“A Brief Military History”
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Salisbury
contingent in the American forces was the number of commissioned officers it
contained, serving either in the Connecticut Regiments or with the Green Mountain
Boys – remarkable because it shows that Salisbury, even then could produce men
of the best type, qualified to command and to share in the conduct of important
affairs. One person of special notice was Captain Timothy Chittenden. Dated 5th
December 1774, Salisbury, Connecticut: Voted that Captain Timothy Chittenden be
a committee man in addition to the committee chosen on the 22nd day
of August last to receive in subscriptions for the poor of the Town of Boston.
In the company of Lieut-Col Whiting, in the same
regiment, served Corporals Isaac Bird and Jonathan Chipman,
and Privates Nathaniel Buell, Timothy Chittenden and Lot Norton. This trio of
Privates were of the same age, 22 years and died within several years of each
other, nearly sixty years later, after most honorable
and useful careers.