Chittenden & Morse: Source: History of Northern WI. Chicago: Western Historical, 1881, p 360

Of the firm of Chittenden & Morse, buyers and shippers of produce, livestock, hides, furs, etc., Princeton. Was born at Granville (Licking County), Ohio, in 1848. Came to Wisconsin with his parents in 1855. They located at Berlin, Wisconsin, where his father established a general produce business, in which he is nowengaged.   Thomas J., his father, was a native of Vermont, and a lineal descendant of Governor Chittenden, the first Governor of that State.   His mother’s maiden name was Mary Chittenden who was also born in Vermont, and also a descendant of Governor Chittenden.   The parents both live in Berlin.   T. S. Chittenden commenced his business career in Berlin, in 1864, as a clerk for Reese and Whiting, remaining with them three years.   He then went to Chicago, and engaged with Field, Leiter @ Company four years, when he returned to Berlin and re-engaged with Reese and Whiting, remaining with them four years, when he came to Princeton, in 1875, and established his present business.   He married in Berlin, 30 Dec 1876, Miss Sarah McMillan.   They have three children.   Mr Chittenden is an industrious, energetic and successful business man, and self-made.


Clarinda Chittenden:  “Some Nutmeggers Who Migrated” compiled by Grace Louise Knox and Barbara B. Ferris, 1988.  Marcus Jewell b 6th Sep 1792 in Salisbury, CT, s/o Oliver, Jr, and Clarinda (Chittenden): Marcus d 5th May 1876 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.  He married----------- (Tombstone Records, Mt Hope Cem’) page 120   Michael Merritt b 27 Jul 1738 in Killingsworth, CT d 18 Aug 1815, age 77, in Fair Haven, VT.  Michael m (1) Lucy Chittenden, d 15th Sep 1810 in 77th  year @  Fair Haven, VT.  page 149


Francis Mercy Chittenden:  166.   Lineage of my children.  By Chester Henry Keogh.  Chicago.  1926.   (50p): chart Gen. Column of the “Boston Transcript”.:-   30 Apr 1906.  8265.  24 Dec 1929,  9309  25 Feb 16 Jun 1930, 242.  1931. 1404.  2 May 1934, 8635.    165?.  Tenth Generation.  By Ethbert Allen Moore, 1950 (16, 250p.): f.p.238.  (Mercy (Mine) Chittenden b 1640-1675 in CT? married John (Sargeant) Francis.  B 1620-1675 in CT?


Hiram Chittenden:  1827-1902 deceased, Although Mr Chittenden has gone to the rest provided for the faithful, still the work that he did in Wasco County may not be overlooked by any one who would write a correct history of the people and the place.   Therefore it is very proper that a memoir of his life should be granted space here at this time.   He was a noble, Christian man, well known and highly esteemed by all.   Industrious and substantial, the long time he spent in Wasco County could but bring forth results, not only in temporal things but in moral and other ways which result in much good.     Hiram Chittenden was born in Ohio and died at the old homestead at Dutch flat in Jun, 1902, aged seventy years.   His father died before he was born and his mother very shortly afterward so he never knew the kind care and love of fond parents.   He was reared by his father’s brother and gained his education in the frontier schools and then followed steam boating with his headquarters in New York state.   About ten years were spent thus and then he did warehouse work for five years.   After that, he bought land in Michigan and farmed for some years.   Finally he determined to come west and accordingly went to San Fransisco, whence in the spring of 1880, he journeyed to Wasco County.   After looking the county over, he decided to take the place that is now the old homestead and accordingly, filed on it.   It was one solid mass of timber and brush and Mr Chittenden had a great work before him in clearing it for farm purposes.   However, little by little he did so and began raising diversified crops and the result is that now the place is a very valuable farm.     On March 17, 1888, at The Dalles, Oregon, Mr. Chittenden married Katherine Overmyer, who was born in Fulton County, Indiana.   Her father Jacob Overmeyer, was a native of Lindsey, Ohio, and came from a Pennsylvania Dutch family.   For many years they had resided in the colonies and the states and are a very numberous family.   They are well represented in all the learned professions and many prominent ministers, lawyers, physicians and merchants are found in the family, especially in central United States.   Mrs Chittenden’s paternal grandfather was a wealthy merchant in Ohio.   Her father married Susan Jones, both natives of Pennsylvania and of Dutch stock.   Mrs Chittenden resided in Fulton County, Indiana until she came west and married Mr. Chittenden whom she had known for many years.   They lived very happily until he was called to the world beyond.   They were both members of the Methodist church and active in Sunday-school work as is also the widow at this time.   Mrs. Chittenden has taken up the added burdens of life with fortitude and courage and is overseeing the estate and attending to the property that was left.   She is a noble Christian woman highly esteemed in the community and has many friends.   Mr Chittenden belonged to no denomination, but was a staunch supporter of the faith of the Bible and showed by his walk, his Christian character and his sterling integrity and honesty.


Kate S. Chittenden:  Who Was Who in American Volume 2.  1943-1950:-   Kate S. Chittenden   “Chittendens’ are listed under Earliest New Haven Connecticut Families…….Curtis Strong Chittenden (a dentist born in Shelburne, Vermont in 1825) was Kate’s father…… Curtis’s grandfather was Bethuel Chittenden.   The following data is from documentation found in the possessions of Kate S. Chittenden, dec.    A lingerie Chest known in the family as “Miss Chittenden’s Chest”.   “Kate Sarah Chittenden 80th Birthday Dinner Program 17th Apr 1936”  17th April 1856 - Born of American Parents in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.   17th Apr 1861 - Began piano lessons with an aunt.   1865 - 1870 - Piano lessons with Jules Fossier.   1870 - 1876 - Piano Lessons with Lucy H. Clinton, pupil of clara Schumann at Helmuth Ladies’ College, London, Ont.   1873 - Awarded Lord Dufferin bronze medal for art.   5th Jan 1874 - Began Teaching piano, Hellmuth Ladies College.   Sep 1876 - Arrived in New York.  Protégé of Miss Lucy Nelson.   1878 - Met Antonia Henne, contralto “The most dominating musical influence of my life”   1879 - 1906  -  Organist and Choir Director, Calvary Baptist Church, New York, NY.   1882 - 1883  -  Organist and accompanist at Music Conventions (Summer Normal Schools held at Meadville, PA: studied with Albert Ross Parsons.     1883 - Became a life member of the Music Teacher’s National Association.   1887 - 1888 - Began preparation of Synthetic Piano Method. 1890 - 1914  -  Head of Piano department, Catherine Aiken School, Stamford, Connecticut.    1892 - Joined the faculty of the Metropolitan College ofMusic.    1892 - 1919  -  Lecturer, assisted by C. Judson Bushnell, baritone, on the New York Board of Education free lecture courses for adults.     First lecturer on music, and first woman lecturer, on these courses.   1989 - Founder and Director of Music Department in Harley House Settlement, later incorporated as Hartley House Music School.    1899 - 1930  - Head of Music Department at Vassar College.     1899 - 1903  -  Head of Piano Department, Putnam Hall School, Poughkeepsie, NY.   1900 - 1932  -  Dean and head of Piano Department, of the American Institute of Applied Music, New York, NY, organized as a successor to the Metropolitan College of Music.   1906 - Invited to become a Founder of the American Guild of Organists and a charter member of the McDowell Club of New York.   1930 - Professor Emeritus, Vassar College.    1930 - to - 1936 (the date of the event) Honorary Director Hartley House School of Music, Lecture and private teacher.


Lucius Eugene Chittenden:  Biography: Great-grand-son of Vermont’s first governor, Thomas Chittenden, was born in Williston, Vermont on 24th May 1824.   He received his early education in the district schools of Williston and the academies of Williston, Hinesburg and Cambridge.   He studied law at first in the office of his uncle, Norman L. Whitmore, at Swanton, and later attended the legal lectures of Judge Turner at St. Albans.   He also studied with John G. Saxe, the poet, and Corydon Beckwith, a prominent corporation lawyer, and was admitted to the bar in Franklin County in 1844.   In 1844, Chittenden opened a law office in Burlington in partnership, successively, with Wylls Lyman, Edward J. Phelps and Daniel Roberts.   As early as 1846, he became interested in politics and Public affairs.   He was prominent in anti-slavery and “free soil” movements, edited the Free Soil Courier, helped to organize and chaired the Free Soil state committee prior to the party’s official birth in Buffalo in 1848, and led the successful campaign of John S.  Robinson for Governor in 1852.   After the “Free Soilers” dissolved in the early 1850s, he became active in the newly formed Republican Party:   Chittenden was elected a senator from Chittenden County (1856-1860) and elected president of the Commercial Bank in Burlington in 1857.   In February 1861 he was appointed as a delegate to the Washington Peace Conference, a group formed to avert the coming Civil War.   In March of that year he became Register of the U.S. Treasury, and served in that office for the remainder of Lincoln’s first administration.   In August 1864 he retired from Washington because of poor health, and established himself in a New York City law firm.   During his long and successful public career, Chittenden found time to write extensively of the history of Vermont and of the people and events about him.   “Although his history is at times inaccurate and perhaps overly influenced by a fondness for the dramtic as well as a bias for Vermont, it is still of value” (John Buechler, “Lucius E. Chittenden: Green Mountain Bibliophile,” Vermont History, vol 37, 1969, pp 40).   Some of his books include: The Capture of Ticonderoga (1872), Lincoln and the Sleeping Sentinel (1909), Recollections of President Lincoln and His Administration (1891), Personal Reminiscences Including Lincoln and Others 1840-1890 (1893), An Unknown Heroine: An Historical Episode of the War Between the  States (1893, and A Report of the Debate and Proceedings in the Secret

Sessions of the Conference Convention, for Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (1864).   His various articles and address covered topics like the American reindeer Ethan Allen, medical jurisprudence, early settlers in Vermont and American railroads (Buechler, pp 41).   Chittenden collected a library which was especially rich in rare volumes relating to the early history of Vermont, and to the history of engraving and printing.   A good portion of his library was purchased largely by subscription, for the University of Vermont.   One of the more fascinating books in the collection is his own translation of Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique by Thevet (Paris, 1558).   “The volume is Chittenden’s work completely except for the fine morocco binding.   Done on 100 leaves of vellum in Chittenden’s distinctive hand printing, with multi-colored initials, full page line drawings in ink, and marginal figures of soldiers, birds, and animals…… (Buechler, pp. 45).   Lucius Chittenden was married to Mary Hatch in 1856, fathered three children, and died in Burlington, Vermont on 22nd July 1900.

From the (Burlington, Vermont) Free Press, 1st Mar 1894 p 4, a transcription from the NY Tribune:  “Mrs Mary Y Hatch, the wife of L. E. Chittenden, who was Register of the Treasury during the first administration of President Lincoln from 1861 to 1865, who died Monday after a short illness, was born in 1826, and was the daughter of Dr. Horace Hatch of Burlington, VT.   Mrs Chittenden was educated in Burlington.   In 1853 she was married to Mr. Chittenden.   In 1861 the family removed to Washington where they remained during  Mr. Chittenden’s term of office.   While in Washington Mrs Chittenden was noted for her tender care and work for the wounded soldiers of Vermont regiments who were brought to the city.   In 1865 the family came to this city [NYC, not Burlington—SB], where they have lived.   Mrs Chittenden was a prominent member of the Broadway Tabernacle, and was actively identified with its charities.   She was also a member of several charitable organizations.   Her husband and three children, Horace H., Mrs William Bradford and an unmarried daughter, survive her.   There will be no funeral in this city.”


Mary Chittenden.  Sally Chittenden: “Early Families of Wallingford, CT” by Charles Henry Stanley Davis, reprinted 1995 (page no follow item). Gershom Beach had children among whom was Joanna, b. 17th Aug 1724 m ------ Chittenden: page 38. Rueben Munson, son of Waitstill and Phebe, married Mary Chittenden 21st Dec 1741. page 260. Elisha and Sarah (Jones) Whittelsey of Wallingford had John Hall Whittlesey born 4th Jun 1778 who married (1) Sally Chittenden, 14th Dec 1798, page 328.