1863 Dec 18th Cassius C. Chittenden, aged
18, enlisted as a recruit in Company E, at Worcestor,
discharged 1865 Jun 28th. He would have participated in the
following battles, as a member of the 8th VT. During those years: Opequont (Winchester) Sep 19th 1864: Fishers
Hill, Sep 22nd 1864: Night engagement near Woodstock, also Sep 22nd
1864: Cedar Creek, Oct 19th 1864: Newton Nov 12th
Chittenden A. W. Sgt co K 143rd inf died 5.8.1863, bur Hampton Nat
Cem, Virginia
Alanson H born 9.18.1835 Prattswille,
en sgt co H 56th inf
9.17.1861 3 r, North Branch, sin son Mathias & Lucinda Chase, cler re en prom to 2nd Lt to Captain - ob
Albert born 8.28.1842 Prattsville
en sgt co K 143rd in 8.15.1862 3 yr, North
Branch, sin son Matthias and Lucinda Chase, carpenter died of disease of Fort
Monroe 5.11.1863 - ob.
Alonzo 18 Ohio sin farmer 2 militia 12.63
Charles B 26 enrolled at Hudson 1st Lt co
g 128 inf dis
8.20.1863 for promotion to captain and asst qm
of U.S. volunteers - mor 61-34-
Chittenden Charles B 14 b Tompkins, son Charles B 48
and Rebecca 48 - 6 ch en 64th Inf 8.1862 pri in 8 mon dis with the band = Ithaca
Edward S pri 54 Inf 1890 in St Paul Minn
George 29 en 8.14.1862 at Jordan, pri Co G 122 Inf out 6.23.1865 at
Washington 11-14- Chittenden, George 33, Onondaga, Lab wife Maria 28, 3 ch Fred A 8, Cora 6, Sarah 4 b Onondaga - Onondaga en 122 reg 8 62 marked outelbridge 1865
Henry C 32 enrolled 9.3.1863 Sacketts
Harbor, captin co G 20th Cav, 3 yr muster revoked and dis
1.14.1864 by order Secretary of War: prior service 35th Inf - agr
Henry C en ensign co a 35th Inf 5.1861 Watertown, single lawyer pro to Captain died in
Virginia after close of war - ob. 19-15 Isaac 49 b Vt
mar 2 lab 28 Reg 5.8.61 pvt
in 17th monlysander
James 21 en 7.26.1862 Palmyra pri
co A 111th Inf wounded 7.2.1863 at
Gettysburg, absent wounded 10.29. 8164 no further record
James age 21 Enlisted 26 Jul 1862 at Palmyra 111th
Inf Wounded in Action 2 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, PA: tranferred to Co C 29 Oct 1864 while absent
John H 25 en Stockport pricog
128th Inf 1.4.1864 dis
for dis 8.16.1864 at New Orleans
Leroy C 15 en 8.1862 Binghamton, sgt
Co D, 109th Inf, prom Sgt major, out
6.4.1865 Delaney House, DC -agr
Leroy Cook born 5.26.1837 Greene, en as Sgt, Co D, 109th
Inf 8.9.1862. Binghamton, single, son Adijah Dewey and Miranda Lyon, blacksmith, prom to Sgt
Major @ battles of Cold Harbour, North Ann River, mine before Petersburg,
Weldon RR Poplar, Grove Church, hatches run, dis
6.10.1864 - Whitneys Point ob
Oswald L, 26, en 8.30.1862 Durham, Cpl, Coy C, 156 Reg tran 145th Co, 2nd
Batt. VRC 5.20.1864
Richard H, en Co a 11 Art or 71 Inf
in 1890 in Lyon Co, Minn
Richard pri en Atlantic City, NJ.
Thomas C Jr enrolled Watertown,
appointed major 11.20.1861, 94th Inf, appointed
revoked 3.17.1862 out 3.18.1862 not commissioned
W. Gus 20 enrolled 8.9.1862 Binghamton, Sgt, Co D, 109th
Inf: 1st Lt, out 6.4.1865 DelaneyHouse DC - agr
W. Gus born 3.4.1842 Greene, enlisted as Sgt, Co. D,
109th Inf 8.9.1862, Binghamton, single,
son of Adijah Dewey and Miranda Lyon, blacksmith,
promoted 1st Lt at the wilderness, Spotsylvnia,
Cold Harbour, before Petersburg, Weldon Rr and
Hatchers run, dis 6.101865. lived
Whitneys Point - ob
William F born Sep 5th 1835: Yorkshire, New York:
enlisted Co D, 154th Inf, died 2 Jun 1923,
Lansing, Michigan.
William L, enlisted Coy D, 184th Reg - no 1890 in Cadillac, Michigan
Jarius Victory married Mary Elliott Waterloo, 26th
Dec 1822 by Rev. Lane, gnp. Greene Co: Capt. Jairus Chittenden, from Durham, born 17th Oct
1745 at Guilford, Conn. Died 1828 at Durham, where he settled in 1787 (from
Beers History of Greene County) The son of Joseph and Mary Kimberley
Chittenden, grandson of John and Hannah Fletcher Chittenden, great grandson of
William and Jean Sceaffe? Chittenden.
Served as private in Capt. Daniel Hands Company: Col. Talcotts Conn. State Regt. In the
New York Expedition of 1776. Enlisted 22nd
Mar 1776. Also served as a Minute Man. Married Rebekah
Hull, born 1750, died 1781. Their children were Leverett,
Hervy, born 26th Mar 1790 and others.
John Thompson Chittenden, born 1819, Cayuga Co, NY.
Served in Civil War, m Eleanor Rollins 1845 and died Livingstone Co., KY 1888.
His father was born in England. Mother in NY. per 1850 Boone County, KY Federal Census.
W.W.1.: Lt Robert Chittenden. 89th
Div. 340 Field Artillery. His son, also Bob Chittenden, was shot down
over Germany in W.W.11 and became a German prisoner in a Stalag Luft. He was liberated by Patton and as soon as he reached
American lines, he was operated on for an emergency appendectomy. Lived
somewhere in the MidWest. Could be
William D. Chittenden. Roster of the
Men & Women Who Served in the Army or Naval Services (including the Marine
Corps) of the United States or its Allies from the State of North Dakota in the
World War 1917-1918. Vol 1. Inst Call No. D570.85 N9 A5 1918v 1.
Page No: 543. Id: 137117.