., and Miss Kim Alexander of Murray, Ky. The groom chose his brother, Josh Chittenden of Hampton, as best man. Groomsmen were Scott Hurst of Ledbetter and Matt Hargrove of Burna, Ky. Receptions followed the ceremony at Helmsley Sandcastle Hotel and Aug 17th at Hampton United Methodist Church. The bride is a 1997 graduate of Livingston Central High School and a 2001 graduate of Murray State University with a bachelor’s degree in business finance. She is employed by the U.S. Census Bureau in Jeffersonville, Ind. The groom, a 1997 graduate of Livingston Central High School, is a student at the University of Louisville.


Kentucky. The Paducah Sun, Wednesday Sep 4th 2002

Marjorie Chittenden: Burna, Ky. Services for Marjorie Chittenden, 80, of Burna will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Boyd Funeral Home in Salem. The Rev. Jim Wring will officiate. Burial will be in Good Hope Cemetery in Hampton. Mrs Chittenden died at 3 a.m. Tuesday at Livingstone County Hospital. She was a member of Burna Missionary Baptist Church. Surviving are her daughter, Paulette Greer of Burna; one brother, Bobby Quertermous of Simpson, Ill; two grandsons, Paul Ray Greer and Jimbob Greer, both of Hampton, two great-granchildren, and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Chittenden; one sister, and two brothers. Her parents were Ludie and Mable Quertermous. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


Kentucky: The Paducah Sun, Sunday Oct 5th 2003

Beverly Chittenden, Salem, Ky. Ms Beverly R. Chittenden of the Joy community in Livingstone County passed away Saturday, Oct 4th 2003, at Salem Springlake Care Center. She was 96 years old. Services will be at the Boyd Funeral Home, Sunday, Oct. 5th 2003, at 2 p.m. with Rev. Lynn Farlee officiating. Burial will be in Bethel Cemetery. Visitations will be Sunday, Oct 5th from 7 a.m. to the funeral hour. Ms. Chittenden was a graduate of Western Kentucky State College and taught in the Livingstone County school system for 15 years before joining the staff of the Salem Bank. She retired from banking after 35 years. She was Secretary of the Salem Hospital Board, a member of the Order of Eastern Star and was active in the Kentucky Women Bankers organization. Ms. Chittenden was preceded in death by her parents, J.S.D. and Claudia Chittenden, and four sisters, Hazel C. Vaughn, Audrey M. Chittenden, Ruth B. Chittenden and Mary A. Chittenden. She is survived by her neice, Linda Munson of Louisville, Ky, her nephew, Roe Vaughn of Birmingham, Ala; two great-nieces, Heather Vaughn of New York City and Kayla Vaughn of Birmingham, Ala: and one great-nephew, Brad Munson of Lexington, Kentucky.


Maryland: Baltimore Sun: 28th Jun 2003:   On 27th Jun 2003

Curtis W. Chittenden beloved husband of Catherine R. [nee Bokman] devoted father of the late Cathy Weatherholtz. Also survived by other loving family members and friends. Relatives and friends are invited to call at the Schimunek Funeral Home, Inc., 9705 Belair Road [Perry Hall] on Saturday 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. where funeral services will be held on Monday at 10.30 a.m. Interment Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens-


Massachusetts: Boston Weekly Journal 1889 Apr 4th

Charles W Chittenden. Groceries. Etc., CT., has assigned. Liabilities about $2.000; assets about $325.


Massachusetts: Boston Globe Newspaper, 31st Jan 1989. Section: Obituary. Page 23

A memorial service will be held at 2.30 p.m. Sunday in Melvin Village Community Church, Tuftonboro, N.H., for Wilda (Freeman) Jackson Chittenden, a former registered nurse in Boston who managed the Crestview Nursing Home in Quincy in the 1960s. Mrs Chittenden died 21st Jan in Maine Medical Center, Portland, two weeks after undergoing a quadruple coronary bypass operation. She was 83 and lived in Tuftonboro. Born in Shakespeare, Ontario, she graduated from Lyndonville Teachers College in Lyndonville, Vt., and from the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital School of Nursing in Boston. She worked at Massachusetts General Hospital as a private nurse in the 1940s. Mrs Chittenden leaves a son, John Jackson of Gorham, Maine, a half brother Richard Chamberlin in Montreal: three grandchildren: a great-grandson: and two step-granddaughters.


Boston Globe Newspaper. 3rd Oct 1998 Section: Metro. Page: B7

A 19-year-old Roxbury man ran for his life yesterday, but was gunned down on Ruggles Street, reportedly by two youths on bicycles, as high school soccer players ducked for cover on a nearby field. Michael Chittenden, who lived in Madison Park Village off Melnea Cass Boulevard, was fatally shot just before 3 p.m. as he ran towards a field where players were gathering for a soccer match. Coashes for the teams - from Brighton and John D. O’Bryant high schools - herded players away as shots were fired. Chittenden was pronounced dead at 3.15 p.m. at Boston Medical Center, a hospital spokeswoman said. A city youth worker counseling children at the scene said he was told that Chittenden was with a 9-year-old neighbour in front of the housing development when two young people rode up on bicycles. Words were exchanged and the youths may have issue a warning, he said, because Chittenden and the 9-year-old suddenly dashed off in opposite directions. Chittenden, who was pursued, was shot in the street and collapsed on the sidewalk near the field. Chittenden’s mother, Deborah Chittenden, said last night that other teenagers had been threatening to kill her son since February. She said they told him to stay off Lenox Street and even called him at home, saying “We’re going to shoot you”. Chittenden said Boston police had tapped her phone at her request and taped the calls. Kevin Jones, a police spokesman, could not verify if detectives had tapped Chittenden’s phone or that they had investigated the threats. Chittenden said she believes gang members that hang out on Lenox Street killed her only child. She said the gang terrorized the neighborhood.. Ironically, the shooting preceded by just a few hours the kickoff of this year’s Peace League - a city sponsored program gathering gang members to play basketball. The game began at 6 p.m. last night in the Madison Park Community Centre, just across the filed from where Chittenden fell. It was the second fatal shooting in the neighbourhood recently, alarmed neighbours said. Chittenden’s killing brought the number of homicides committed in Boston this year to 30, a toll approaching the total of 34 at this time last year.. No arrests had been made yesterday.


Massachusetts: Worcester Telegram & Gazette 5th Dec 2002 Section: Deaths. Page: B7. Dateline: Cypress, Texas

Margaret E. (Chittenden) Smith, 75, of 1111 Grant road, formerly of Fitchburg. Mass., died 26th Nov in Houston Northwest Medical Center, Houston, after a brief illness. He husband of 37 years, Richard M. Smith, died in 1992. She leaves three sons, murray S. and Terrance G. Smith, both of Houston, and Kevin A Smith of Kennewick, Wash,; a daughter, Margaret Siobham of Richfield, Utah; a brother, Andrew Chittenden of Davidson, N.C.; 10 grandchildren; nephews and nieces. She was born in Burlington, Vt., daughter of Harley W, and Margaret (Nixon) Chittenden, and lived in Munich, Germany, until 1990. Mrs smith loved to travel and read. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 10th Dec, in Smith-Mallahy-Masciarelli Funeral Home, 243 Water St., Fitchburg. Burial will be in St.Bernard’s Cemetery, Fitchburg. There is no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration)


Massachusetts: Springfield Union News: 3rd Jan 2003. Gerald A Hays Edition ALL. Section: Obits. Page B06. Huntington

Gerald A. Hays, 99, of 1 Hamblin Ct, died Tuesday at the Noble Hospital in Westfield. Born in Pittsfield, he lived in Huntington for many years. He was a Production Manager of the Vogue Pattern Publishing Co., and later became a farmer. He was a former Tax Collector for the town of Huntington. His wife Esther (Chittenden) Hays, died in 1998. He is survived by a son Donald C. Hays of Azuse, CA, two daughters Nancy C. Huff of Wilmington SC., and Beverly H. Keeney of Huntington. Twelve Grand Children, Twenty Great Grand Children and One Great Grand Children. A Memorial Service will be held in June. Burial will be private. The Ahearn Funeral Home in Northampton in charge of arrangements.


Michigan, Lancing

Marlene Chittenden. Miss: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Chittenden has announced the plans for her marriage which will take place on January 8, 1955 at 3 o’clock at the First Presbyterian Church with the Rev. H. L. Laws officiating. She will be married to James C. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dale of East Lansing, Mich. Miss Chittenden will be given in marriage by her father, Mrs. L. A. Murray of Lancing, Mich., will serve as her sister’s matron of honour, Miss Catherine Dale of East Lansing Mich., sister of the groom will serve as bridesmaid. The groom’s father will serve as best man and the ushers will be L. A. Murray, Jr., of Lansing, Mich. Robert Leonard of Mason, Mich., J. B. Chittenden and James Gilliland of Cleveland. There will be a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. Those assisting in serving will be M.S David N. Miller of Oak Ridge, Tenn., Mrs. Myres Chittenden, Mrs. Earl Gilliland, Mrs. J.B. Chittenden and Mary Gilliland.


Michigan, Lancing

Helen M. Murray. Mrs: age 38, of 2305 Harding Ave, died Wednesday, February 17, 1965, at a local hospital after being stricken with pneumonia. She had been a resident of Lansing since 1953, coming from Cleveland, Tenn: was a member of First Presbyterian Church. A graduate of Tennessee Teachers College, she had been a school teacher in Cleveland, Tenn., and at Walnut St, School here. Surviving are her husband Leo A. Murray Jr.: three sons, Gary L., Douglas A., Timothy M.: One daughter Linda Ann: her parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chittenden of Cleveland, Tenn: two brothers Myers B. Chittenden of Waynesville, NC.: Donald Chittenden of Cleveland, Tenn, and one sister, Mrs James C. Dale of Lansing. Funeral services will be held at the Estes-Leadley Colonial Chapel at 2.30 p.m. Monday with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.


Michigan. Lancing

Frances Marlene Dale: 3515 Macon Ave. Mrs. Dale, age 47, died at a local hospital April 18, 1977. She had been a resident of Lansing for 22 years. She was a member of Bethel Baptist Church. She graduated from the Tennessee Technological University and attended M.S.U. She had been a Teacher in the Waverly School District since 1970. She was a member of the Michigan Educational Association. Surviving are: husband James C.: 1 son Craig M., both of Lansing: a daughter Mrs. James (Karen F) Clickner of Lansing: parents Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Chittenden of Cleveland, Tenn: 2 brothers, Myers B. Chittenden of Georgetown, Tenn., and Don A. Chittenden of Cleveland, Tenn. Religious services will be conducted at 2.30 p.m. Wed. in the Estes Leadley Greater Lansing Chapel with Rev. Harold R. Heins officiating with interment in Deepdale Cemetery.



Michigan: Spring Lake. Obituaries

1865 Jan 31st

Henry William Chittenden

age 47

of Guilford


1965 May 10th

Florence Ethel Chittenden

at Holt, born 1 Aug 1873

@ Spring Lake

Michigan. M Oren Arwood

White, 31 Mar 1910 @ Spring Lake, born 20 Oct 1888, died 15 Oct 1973. Jenny White, born 27 Mar 1912, daughter of Oren Arwood White & Florence Ethel

1984 Sep 17th

Oren Jack White

born 14 Apr 1914

son of Oren Arwood White & Florence Ethel



Nebraska: Lexington Clipper-Herald April 2nd 2003)

Memorial Services for Verla P. Chittenden, 84, Cozard, will be at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 3rd 2003 at the Berryman Funeral Home Chapel with Dean E. Burton officiating Inurment will be in the Walnut Grove Cemetery at Cozard. Those wanting to sign the register book may do so from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Berryman Funeral Home in Cozard. Verla died Thursday, March 27th 2003 at Cozard. She was born Dec 11th 1918 at Finlay, Wash, to David S and Henrietta (Dorris)Morton. She attended school in Washington, moving to Cozard in 1970. On Feb 14th 1972, she married Dwight Chittenden. She and her husband owned and operated the Seventh Street Market until 1986 when they retired. They made their home on an acreage north of Cozard. She had been a resident of Southview Manor Care Center since 1999. She was a member of the Church of God. During her lifetime she enjoyed softball, sewing and spending time with children. Survivors include her husband Dwight Chittenden, Cozard: a daughter, Darlene Ferguson, Houston, Texas, three step-daughters, Lanna (Ronald) Haflich, Holdrege, Linda Marlar, Muncie, Ind, Dwilla Boltz, Dunkirk, Ind: seven step-grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son David, a sister, Velma and brothers, Mickey and Earl. A memorial has been established in her memory. Berryman Funeral Homes of Cozard is in charge of arrangements.


Nevada: Humboldt Co. Silver State: 1878 Jul 2nd

District Court :- G. E.Chittenden vs J. C. 1881 Feb 12th L. E. Chittenden “Nevada Mines & Mining, Chinese, Indians. Pollution. Sierra Nevada. Weather. Rivers. Railroads. Water Supply. Body. The Silver State her advantages and disadvantages - L. E. Chittenden says it is the center of the mineral deposits of the world, but railways must be built to enable the mines to be operated”.


New York: Binghampton Press & Sun-Bulletin

Virginia Jean LeVines Chittenden of Oneonta. Virginia Jean Le Viness Chittenden, 86, of Oneonta, passed away Tuesday afternoon, July 22, 2003, at the A.O. Fox Memorial Nursing Home. She was born in Binghamton, N.Y. on Jan 23rd 1917, to Ralph and Evelyn (Betts) Adams. She was educated in the Binghamton School System. She married Theodore W. LeViness, of Long Island, on November 13th 1937 at St James Episcopal Church, Little Delaware, N.Y. He died in 1966, and she remarried in 1968 to Mainard L. Chittenden. Mrs Chittenden had resided on Long Island for 63 years before moving to Oneonta. Mrs Chittenden had worked for Pan American Airways Flight Service and in the Long Island Public School system until retirement in 1871. She was a Past Regent in the Oyster Bay Daughter’s of The American Revolution, a Pat Matron of the Eastern Star in Hicksville, LI, and an amateur radio operator since 1975, with extra class privileges. In that capacity, she accompanied two other amateur radio operators to Mainland China in 1980 to urge the government to permit their operators to return to worldwide radio privileges. They had been off the air for 40 years at that time. China was “on the air 15 months later. Mrs Chittenden wrote profusely and her work has appeared in many magazines, and she was working on a book about the history of her family in the early 1880’s in the Delhi area. She also painted in oil and acrylics, and was an avid photographer. Her work was hung in the Hartwick College and Fenimore House Galleries. Her sons, Theodore Harry LeViness, Hicksville, LI and his wife Gloria, Leslie Adams LeViness, Oneonta and his loving companion, Sue Dana survives her. She is also survived by three grandchildren, Kimberly (LeViness) Dick, Rocky Point, LI and Mrs Valerie (Le Vines) Herdman, Mesa, Ariz, and John-Michael LeViness, Mt. Vision; two great-grandsons, Austin and Christian Dick, Long Island. She was predeceased by her second husband, Mainard Chittenden in 1977 and by her aunt, Velma Betts Hawks in 1995 at the age of 95. Her mother was killed in 1918 and her grandparents, Fred and Mary E. Betts adopted her. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, July 26th, 2003, at 11.00 a.m. in the Bookout Funeral Home, 357 Main Street, Oneonta, N.Y. with the Rev. Judith Thistle, A.O. Fox Hospital Chaplain, officiating. Burial will follow in the Floral Park Cemetery, in Johnson City. Friends may call at the funeral home on Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at which time the family will be in attendance. Memorial contributions may be made to Catskill Area Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc., 542 Main Street, Oneonta. N.Y. 13820.


Listed on 06/05/03: Jane B. Chittenden. Funeral services for Jane Chittenden will be held Friday at 11 a.m. from the Vestal United Methodist Church, 328 Main Street, Vestal. The Rev. Michael K. Willis will officiate. Burial will be in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton. The family will receive friends at the Coleman & Daniels Funeral Home, Inc., 765 Main St, Vestal, Thursday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made in her memory to the Vestal United Methodist Church, 328 Main Street, Vestal, N.Y. or to the Alzheimer’s Association of the Southern Tier, 1406 Monroe St, Endicott, N.Y. 13760.


Listed on 06/04/03: Jane B. Chittenden of Vestal. Jane Chittenden passed away at Lourdes Hospital after a brief illness. Monday evening, June 3, 2003. She was predeceased by her husband, Joseph H, Chittenden and her sister, Alice Bennett. She is survived by her devoted family, which includes her daughter, Mary Alice Chittenden, her sisters, Margaret Landon and Leslie Forse and many nieces, nephews and other loving family members and friends. A native of Johnson City, Jane graduated from Syracuse University. She worked at Endicott Public Library while at College and continued after graduation, working there until 1950. She was a librarian at Chenango Forks School District for two years. She then worked at the Vestal Central Junior High Library until her retirement in 1979. Jane was active in many community activities such as Friends of the Binghamton University Libraries, the Chinese Arts Association, the Vestal Historical Society, the Naturalists Club, and her circle group at the Vestal United Methodist Church. She loved to travel and travelled extensively around the world, giving slide show presentations to various groups. She had an enthusiasm for life and found joy in the beauty of nature and her surroundings. Jane touched many lives and will be greatly missed by all.


New York: Gouverneur Herald: 1887 22nd Oct

Helen Chittenden of Madrid m Buel A. Green of Fort Jackson @ The M.E. Parsonage in Madrid, by the Rev. C. N. Higby


New York: Geneva Gazette. (From 10.000 Vital Records of Central New York (1813 - 1850) by Fred Q. Bowman

1832 Sep 19th (1715) Chittenden, Martin Esq. Age 28. Surrogate of Erie Co., died 9/4/32 in Buffalo (cholera) (6-9/19)


New York: Rutland Weekly Herald: 1807 Aug 8th

Noah Chittenden - among a list of State of officers for Vermont, Republican Nominations. One of 12 for ‘Councillor’

1807 Oct 10th Noah Chittenden - Legislature at Woodstock, counted votes… one of 12 in the list for ‘Councillers

1809 Nov 22nd Rev. Bethuel Chittenden - Died Shelburne, 5 inst., Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, 70. He rode to a place of public worship where he was to preach, but died a moment before. He was brother of late Governor.

1813 Oct 10th Solomon Chittenden - List of letters at Rutland Post Office. Res: Orwell, Vermont.

1818 Oct 6th Miron Chittenden - Married New Haven, 13th, of Middlebury, Miss Polly Lawrence otp

1819 Mar 9th Col. Giles Chittenden - Died Burlington, 26th ult. Age 60

1819 Mar 30th Florilla Chittenden - Married, 14th inst, Isaac T. Hyde, Esq


New York: Utica Daily Gazette (From 10.000 Vital Records (1813 - 1850) by Fred Q Bowman

1948 Sep 16th (1713) Chittenden, David of Utica m 9/12/48 ? Elizabeth Jones of Albany in A; Rev. Dr. Wyckoff (9-9/16) 1848 Oct 13th  (1714) Chittenden, John Denniston, 1 year, son of Harlow, died 10/12/48 ? in Utica. Funeral at 68 Main Street. (9-10/13)


New York Times

Miss Blagden Weds Gerald Chittenden: Daughter of Mrs. Samuel P. Blagden Marries Educator in Grace Church, Chantry. The marriage of Miss Margaret Wendell Blagden, a daughter of Samuel P. Blagden, of 16 East Tenth Street, and Gerald Chittenden, a son of the late Mr and Mrs Horace H. Chittenden, took place at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon in the chantry of Grace Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Charles Lewis Slattery and the Rev. Dr. Samuel S. Drury of St Paul’s School.


New York Times: 10th Mar 1899

Chemist To Inspect Beef. Prof Chittenden of Yale Selected, Although He favours Borax. New Haven, Conn., Prof. Russell H. Chittenden of Yale University has received notice of his appointment by the War Department as one of two chemists who have been asked to analyze specimens of the beef furnished the American troops in the Cuban campaign. Prof. Chittenden has notified the proper officials of his acceptance of the appointment and expects soon to receive the specimens. It is understood that a Georgetown University chemist is the other expert appointed. Prof. Russell H. Chittenden is Professor of Physiology and Chemistry in both Yale and Columbia Universities. A few weeks ago he appeared before the Senate Committee on Agriculture in Albany in opposition to a bill which prohibited the use of borax in dairy products manufactured and sold in this State. In a scientific capacity he represented the interests of the Pacific Coast Borax Company. On that occasion Prof. Chittenden declared that experiments made personally with borax had convinced him that it could be safely used a preservative for food products. He had injected borax into a live dog and the animal being subsequently killed he found that the borax had left no deleterious effect: It had caused no inflammation and was in no wise injurious. The physical effect of borax upon a dog, Prof. Chittenden said, was similar to its effect on the human system. Scientific men say that there is a wide difference of opinion regarding the use of borax as a preservative for food products. This selection of Prof. Chittenden – who is committed to use of borax for this purpose – to represent the Government in an inquiry relative to the use of chemicals in the preservation of canned beef is therefore regarded with peculiar and watchful interest by many persons who would like to see an absolutely impartial investigations conducted.


New York Times: 26th Oct 1900

Bugher – Chittenden. Washington. Oct 25th The marriage of Frederick H. Bugher to Mrs Henrietta B. Chittenden of Leesburg, Va., took place at 9 a.m. today at the residence of Mrs Washington McLean, the grandmother of the bridegroom. The bride, who only reached Washington Wednesday evening, was accompanied by her father, John G. Bassell of Columbus, Ohio, and during her short stay was the guest pf Mrs. McLean, with whom she spent the greater part of last summer at Narragansett Pier. In addition to Mr. Bassell and Mrs McLean, the only witnesses to the marriage were the stepfather and mother of the bridegroom, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Ludlow; The Admiral of the Navy and Mrs. Dewey, the latter Mr. Bugher’s aunt; Mr. And Mrs. John R. Mclean and their young son. The Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcliffe of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church officiated. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.Bugher left for a wedding trip of indefinite length, traveling in Mr. McLean’s private car, the Ohio. The bride wore a handsome gown of brown cloth. The couple will make their home, for the Autumn at least, at Mr. Bugher’s recently purchased residence, near Oakdale, L. I. Mr Bugher, who is only twenty-four years of age, served with distinction in the Spanish-American War, and is one of the most popular as well as one of the richest of the younger men of Washington society. He is a member of the Metropolitan, Country and Chevy Chase Clubs of this city; the Calumet and Press Clubs of New York, and the Essex of Massachusetts. His bride is some years his senior, and was formerly the wife of Henry T. Chittenden of Columbus, Ohio, from whom she recently secured a divorce.


New York Times: 13th Nov 1908

Dr. Chittenden on Vegetarianism. Finds Means of Scientifically Searching the “Sentimental” Claims of its Advocates. Many Kinds of Proteins. Reproduces Digestive Functions Chemically – Karl Manns Vegetarian Endurance Record. New Haven, Conn. It is reported here that Prof. Russell H. Chittenden, Director of the Yale Sheffield Scientific School, is conducting a series of dietetic experience which he hopes will determine the real merits of vegetarianism as contrasted with the use of animal foods. Prof. Chittenden has demonstrated the existence of many kinds of proteins which are the essential tissue-building material, and are distinct in the flesh of animals and in vegetables. Most feeding experiments, he says, have been made with mixtures of these proteins, which on analysis it is “strikingly manifest” that they are of divergent chemical constituency. Few isolated proteins have ever been tested dietetically, eith singly or in selected groups. One protein , the zeir, of cornmeal, which lacks many of the ordinary chemical properties has in animals been found inadequate to the demands of digestion and assimilation. In his article on “Some New Viewpoints in Nutritio” printed recently in the Popular Science Monthly, Dr. Chittenden said: Data along these lines are bound to bring us more definite information than we at present possess regarding the real merit of vegeterianism as contracted with the use of animal foods. At present, so-called vegetarianism rests mainly upon sentiment, reinforced by the belief that the quantitative needs of the body for protein food are more satisfactorily met by a liberal addition of vegetable matter with its larger calorific or heat-producing power and smaller nitrogent content. In view, however, of what has been stated concerning the divergent chemical structure of individual proteins, it is obvious that a new standard of comparison is at hand, the suggestion it may offer to be tested by appropriate feeding experiment on man and animals. Truly, no chapter of nutrition is more deserving of careful consideration, both from a scientific standpoint and from its bearing on the welfare of the human race, than that which deals with the relative capabilities of the various proteins of animal and vegetable origin. The experiments in organic chemistry will serve largely to influence his final conclusions Prof. Chittenden hints in this passage: Woehler was the first to make an organic substance by synthesis. Up to this time physiologists all believed that organic substances, whether simple or complex, could be formed only through the agency of a living organism. To-day, however, there is almost no limit to our power of producing organic substances by purely chemical synthesis. In the hands of the chemist many of the reactions of living matter may be duplicated and we are led to see that the living organism makes use of processes which are merely a counterpart of those we have learned to control in the laboratory. It is to be believed, therefore, that many of the new dietetic experiments at Yale will duplicate the chemical action of the human stomach and intestines in the apparatus and under the eye of the investigator. In connection with Prof. Chittenden’s experiments Dr. Thomas B. Osborne of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has lately published in Science a comparative study of twenty-five different proteins of vegetable origin used in the nutrition of men and animals which he says “are characterized by wide differences not only in physical properties but in the proportion of decomposition products”.


New York Times: 11th Feb 1929

Up-State Broker Ends His Life Here. Walter L. Chittenden, 51, of Binghamton, Found Dead Of Shot In Hotel Room. Was Under Treatment. Melancholy Over Wife’s Death Year Age – Wore Watch Charm With “Yale, Class of 1900” on it. Walter L. Chittenden, 51 years old, of 135 Front Street, Binghamton, N.Y., member of the brokerage firm of Chittenden, Phelps & Co. of that city, was found dead yesterday moring in a room in the Imperial Hotel, Broadway and Thirty-second Street. The Police reported the case as suicide. The broker had shot himself through the right eye with a .22.calibre rifle. About 3 o’clock Saterday afternoon a man asked the room clerk at the Imperial for a room, registering as “J. B. West of Buffalo.” At 10 o’clock that night he telephoned to the hotel operator to have a call for 7 o’clock the next morning. There was no response to the operator’s ringing at 7. a.m. yesterday, which was repeated at intervals for several hours. Bellboys were sent to the room but their knocks were likewise unheeded. When this was reported to B. H. Brobst, hotel manager, about 10 o’clock, he went to the roof of the hotel annex, from which he could look into the guest’s room on one of the upper floors. He saw the body slumped in a chair and the rifle lying near by. Policemen summoned by Mr. Brobst climbed from the annex roof into the room, which had been bolted and locked from the inside. Dr. Baker of New York Hospital and Dr. Henry Weinberg, assistant medical examiner, said the man had apparently been dead for several hours. The bag which the man had taken into the room was empty. It was new, as was the rifle, which still bore a price. Both had been purchased from a New York sporting goods establishment. There was nothing in the room or among the man’s effects to indicate his identity, except a slip of paper on which was written the name of the Park West Hospital. Communication with the Park West Hospital at 170 West Seventy-sixth Street. Mr. Brobst was told that the dead man was Mr. Chittenden, who had been missing from the hospital since Saturday afternoon. It was explained that he had been suffering from melancholia since his wife died about a year ago, and that he had been under treatment at the hospital since last December. Mr Chittenden had been out driving early Saturday with his nurse, it was said at the hospital, and shortly after noon drove off by himself saying he was going to a garage to have minor repairs made. Efforts were made to find him when he did not return after some time, but in vain. The hospital notified his son William, who is a student at Yale, that his father was missing. He left at once for New York and was at the hospital when Mr. Brobst telephoned. The hotel manager said the report of the gun had not been heard by any of the guests. The man who had the room adjoining said he had come in late but had heard nothing. The son went to the hotel yesterday to make arrangements to have the body sent to Binghamton last night for burial. Mr. Chittenden wore a watch charm bearing the inscription “Yale, Class of 1900.” Binghamton, N.Y. Feb 10th – Walter L. Chittenden was a member of one of Binghamton’s oldest families, a brother of Dr. Arthur S. Chittenden, a surgeon well known in New York and head of the security investment firm of Chittenden, Phelps & Co., of this city. The death of his wife over a year ago caused Mr. Chittenden to be greatly depressed and he has been undergoing treatment. The death of Theron Russell, a close friend, who was killed in an automobile accident two months ago, further affected his condition, but friends here believed that he was recovering.


New York Times: 3rd Oct 1945

Alice Chittenden of Red Cross Dead. New York Chapter Secretary – Ex-President of Women’s National Republican Club. Miss Alice Hill Chittenden, secretary of the New York Chapter of the American Red Cross and a former president of the Woman’s National Republican Club, which she helped organize, died yesterday afternoon in Doctors Hospital, after an illness of sixteen months. Active in the Red Cross since 1918, when she joined as a canteen volunteer worker for the first World War, Miss Chittenden was stationed first at Halifax, later at Issoudon and Vichy, France, and finally at Coblenz, Germany, where she was director of a recreation hut. Upon her return to New York she became a member of the Overseas Service League of Red Cross Personnel, and was its president from 1921 to 1922. She was elected assistant secretary of the New York chapter of the Red Cross in 1932 and secretary in 1934, retaining the position until he death. She was also a member of the chapter’s executive committee from 1932 until 1943. Anti-Suffrage Leader. Before passage of the Nineteenth Amendment Miss Chittenden was head of the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. She explained that she was against the woman’s vote because, “I always thought that human nature is pretty much the same, whether you observe it in men or women. I have maintained conditions would be just the same if women got the vote. Why must two persons do the work one can do?” When the anti-suffragists disbanded, she joined the Republican party, becoming a founder-member of the women’s National Republican Club, and serving as a member of its Board of Governors from 1924 to 1944, as president in 1926 and 1927. She was president of the Three West Fifty-third Street Corporation from 1933 to 1938. Miss Chittenden was the eldest daughter of the late Simeon Baldwin Chittenden and Mary Hill Chittenden of Brooklyn and a grand-daughter of the late S. B. Chittenden of Brooklyn, who took a prominent part in politics. Her mother also was one of the leaders of the anti-suffrage cause. Had Home in Cranbrook: She spent her summers at the old family home, Cranbrook, in Guilford, Conn., and was active also in the affairs of that State, serving as a member of the industrial commission that investigated the condition of wage-earning women and children. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Charles Thayer of New York and Mrs. William M. Campbell of Guilford, and a brother Simeon Baldwin Chittenden 3rd of West Newton, Mass. A funeral service will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. in North Church, Guilford.


New York Times: 15th Oct 1950

Miss Chittenden’s Troth. Pine Manor Graduate is Fiancee of Nathan M. Piermont Jr. Naugatuck, Conn., Oct. 14 – The engagement of Miss Virginia Chittenden, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William McKinley Chittenden, to Nathan Merrill Pierpont Jr., son of Mr and Mrs, Pierpont of Waterbury, has been announced by her parents. The prospective bride attended St. Margaret’s School in Waterbury and the Walnut Hill School in Natick, Mass., was graduated from Pine Manor Junior College in Wellesley, and is continuing her studies at the Child Education Foundation in New York. Mr. Pierpont was graduated from the Loomis School in Windsor, Conn., and Yale College. He served in the Navy during the war and is with the Scovill Manufacturing Company in Waterbury.


New York Times

Miss Chittenden Connecticut Bride: She is married in Naugatuck Congregational to Nathan Merrill Pierpont Jr. Naugatuck, Conn, April 21st ??? Miss Virginia Chittenden daughter of Mr and Mrs William McKinley Chittenden of this place and East River, was married here this afternoon in the Congregational Church to Nathan Merrill Pierpont Jr. son of Mr and Mrs Pierpont of Waterbury. The Rev. Williard B. Soper performed the ceremony. He was assisted by the Rev. Joseph A. Racioppl of the Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, godfather of the groom. A reception was given at the Waterbury Country Club. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin, made with a fitted bodice, with a bertha of lace and a bouffant skirt. Her tulle veil was attached to a cap of lace. Mrs Walter Craig Barber and Mrs Frederick Day Zonino, sisters of the bride were the matrons of honor. The other attendants were Mrs William T. Salom, sister of the bridegroom, and the Misses Nancy J. Schmuck, Patricia A. Norton and Janet G. Holsten. William T. Salom was best man. The bride attended St. Margaret’s School in Waterbury and was graduated from the Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mass; Pine Manor Junior College and the Child Education Foundation in New York


New York Times: 7th Jan 1967

Miss Chittenden, Debutante of ’64, Plans Marriage. Vassar Junior Fiancee of Michael Curtis, Student of Yale. Rye. N.Y., Jan 6th – Mr. And Mrs. George Hastings Chittenden have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carey Panet Chittenden, to Michael Gray Curtis, son of Prof. And Mrs. W. Edgar Curtis of Berlin, N.Y. Miss Chittenden is a junior at Vassar College and a graduate of Miss Porter’s School, Farmington, Conn. She made her debut in 1964 at the Westchester Cotillion. Her father is a senior vice president of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. Mr Curtis, a graduate of the Pomfret (Conn) School and Yale University, class of ’66, is attending the Yake School of architecture. His father is chairman of the department of arts of Union College, Schenectady.


New York Times: 22nd Aug 1982

Hilary Chittenden is Married to Dirck Barhydt Jr. Hilary Bradley Chittenden, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William McKinley Chittenden Jr. of Clinton, Conn., was married yesterday in Hartford to Dirck Barhydt Jr., son of Mr. And Mrs. Barhydt of Middlebury, Conn. Bishop Arthur E. Walmsley of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut performed the ceremony in the chapel of Trinity College. He was assisted by the Rev. Alan C. Tull, chaplain at Trinity. The bride graduated from the Loomis-Chaffee School and Connecticut College. Her father is a partner of the Chittenden Insurance and Real Estate Agency in Clinton. Her grandfather, the late Dr. Goodwin Beach, was a professor of classics at Trinity College and the Hartford College for Women. Mr. Barhydt, who was graduated from Lindesfarne College in Wales and Trinity College, is with sales and marketing department of the Apparel Fasteners Group, a division of Scovill Inc. His father is chairman and president of WPM Inc., Waterbury, Conn., manufacturers of plumbing supplies. His grandfather, the late Justice Robert B. Williamson. was Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court.


New York: Tonawanda News. Evening News of the Tonawandas 29th Dec 1949

“Husband finds woman dead in bathtub” Mrs Anna Chittenden, 65, of 268 Grove St., was found dead in a bathtub full of water in her home, by her husband, Paul, at 12.15 p.m. today. Tonawanda police reported. She was fully clothed. Mr. Chittenden telephoned a local physician who rushed to the house. No effort was made to revive the woman as she was found dead on the doctor’s arrival. The physician said that Mrs Chittenden “had been ill for quite a while.” The doctor called police to the scene from Mrs Chittenden’s home but no further details were available at press time, pending the coroner’s examination. Evening News of the Tonawandas. 30th Dec 1949. Death of Woman Found in Bathtub Ruled ‘Accidental’. The death of Mrs. Paul Chittenden, 65, whose fully-clothed body was found yesterday in a bathtub full of water in her home, 268 Grove St., will be ruled accidental, the Erie County Medical Examiner’s office said today. Mr. Chittenden discovered his wife’s body at 12.15 p.m. She was pronounced dead by a local physician. It was presumed she had prepared to take a bath and then collapsed and fell into the tub. The medical examiner’s office said the death was investigated by Dr. Milton Schulz who had indicated he believed the death was accidental. He did not elaborate, office spokesman said, and his formal report has not yet been filed. Mrs. Chittenden was a life-long resident of Tonawanda and a member of the First Presbyterian Church. In addition to he husband, she is survived by two daughters, Miss Fern Chittenden of Tonawanda and Mrs. Herbert Rickloff of Hamburg: a son, Paul Jr. of Saratoga: her mother, Mrs Emma Kelley of Tonawanda: a sister, Mrs Leon Yeaw of Tonawanda and three grandchildren. Services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the Hamp Funeral Home. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Park.


Ohio. Cleveland Jack Chittenden

Chittenden-Liner Marriage. Announcement was made today of the marriage of Miss Dorothy Liner, of Charleston, and Jack Chittenden of this city. The wedding was solemnized on January 16, 1937. Mrs. Chittenden is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liner of Charleston, and is a teacher in Bradley County schools. Mr. Chittenden is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyers Chittenden. He is a graduate of Bradley High School and for some time has been a member of the Cleveland Police Department. Mr. and Mrs. Chittenden are now on a wedding trip to North Carolina and upon their return will make their home here.


Ohio. Cleveland. Benjamin Malcolm Chittenden

Golden Observance – Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Chittenden give a toast during an afternoon reception Saturday to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary 1924 - 1974. The courtesy was hosted by their children and held at the Northside Presbyterian Church. Mr and Mrs Don Chittenden, Mr and Mrs. James C Dale and Mr and Mrs L.A. Murray and grandchildren of the couple were hosts and hostesses. Chittenden is retired after 37 years with the Post Office, the couple lives at 115 Georgetown Road


Ohio. Cleveland. Benjamin Malcolm Chittenden

Age 76, died suddenly Thursday in a local hospital. He was a retired supervisor of the Cleveland Post Office and was a member of First Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife Mrs Alta Marler Chittenden, two sons Myers (Bud) Chittenden and Don Chittenden of Cleveland: one brother Jack Chittenden of Cleveland and 11 grandchildren. Services will be conducted Saturday, 1 p.m. in the chapel of Goodner Allen Funeral Home with the Rev. Frank Holsclaw officiating. Interment will be in Fort Hill Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 4 - 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. January 1978.


Ohio. Cleveland. Alta Marler Chittenden

Age 75, a lifelong resident of Bradely County died Wednesday in a local hospital. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church and was the widow of Ben Chittenden. Surviving are two sons: Myers (Bud) Chittenden and Don Chittenden, both of Cleveland and 11 grandchildren: three sisters: Feries Utt of Augusta, Ga: Elsie Reeder of Palmetto, Fla: and Greta Sliger of Madisonville: one brother Ray Marler of Chattanoga. Services will be conducted Friday, 10.30 a.m., at the Goodner Allen Funeral Home with the Rev. Frank Holsclaw officiating. Interment will be in Fort Hill Cemetery. The family will receive friends after 6 p.m. today. March 1978


Ohio. Cleveland. Helen Chittenden, Miss

Of Cleveland, Tenn., and L. A. Murray, Jr., of Mason exchanged marriage vows at the home of the bride’s parents on March 21st ????. Rev. Joe E Baker, Jr., of Rising Rawn, Georgia, officiated in the presence of relatives and close friends. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Chittenden of Cleveland, Tenn. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murray, Sr. Miss Marlene Chittenden, sister of the bride, was maid of honour. J. B. Chittenden served as Mr. Murray’s best man. Immediately following the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip through the South. Mrs. Murray a graduate of Tennessee Polytechnic Institute in 1948, was a member of the faculty of Bradley Central High School in Cleveland prior to her marriage. Mr Murray, a 1950 graduate of Michigan State College is employed as an accountant in Lansing, where the couple will reside.


Ohio. Cleveland. Jack B. Chittenden

Age 80, a resident of Cleveland, died Sunday evening in the V.A. Hospital in Murfreesboro. He was a son of the late Myers and Bessie Dow Chittenden. He served with the Cleveland Police Department and Volunteer Fire Department. He served with the U.S. Navy, 25th Special Battalion, in the South Pacific. He was a retired postal supervisor, having been employed by the Cleveland Post Office for 27 years. He was a member of the Westwood Baptist Church. Surviving are wife, Dorothy Liner Chittenden: one daughter, Susan Chittenden both of Cleveland: two nephews: Myers Chittenden and Don Chittenden: several great-nieces and great-nephews: and six cousins. Funeral will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Chapel of the Fike Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles Ray Marler officiating. Interment will be in the Fort Hill Cemetery with Q. L. Hixon Cletus Swafford, Gene Gentry, Homer Chastain, Martin Ragsdale and Moody Vassey serving as pallbearers will be other retired postal employees. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6.30 - 9 pm. Today.


Ohio, Knox Co. Death Notices in Mt Vernon, Newspapers: 1810-1910

Vol 1. p. 85. Chittenden Walter A, d 11th Aug 1878, age 22. Son of A. B. Chittenden of Iowa: son of Mrs L Curtis. Shooting accident. (I think Walter Chittenden was the brother, not son of, Mrs Henry L Curtis, but? - When Mrs Curtis died in 1880 - record below - she had 4 children surviving her: her husband, who died in 1897, had 4 children by first wife Lucia: so I think the transcriber and/or the newspaper was in error about Walter being the son of Mrs Henry L Curtis)


Vol 1. p. 116 Curtis, Henry Lambert, d March 1897, born 7th May 1841. Spouse: Elinor C. Shaw: 1st wife, Lucia B. Chittenden, 4 children, none by second wife. He, the son of Henry B & Elizabeth Curtis. Curtis, Lucia B. (Chittenden): died 5 Sep 1880, born 2 Oct 1848. Spouse: Henry L Curtis. Daughter of Albert Chittenden of Keokuk, Iowa. Mount View Cemetery. Husband & 4 Children survive.


Vol 2. p. 6 Chittenden Mrs. Died 17th Apr 1902, age 74. Spouse: A. Chittenden.


Ohio: Pioneer Newspapers 1802-1818 by Green pg 87 - The Western Spy (Cincinnati)

Vol 11. No 60: Saturday 2nd November 1811 An account of a duel between Thomas T Chittenden (Attorney General of the Louisana Territory) and Doctor Walter Fenwick (a practicing physican of St. Genevieve) on 2nd Oct 1811. Fenwick was killed and left a wife and one child.

Vol 111. No. 127: Saturday 2nd January 1802 A list of letters left at the Post Office in Cincinnati -James Chittenden in Detroit. Chester Chittenden in Detroit.


Ohio: The Sunbury News, Online Edition,, By Richard M. Helwig

To say that the arrival of the first automobile in Columbus created a major commotion would be putting it mildly. It was in the spring of 1899 that Mr Campbell Chittenden journeyed to Cleveland to purchase a Winton automobile. Chittenden probably bought the automobile to be a “honeymoon vehicle” for him and Miss Alice Finch who were scheduled to be married in July. As Chittenden left Cleveland to Columbus Pike (later to become the Old 3 C) his journey at first was uneventful. Soon he observed more and more farmers and small town residents gathering along the road and streets over which he passed just to look at the “devil wagon”. Chittenden didn’t know it then, but word of his passing was being telegraphed and snatched from harm’s way as the “horseless carriage” roared into town after small town. Some locals cheered, others frowned and a few got downright nasty. Chittenden, on more than one occasion, wondered if he would ever make it back to Columbus. When Chittenden reached his destination, however, the attitude of people in Columbus and those of their country cousins were similar: They wanted to see the car, but then usually had a negative comment about the auto. Most believed that the automobile was a flash in the pan, a fad that couldn’t possibly last. But not only did it last, it prospered. Chittenden and Miss Finch were married on 12th July 1899, and left that day on their honeymoon in their trusty Winton automobile. They journeyed northward to Cleveland through serious storms and downpours. They arrived in Cleveland on the 15th. They then boarded a train for New York where they completed their honeymoon. It would be eight months before the next automobile arrived in Columbus. It is very possible that Chittenden passed through Sunbury on his way to Columbus, as two major routes between Cleveland and Columbus went through Sunbury. The “3 C” Highway, the pre-Freeway main route between Cleveland and Columbus was “christened” on 24th June 1924, at Westerville. Perhaps Campbell Chittenden’s Winton automobile was the first “horseless carriage” or “devil wagon” seen by Sunbury residents either on his initial trip to Columbus or on his return trip to Cleveland with his new bride. It is now exactly one century later. Chittenden’s “oddity” has become common place. Stand or sit near the routes 36 and 37 exits and look southward on 1-71 and you will see a nearly endless ribbon of traffic wending its way northward. left this several weeks ago apparently much improved. One of Mr Chittenden’s acts which made him known to the New-York public was his appearance last November before Mayor Grace, when he petitioned for the removal of the Tax Commissioners,declaring that they were $600,000 behind in their collections. When the Mayor refused his request, he went before Judge Van Brunt, who coincided with the Mayor, in his view of the case. Although a Republican, Mr Chittenden was a supporter of Cleveland in the Presidential contest. He utterly refused to believe there was any good in Blaine, and offered to give Yale College $10,000 if ex-President Woolsey would say he thought Blaine was an honest man.


Ohio. The Tribune Telegraph, Pomerey, Meigs Co., Wed 6th Jan 1897

John D Shannon, The New Infirmary Director was sworn in Monday by Squire Philson at Racine. He gave Bond in the sum of $2,000.00, with Waid Cross, D.B. Cross, M.V. Sayre, J.C. Hayman, H.K. Coe, J.C. Ross and William Chittenden as sureties.


Pennsylvania. Lancaster. Stern Chittenden

Mr. Chittenden Kills Himself.  Lancaster, Penn., July 9th Stern Chittenden, a New York lawyer, who was visiting his brother, the Rev. R. L. Chittenden, Episcopal minister, in charge at Paradise, this county, committed suicide last evening. He went out into the barnyard and cut his throat and the arteries in both wrists with a razor, and when found by his brother was dying. Mr Chittenden was rather well known in this city on account of his eccentricities. For the past six years he had an office at 176 Broadway, but always seemed desirous to keep out of the way of the other tenants of the building. He was a graduate of Yale, and at one time had a large practice. He bought considerable real estate in Brooklyn, and obtained other property, all of which was put in the hands of Trustees when he showed symptoms of insanity. Mr Chittenden was placed in asylums several times. About last Christman he was sent to the insane ward at Bellevue and was soon afterwards taken to the asylum at Flushing. He l Lawyer Chittenden’s Estate: A commission has been issued by Judge Lawrence holding Supreme Court, Chambers, to ex-Judge Noah Davis, directing him to inquire, with the aid of a jury, into the mental condition of Lawyer Stern Chittenden, who is now in Sanford Hall, a private asylum for the insane, at Flushing. It was issued on the petition of Henry T. Chittenden, a brother of Lawyer Chittenden, setting forth that the latter is incompetent to care for himself or his property. His property is said to consist of law books, bonds, furniture, &c, of the value of $40,000, and real estate worth $150,000 but incumbered by mortgages to the amount of $50,000. Mr Chittenden has never been married, and his next of kin are the Rev. R. L. Chittenden, of Paradise, Penn: Henry T. Chittenden, of Columbus, Ohio: Charlotte Woodward, wife of George A. Woodward, of Philadelphia, a retired officer of the United States Army, and Sally Lovell, wife of Robert A. Lovell, United States Army, living at Fort Klamath, Oregon.


Pennsylvania: Harrisburg Patriot News, Harrisburg, PA

Alice Kause Chittenden, 86, died Tuesday, December 16th 2003, at Villa Teresa Nursing Home, Harrisburg. She was the widow of Dudley B. Chittenden. Surviving are 5 children, Dianna Black-Nixon of NJ, Dudley Chittenden, Jr. of Middletown, Barbara Smith of Harrisburg, Nancy Schweitzer of Perdix and David Chittenden of TX: 11 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 20th 2003 at West Shore Baptist Church, Camp Hill. Cremation arrangements by Cremation Society of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA. 17109. Published in the Patriot-News on 12/18/2003.


Vermont, Danville. North Star Newspaper  1833 – 1840

Chittenden Martin


19th Sep 1840

age 74

died 5th inst

Son of Thomas Chittenden, Williston

Chittenden Noah


26th Jan 1835

age 82




Vermont Courier, 6th Dec 1809. Page 83

Chittenden Rev. Bethuel - “Died Shelburne, 5 ult, Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, age 70, day of death rode half mile to place of worship to preach, but expired. Brother of late governor.


Virginia: Newport News

Helen Elizabeth Chittenden, 87, Newport News, former of Topeka, Kan., died Sunday 17 Sep 2000 at a Newport News convalescent center. Mrs Chittenden was an accomplished artist. She attended the Methodist Church. She married Mark Chittenden. He died in 1993. Survivors include a son, Robert Chittenden, York County, Va: a grandson: and two great granddaughters. Graveside services will be conducted at 3.30 p.m. today at Peninsuka Memorial Park, Newport News, Va. The family suggests memorials to the American Cancer Society, 895 Middleground Blvd., Suite 154, Newport News, Va., 23606

Garnett: Samuel Jefferson Matkins, 88, Garnett, died Tuesday 6 Mar 2001 at a Garnett hospital. Mr Matkins was the office manager for the Telephone Co., in Hoisington for many years before he retired. He was born 11 Jul 1912, in Sullivan Co., Mo., the son of Samuel Lee and Nora Belle Bartimus Matkins. He moved to Garnett in 1980. He married Emma Jean Laas on 14 Apr 1933, in Ness City. She died 21 Jun 1997. Survivors include a daughter, Wanda Chittenden, Overland Park: three granddaughters, and four great grandchildren. Services will be at 10.30 am. Saturday at Farris-Feuerborn Memorial Chapel in Garnett. Burial will be at the Garnett cemetery. Mr Matkins will lie in state after 1 p.m. today at the funeral chapel. Memorial contributions may be made to the Garnett Senior Citizens center and sent in care of the funeral chapel.

Washington. The Daily Herald. Everett, Snohomish County: Grant Chittenden. On May 24th at God’s perfect timing He choose to release our father from the pain he had endured for the past few years. At the time of his death, witnessed by 3 of his children, he was shepherded into the arms of his new found Saviour, Jesus Christ. Dad was born on August 30th 1927 to Grant and Ellen Chittenden in Portland OR. Dad took part in World War II and was part of the occupying force in germany. In 1950 he met and married Lorraine Patchen. They settled in Portland, and in 1953 Dad started his career with Pacific Grinding Wheel Co, as a sales rep. In 1955 he was transferred to California with 2 children, Karen and Robert. In 1956 the twins, Steve & Jeff were born. In 1965 dad was transferred to Everett to take on the position of slaes manager. Later he was promoted to executive vice president. He left the grinding wheel busuness to start his own industrial tool & supply company in Portland, OR, in 1980. One of the many fine qualities my father exhibited was a great sense of humour. Even in the most trying of circumstances he could always see the good in everyone. Dad leaves behind 4 children plus one adopted son, Andrew, as well as his mom Lois and their spouses, and 7 grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Bible League, PO Box 28000 Chicago IL., 60628, or the Shriners of Portland, OR. Services are scheduled for Saturday June 21st, 1.00 P.M. at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Wilsonville, OR, located on the SE corner of 1-5 Charbonneau exit 282B, from the north exit 282 from the South.




W.J. Chittenden Laid to Rest here Monday Afternoon.


William James Chittenden died Sunday, May 4, at his home in San Saba, following an illness of eight weeks.   He was 71 years old at the time of his death.   Funeral services were conducted at his home Monday afternoon with the Reve. Sam. D. Taylor and the Rev. R.G.. Alexander officiating, and special hymns were sung by a choir.   Pall bearers were Carey Edwards, John Perry, Dr. C.M. Oliver, Chick Edwards, D.G. Cooper, and R.V. Cooper.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Willia Chittenden; three children, Mrs. Bertha Perry of Refugio, W.J. Chittenden, Jr., and Geneva Chittenden of San Saba; three step-children, Mrs. Hazel Mitchell of Brownwood, and John Lee and Winifred Mays, now in the United States Navy, stationed in Hawaii.

W.J. Chittenden was born in New Orleans, La., on December 30 1869.   He was married to Della Wilder on December 25, 1890., and on July 9, 1927, was united in marriage with Willia Mays who, with their two young children, survives him.

He was a carpenter by trade and lived a very active and useful life, and was highly respected by those who knew him.

San Saba News, Thursday, May 8th, 1941 p. 1