International Genealogical Index - Africa - |
Chittenden |
William |
b 1706 |
British Subject |
Noel Caleb |
b 1912 Dec 12th |
Uitenhage |
Noel Caleb |
m 1834 Oct 22nd |
Neil Charles |
b 1935 Jul 20th |
Mosselbaai |
Chittenden:- |
Mead Chittenden, born 1820, England married Harriet Freeman, born 1830. at St Stephen’s Church, Maidstone, Kent on 20 Mar
1853. The only child of theirs that I am aware of,
is my great grandfather Albert Charles Chittenden. Albert Charles
was born abt 8 Nov 1848 in Maidstone, Kent |
Charles Chittenden |
8th Nov 1849 |
8th Jan 1901, Uitenhage, |
Elizabeth Chittenden |
Wise born 24th Mar 1855 |
Eng |
Somerset East, |
Charles Caleb b 10th Oct 1873. Somerset East, died 2nd
Jul 1952 |
Elizabeth |
26th Nov 1874 |
Edward |
7th Mar 1877 |
39th Sep 1853, |
Henry |
20th Apr 1879 |
29th Jun 1882 |
Thomas |
5th Jun 1881 |
1st Dec 1933 |
Ann |
5th Apr 1883 |
Mead |
14th Jan 1886 |
Uitenhage |
13th Nov 1935, Johannesburg |
Arthur |
21st Jun 1891 |
Uitenhage |
14th Nov 1970, |
Vanda Agnes Foster, born 30th Sep 1895, Sydney, Australia, died 21st
Nov 1982, Durban, Natal. |
Alice |
b 13th May 1893 |
Herbert |
6th Nov 1894 |
11 Mar 1916 |
Lincoln |
26th Jul 1896 |
23rd Jan 1977 |
Maud |
10th Jan 1898 |
Harold?. Emily?. |
2 Aug 1774 |
Mead |
Chittenden William |
7 Apr 1793 |
John Chittenden |
birth. Died 19 Oct 1794 |
Parents: Father
William Chittenden Mother Elizabeth nee Mead. |
1921 Mar 26th |
Chittenden Walter Ernest (aged 31 yrs) Adams Private
Hotel, Durban married McCarthy Eileen Mavis (aged 22 yrs) 299a
Point Road, Durban. |
White Pages
Telephone No:
Chittenden B. G. |
The Village 17, St Francis
Bay |
042 294 0352 |
Chittenden Claude, |
25 Rolling Hills, Umhlanga
Rocks. |
031-566.1207 |
Chittenden D. E. |
031-205 9027 |
Chittenden H. P. |
031-903 1826 |
Chittenden |
901 Kings Hall, |
031-337.0906 |
Umhlanga Rocks |
031-561-3859 |
Chittenden M. |
031-466 1130 |
Chittenden M. C. |
Green Lands Flats 21, Fields Hill |
031-702 2526 |
Eshowe |
Chittenden H. N. |
035-474 2666 |
Chittenden L. |
035-474 2276 |
Chittenden C. N. |
Rose Village C5, |
011-888 9958 |
Chittenden D. C. |
011 433 2227 |
Chittenden W. D. |
011 680 8358 |
OOS-Rand |
Chittenden F. J. |
011-609 5492 |
Chittenden A. M. |
012-460 5545 |
Chittenden G. |
16 Bonnita Villas. |
012-991 1578 |
Skiereiland |
Chittenden D. R. |
38 Airlie Plce,
Constantia, |
Peninsula/Kaapse |
021-794 3495 |
Chittenden N. J. |
021-434 4540 |
Chittenden Craig |
10 |
263 4 304 043 |
Chittenden Kim & Tracy |
263 4 331 483 |
Chittenden Reg & Mavis |
263 4 741 165 |
Chittenden F. J. |
021-852 7215 |
Chittenden Herbert |
Private |
3641 |
7th Regiment South African Infantry |
Died 11th Mar 1916 b Roodepoort, |
Chittenden Henry |
Sergeant |
2462 |
2nd Regiment. South African Infantry |
died 28th Mar 1918, Age 27, son of
William Darlington & Ann Catherine Chittenden of King William Town, SA |
Chittenden Hugh John Robert |
Serjeant |
NB/8 |
East African Corps of Military Police |
died 30th Oct 1942. |
Information received from Grant Nurden.
Actagen Genealogical Research Service,
Pietermaritzburg, Kwazula-Natal |
1863 |
Dr J. F. Chittenden |
Memorial, Requesting Appointment as Secretary To The
Medical Committee |
1863 - 1867 |
John Mead Chittenden |
Insolvent Liquidation & Distribution Account |
1869 |
Dr J. F. Chittenden, |
Memorial, Requesting Leave to Practice as Surgeon |
1870 - 1890 |
Herbert Chittenden |
Roodepoort, |
1872 - 1878 |
Edward Rigby & Francis |
Sheldon Chittenden.
Insolvent Liquidation |
1876 |
W. Chittenden |
for Joseph Walker. Regarding Lease of Buldings at Steynsburg |
1877 |
F. Kleyn Potchefstroom |
Chittenden Affidavit W. Chittenden hopes that the Attorney General will take necessary steps |
1877 |
Public Prosecutor Christiana. Has summoned the parties in Re. Chittenden requests warrant |
1877 |
Public Prosecutor Christiana. Sends
Affidavit (copy) Chittenden warrant BB50 |
1877 |
Illiquid Case. Payment. William Chittenden versus Charles Rhodes Hulme and John James Grice, Trading as CR Hulme and Co. |
1877 - 1879 |
Frederick Darlington - |
Chittenden Insolvent Liquidation &
Distribution Account |
1880 |
Ed Chittenden |
Klerksdorp, Verzoek, Aan Den Koloniale Secretaries |
1882 |
William Chittenden |
Mortgage Bond Distribution
Account. Four Entries |
1884 |
William Chittenden |
versus John James Grice. Illiquid Case. Individually or as trading as C. R. Hulme & Company |
1884 |
Ed Chittenden |
Bloemhof - Heeft 6 Geweren Te Port Elisabeth die hy niet kan invoeren voor eigen gebruik zonder permit van hier verzoekt zoodanig permit |
1884 |
G. D. Chittenden |
Bloemhof - Vraagt by herhaling permit voor invoer van zes geweren uit Port Elisabeth |
1884 |
Ed Chittenden |
Vraagt authorisatie tot importatie middel Barnsly en Compagnie van 25000 dopies, 4000 patronen |
1884 |
Ed Chittenden |
Bloemhof Vraagt permit aankoop van 200 lb kruit en 1000 patronen van landdrost potchefstroom en vervoer daarvan |
1884 |
G. D. Chittenden |
Omtrent zyn gevraagd permit tot in en doorvoer van wapenen op 8 deze. Vraagt ook permit van invoer 200 lb kruit en 1000 dopjes en voor heeren Thomas Barnsly en compagnie 2 geweeren, 50.000 dopies en 4000 patronen |
1884 |
Ed Chittenden |
En 35 Anderen, Bloemhof - Vraagt dat orders gegeven door veldcornetten tot het niet doortrekken van kaffers mogen worden herroepen in het belang van handelsbelangen |
1884 |
Auditeur-Generaal, Pretoria - Zendt ter goedkeuring der regering rekeningen van gs paddle en Ed Chittenden in Verband Met Quarantine Te Christiana |
1884 |
Landdrost Christiana - Aangaande permit voor Chittenden voor 50,000 dopjes heeft hen zulks na borgstelling overhandigd |
1884 |
Ed Chittenden |
bloemhof - Zendt in rekening groot $34-4-9 voor Benoodighhe den geleverd tot weren der pokken |
1884 |
Secretaris Van Den Volksraad, Pretoria - volksraadsbesluit artikel 664 over memorie Ed Chittenden en anderen vragende dat den landfrost verplaats zal worden van christiana naar bloemhof |
1885 |
R Hollins QQ Barnsley and Company Vraagt permissie on ann Ed C Chittenden te zenden 8 geweren |
1885 |
Thomas Barnsley en Company.Vragen permit ter verzending aan Ed Chittenden te Bloemhof van 100,000 dopjes |
1885 |
J.P.S. Bender, Veldcornet, Bloemhof. Zendt vordering Ed Chittendn tegen gouvernement voor 2 ossen gedurende de maposh-oorlog gegeven |
1886 |
Thomas Barnsley en
Company. Verzoeken verlof tot verzending naar C.
D. Chittenden, Bloemhof
750 metalen patronen, 250
papier patronen |
1886 |
Ed Chittenden |
wenscht twee erven te Bloemhof te
koopen |
1886 |
Landdrost, Christiana, dat de heer Ed Chittenden by hem aanzoek heeft gedaan om een prospecteer licentie op de dorpsgronden: dat de plaats “Klipfontein”, waarvan het dorp gedeelte uitmaakt, nog ten name staat van James Evans |
1886 |
Ed Chittenden |
Omtrent uitreiken van licentie op dorpsgrond |
1887 |
E Chittenden (Polela)
Prays for an extension of time in which to pay Instalments due by him for purchase of Crown Lands |
1887 |
Waarnemende landdrost christiana, zendt in brief van Ed Chittenden om weder prospecteer licentie te mogen krugen |
1887 |
J.P. Bender veldcornet bloemhof en anderen, vragen aanstelling van Edward Chittenden als vrederechter te bloemhof |
1888 |
De villiers en ueckermann. Vragen namens gebroeders Chittenden van klerks dorp om een pakhuis of entrepot op de stand plaatsen No 333 en 334 te klerks dorp op te zetten |
1888 |
De Villiers en ueckermann. Re. Applikatie Chittenden voor entrepot te Klerksdorp |
1888 |
De villiers en ueckermann. Re. Concept kontrakt entrepot klerksdorp van Chittenden |
1888 |
Hoofd van het mynwezen. Re. Applicatie Chittenden Bros, te Klerksdorp voor Leggeb telephoon voor eigen gebruik |
1889 |
Inspekteur Generaal Belasting Gaarder klerksdorp dat W. Chittenden bedankt voor aanvrage depot |
1890 |
Chittenden Brothers. |
Vraagt permit invoer ammunitie en 5/- zegal |
1890 |
Hoofd mynwezen, myncommissaris klerksdorp Re. Applicatie Van standplaatsen voor de firma gebroeders Chittenden |
1890 - 1900 |
Henry Chittenden
King William Town ? |
1890 |
Chittenden Brothers |
Ex Parte. Application |
1891 |
Hospital, Klerksdorp. Ed
Chittenden bedankt als
lid beveelt aan a
Chittenden |
1892 |
N. Chittenden, |
Ja neser en andere, langlaagte, re.
Contract compounds Beckett Co. Memorie |
1893 |
Chittenden, J. C. |
Maritz, E. A. Klerksdorp: Memorie
vraagt het maken van een veiligen weg over schoonspruit |
1893 |
A. W.
Cooper: Grant in favour
of E. Chittenden, in the division of Ipolela |
1894 |
Albert Chas Chittenden |
Mortgage Bond |
1894 |
Van Chittenden en co |
Landdrost Pietersburg. Vraagt hoe omtrent de rekeningen ten faveure. |
1894 |
Van Ed Chittenden |
Auditeur Generaal, Zar. Legt voor telegram aangaande rekeningen |
1894 |
Commandant Rudence Artillerie.Re. Rekening $3 ten name Van Ed Chittenden voor oppassing der kanonnen in zyne berusting gelaten |
1895 |
Landdrost, Pietersburg. Rekening $12-0-6 Ed Chittenden voor goederen aan veldcornet van der merwe Middleburg, afgeleverd |
1895 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburk vraagt vernieuwing van licenties voor 60 claims op welgevonden zoutpansberg |
1895 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg vraagt vergunning tot het plaatsen eener verandah voor zyn gebouwen op erf No 67 aldaar |
1895 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg Re een
brief door hem aan Inspecteur
Van Gevangenis geschrieven
re het opzicht over de bandieten |
1895 |
C.W. Hoffman, Pretoria Vragen om een permit, namens Ed Chittenden Pietersburg, tot invoer van 150 pond hagel via Port Elizabeth |
1895 |
Publieke Aanklager Zoutpansberg Zendt
rekening prosecutie
versus Chittenden $0-10-0 |
1896 |
nspecteur Van Gevanangenissen. G. D. Chittenden, Pietersburg, Re. Compensatie voor een door een vluchtenden gevangene gestolen paard |
1896 |
F. Migind, Secretaris, President Publieke School, Klerksdorp. Zendt copie notulen school commissie voor 6/3/1896. Brief or9194 voor Superintendant Van Onderwys en antwoord daarop. Alles ingediend door A Chittenden |
1897 |
E. Chittenden |
Extension of time to pay instalments on his land |
1897 |
A Chittenden |
Klerksdorp. Re. Zyn
niet benoeming tot voorzitter van het hospital comite
aldaar |
1897 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg Erkent de ontvangst van $36-12-6 voor het weldaadigheids comite aldaar |
1897 |
Le Krause, Pietersberg. Vraagt QQ Ed Chittenden uitbetaling van zyn rekening $16-12-9 |
1897 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg Verzoekt permit tot invoer uit de kaapkolonie van een kogelgeweer een hagelgeweer, een revolver en 2.500 patronen 5/- zeg |
1898 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg. Erkent
ontvangst van permit tot invoer van
geweren en ammunitie |
1898 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg. Vraagt duplicaat permit van
permit CR6160/98 |
1898 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg. Refereert
naar aanvrage permit voor een hagelgeweer |
1898 |
van Ed Chittenden |
Le Krause, Pietersburg. Vraagt betaling eener reekening ad $74.19 |
1898 |
E Chittenden |
Says he pay all instalments owing in a fortnights
time |
1898 |
Albert Chas Chittenden |
or Abert Charles
Chittenden Mortgage Bond |
1898 |
Members attending meeting of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa. Appearing are Messrs. T. Dougall, W. F. Cranswick, S. J.Blumlein, W. Hosken M. Campbell, ED Chittenden, F. A Oliver, C. Natorp, A. G. Butcher, C. Henning, G. Lucas, J. A. Ellis, T. W. Beskett, B. F. Ringer B. L. Brinkworth, J. E. Duckles, W. J. Lance, R. Watson, A. Barlow, E, F, Bourke, L. Weiner, MLA., J. W. Jagger, H. f. E. Pistorius, G. Payne, C Hannam, and J. Lawrence, MLA. |
1898 |
Landdrost Zoutpansberg. Telegram zal krause over de zaak Chittenden spreken |
1898 |
van Ed Chittenden |
Landdrost Pietersburg. Zendt
in Schryven van den heer
le krause re vordering |
1899 |
E. M. Chittenden |
& C. H. Behrens Rev. J. Colville,
Forwards Duplicate Original Register of the Marriage |
1899 |
E. Chittenden |
Asking for extension of time in paying for land |
1899 |
J.J.L. Findlay, Pretoria. Zendt rekening van Ed Chittenden te Pietersburg Van $31-14-1 |
1899 |
Landdrost, Zoutpansberg. Zebdt in rekening Van Ed Chittenden, Pietersburg Van $31-14-1 |
1899 |
J.H.L. Findlay, Pretoria. Re. Betaling van $35-7-7 betreffende de zaak VanH. D. Chittenden versus de regeering |
1899 |
Veldcornet Roos,
Pietersburg. Telegram vraagt
of Chittenden gearresteerd is |
1899 |
Lizzie Chittenden |
Klerksdorp. Vraagt een passpoort
om het land te verlaten |
1899 |
Veldcornet Chittenden |
New Castle Telegram. Re. Zekeren
heufth die een ongewenscht persoon is |
1899 |
Muncommissaris Pietersburg Zendt rekeningen Ed Chittenden @ 15/- en C Van Der Merwe @ $0-12-0 respectieveluk vir het leveren en inzetten Van Glasrutten |
1899 |
Landdrost Pietersburg. Rekeningen Chittenden Heystek en vrywilliger voor het maken van kruit zakies voor kanonnen aldaar |
1899 |
Landdrost Pietersburg. Rekening C.D. Chittenden voor $70 voor Huur Van Patroonhuis |
1900 |
E. Chittenden |
Payment of instalment due on his property |
1900 |
Gebroeder store, Pretoria. Re. Compensatie
van den boedel. Van Ed Chittenden te Pietersburg |
1900 |
Landdrost Pietersburg of hij in het
winkel. Van Chittenden eenige Bicycles voor rapportgangers kan commandeeren |
1900 |
Ed Chittenden |
Krygscommissaris Pretoria Rekening $10-13-
1900 |
Medische Commissie - Ed
Chittenden, Pietersburg Zendt in rekening ad $0-10-6 re medicynen |
1900 |
Hoofd Inspecteur Pretoria -
Ed Chittenden rekening $98-3 |
1900 |
Staats secretaries B. Re. Confiscatie
Van De Bredels, Van C.D. Chittenden van Pietersburg |
1901 |
Chas Caleb Chittenden |
Mortgage Bond |
1901 |
Albert Chas Chittenden |
Liquidation & Distribution Account First
& Final Payment |
1901 |
Albert Chas Chittenden |
Death Notice |
1901 |
Emily Elizab'Chittenden |
born Wise
Liquidation & Distribution Account |
1901 |
Report Re. Mr Ed Chittenden |
1901 |
Application by Mr Wylie to go to Pietersburg to enable him to re-open the Business of Mr E. P. Chittenden |
1902 |
William John Chittenden |
(Alias: Charles Halliday.
Alias: He.Lea) |
1902 |
Chas Caleb Chittenden |
Mortgage Bond |
1902 - 1903 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg ??? |
1902 - 1904 |
Claims for Compensation British Subjects Transvaal, Zoutpansberg Edgar Darlington Chittenden |
1903 |
E. Chittenden |
States that he has paid all his overdue instalments |
1903 |
E. Chittenden |
Applies for the occupation of Lot S53, Ixopo
Division |
1903 - 1904 |
Alfred Chittenden |
Claims for
Compensation British Subjects Transvaal.
Klerksdorp |
1903 - 1904 |
Edgar Darlington Chit' |
Claims for
Compensation British Subjects Transvaal. Wolmaranssted |
1904 |
E. Chittenden |
Application to deal in arms and ammunition |
1904 |
Ed Chittenden |
Tobacco disease |
1905 |
Ed Chittenden |
Promotions and Transfers in Civil Service |
1905 |
Ed Chittenden |
Miscellaneous correspondence |
1905 |
Justices of the Peace Minute
7/1905 - Messrs Chittenden, Exton, McKechnie |
1905 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg Justices
of the Peace |
1905 |
Chittenden William |
Surviving Spouse Harriet (born Darlington) |
1905 - 1930 |
Chittenden Hugh J. R |
1906 |
Mrs E. C. Chittenden |
Donnybrook. Rebels & Refugees makes
application for Two Girls |
1906 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietermaritzburg, Enquires as to the validity of a Receipt for $1.000 bearing no stamps |
1906 |
Ed Chittenden |
Pietersburg Application to act as
agent for sale of Tzaneen Tobacco |
1907 |
Chittenden, Harriet |
(born Darlington) |
1907 |
Miss E. Chittenden |
Application for Appointment |
1907 |
Authority for Temporary Employment of Miss
Chittenden in Resident Magistrates Office, Pietersburg |
1907 |
Underentry - E. C. Chittenden - Boksburg.
10 cases bottled fruit 40 ½ lbs per case entered as 30 ½ lbs per case: Underentry 17/2 |
1907 |
Contravention Customs Union Regulations. Ed Chittenden, Boksburg - Consignee. Mosenthal and Company, East London Consignors 6 cases Golden Syrup, 576 lbs shown as 288 lbs. Underentry 10/2 |
1908 |
Contravention Ordinance 4/1906 Ed Chittenden: Boksburg. Four cases Sharwoods White Label Tomato Ketchup 196 lbs of American Produce should be British |
1908 - 1909 |
A. Chittenden |
Klerksdorp |
1909 |
Eva Blanche Chittenden |
1910 |
Ed Chittenden |
Boksburg |
1910 |
E. B. Chittenden. |
Permits - Plants, Et Cetera |
1910 |
Harriet Chittenden |
nee Darlington Death Notice |
1910 |
Harriet Chittenden |
born Darlington Liquidation &
Distribution Account |
1910 |
William Chittenden |
Liquidation & Distribution Account |
1910 |
Malherbe And Rigg Requests copy of agreement of lease KI/05 between J. Mendelsohn and Ed Chittenden |
1915 |
Chittenden Edgar Darli |
Surviving Spouse Emma Louisa Chittenden |
1915 - 1939 |
E Chittenden |
(born Thomas) Lot D of Lot S53 IXOPO “Fieldsberg” |
1916 |
Chittenden Frederick - |
Darlington Death
Notice |
1916 |
Chittenden Herbert |
1918 |
Henry Chittenden |
Estate Papers |
1918 |
Chittenden Albert. |
Surviving Spouse Elizabeth Maria Chittenden (born
Evans) |
1919 |
Surviving Spouse Mabel Alice Green (born Chittenden) |
1919 |
Chittenden Emily Elizab' |
(born Wise) |
1920 |
Albert Chas Chittenden |
Liquidation & Distribution Account. 1st
Account |
1920 |
Chittenden Emily Elizab' |
nee Wise Estate Papers |
1922 |
Short, Arthur Reginald Surviving Spouse Valentine Enid Harriet Short (born Chittenden) |
1923 |
Illiquid Case. Restitution of Conjugal Rights. Gilbert Evan Chittenden versus Everil Lois (born Berrange) |
1925 |
Illiquid Case Divorce Walter Ernest Chittenden versus Eileen Mavise (born McCarthy) |
1925 |
Ex Parte. Application. Walter Ernest
Chittenden |
1926 - 1939 |
Edward Chittenden |
(S/S Mary Elizabeth Chittenden) |
1927 |
Caroline Frederica Wilhelmina Chittenden, nee Ruthernberg
Estate Papers |
1927 |
E. Chittenden |
Issue of Crown Grant to Estate in respect holding named “Fieldsberg” Pietermaritzburg |
1928 |
Amma Louisa Chittend'
(born Thomas) |
1933 |
Chittenden, George Tho |
mas |
1935 |
Chittenden, John Mead |
1936 |
Illiquid Case Divorce. Vanda Agnes
Chittenden (born Foster) versus Frederick Arthur |
1937 |
Dall, Andrew Kidd Surviving Spouse Ethel Dall (born Chittenden) |
1937 - 1939 |
Chittenden Mary Elizab' |
(born Hammond) |
1939 - 1943 |
Mary Seymour Campbell (born Chittenden) (S/S
Archibald Mitchell) |
1945 |
Payment of an Acting Allowance to D. M. Robbertize, Chief Rates Officer Johannesburg whilst acting as Assistant General Manager (Commercial) Railways and Harbours, during absence on leave of G. E. Chittenden |
1945 |
Chittenden, Florence - |
Lillian Winifred. Born Eales.
Surviving Spouse Frederick Arthur Chittenden |
1945 |
Ex Parte Application. Beatrice Harriet Corry in Re. The Estate of the Mental Patient Gilbert Evan Chittenden |
1946 |
Chittenden, Gilbert Evan |
Surviving Spouse Phyllis Amy Isobel Chittenden (born
Yolland) |
1947 |
Chittenden, Elizabeth - |
Maria Christina (born Evans) Predeceased
Spouse Alfred Chittenden |
1947 |
Illiquid Case Divorce. Everill. Lois Hodgson (Formerly Chittenden) (born Berrange) versus Harold Derwent |
1948 |
Illiquid Case Divorce. Percy Alexander Maree versus Tilly May (born Chittenden) |
1949 - 1954 |
Thomas Edward Turner, born in Natal, South Africa. S/SP Eirien Florence Turner (born Chittenden) Decease |
1950 |
Zwebanda Alias Clever Native Servant of H R
Chittenden Immigration Papers |
1951 - 1953 |
Haig Katherine Chitten' |
(born Murray) B in Burlington S.SP. Haig
Wolseley de Haga. PRSP.Emery,
Dan |
1953 |
Albert Edward Chitten' |
Surviving Spouse Mary Ellen Chittenden (born
Farrington) |
1953 - 1960 |
Trevor John Chittenden |
Committal |
1955 |
Illiquid Case. Restitution of Conjugal Rights.
Florence Chittenden (born Rodger) versus Keith Newstead |
1955 |
Opposed Application. Florence Chittenden
versus Keith Newstead Chittenden |
1955 - 1959 |
Mr & Mrs S I Chittend'
Immigration Papers |
1956 |
Chittenden Mary Ellen |
Predeceased Spouse Albert Edward Chittenden |
1956 |
Opposed Application. Keith Newstead Chittenden versus Florence Chittenden (born Rodger) |
1957 |
Chittenden Leonard |
Surviving Spouse Marie Matilda Chittenden |
1957 |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Esmond Daniels Chittenden versus Ella (born Komen) |
1957 |
Opposed Application. Ella
Chittenden (born Komen) versus Esmond
Daniels |
1959 |
Illiquid Case. Restitution of Conjugal Rights.
Tilly May Flanagen (formerly Du Cruz) formerly
Maree (born Chittenden) |
1962 |
Chittenden, Cecil Geo |
Surviving Spouse Frances Pierie
Clair Chittenden |
1962 |
Illiquid Case. Restitution of Conjugal Rights. Tilly May Flanagan (formerly Du Cruz) formerly Maree (born Chittenden) versus George Michael |
1962 - 1963 |
Colin Stuart Chittenden |
Born in Benoni,
Transvaal. Unmarried Deceased Estate |
1964 |
Nancy Emma Marlow, born Chittenden. S SP Ernest Marlow Walter Deceased Estate |
1965 |
Corry, Beatrice Harriet (born
Chittenden) Predeceased Spouse Bryant Corry |
1965 |
Chittenden Francis Pierie |
Clair (born Proctor) Predeceased
Spouse Cecil George Chittenden |
1969 - 1970 |
Fanny/Fannie Elizabeth Sanders, (born Chittenden) born in Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, PRSP Arthur Henry Sanders, Estate No. 498/1947 Deceased Estate. |
1969 - 1971 |
Norah Bertha/Bertina Grant (Born Chittenden) PRSP John Grant, No Trace. Deceased Estate |
1970 |
Mary Doris Dunlop (born Chittenden) Born in Grahamstown. PRSP. Alan Strickland Dunlop. Estate No. 1781/1946. Deceased Estate |
1970 |
Frederick Arthur Chitt' |
Predeceased Spouse Florence Liliam Chittenden (2465/45) Surviving Spouse Vanda Agnus Chittenden |
1971 |
Eiren Florence Turner (born Chittenden) Born in
Grahamstown. Presdeceased Spouse
Unknown. Widow, Deceased Estate |
1972 |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Shirley M Chittenden versus Sidney W. Chittenden |
1973 |
Chittenden, John David |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Magdalena Chittenden versus Douglas
Chittenden |
1974 |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Aletta
Wilhelmina Chittenden (born Loggenberg) versus Esmond Daniels Chittenden |
1974 |
Opposed Application, Aletta Wilhelmina Chittenden (born Loggenberg) versus Esmond Daniels Chittenden |
1975 |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Sidney Walter Chittenden versus Shirley
Maud Chittenden (born Hewitt) |
1976 |
Illiquid Case. Divorce. Cadence Lorraine Graham (born Chittenden) versusRonald Edward Graham |
1978 |
Illiquid Case. Payment. Commodity Brokers (Pty) Ltd versus Dr. F.
Chittenden |
Claude Chittenden 25 Rolling Hills Umhlanga Rocks Natal 4320“My father’s, father was Alfred Amos Chittenden and was born in July 1848. My father Cecil George was born on 4th Dec 1881 at Milton North, near Gravesend, Kent, and was a Kentish man, having been born North of the Medway, as apposed to a Kentish man who is born South of the Medway. He died on the 6th June 1962, in Johannesburg. Dad had two brothers, Harold and Thorold. Harold emigrated to Australia, I do not know when, but lived in Perth, Freemantle. He was quite high up in the ‘Boy Scouts’ movement., and also did a lot of sailing in Western Australia. The people of that area might be able to assist you. I have norecords of his death. Thorold lived his whole life in England and during the war. I met him in Leicester when I was in the Royal Navy. Do not know when he died. Neither of the brothers ever married.. My father Cecil George married Frances Piere Clare Beauchamp Proctor on the 6th July 1918 after his return to South Africa. After being seriously wounded at Delville Wood in Frances in 1917. My mom died on the 26th Nov 1966. Her cousin Captain Andred Beauchamp Proctor, was a First World War Flying Ace, being decorated with the V.C., D.S.O., D.F.C. and other Allied Decorations. He was killed in a flying accident at Salisbury Plains, England on 21st June 1921. I, Claude Chittenden was born on 11th December 1919 in Johannesburg and my sister Nadine on the 9th August 1922, and is widowed and living in Krugersdorp, near Johannesburg. She has no children. In December 1951, I married Noreen Jelly (nee Marshall) who was a widow with two small children. Brian (4) and Hugh (3). Later, Noreen and I adopted the two boys to save legal costs of changing their names and to be brought up as Chittendens, so in fact are not blooded Chittenden’s, but are very proud to have the name Chittenden. Our son Keith Spencer was born on 21st October 1952, in Durban and today is a Dr of Chiropractics and has a practice in Umhlanga Rocks, which is + 20 miles North of Durban. He is married to Carol and they have a Reece who was born on 18th June 1994. A little history of myself I was at school at King Edward VII School in Johannesburg and did well in most sports and later was in the Transvaal Cricket Squad. And later retired from first class cricket in 1952. I saw service with the Transvaal Scottish, an Infantry Regiment. During the war saw service in Kenya, Italian Somaliland, Etheopia, Egypt and Western Desert. After the battle of El Alamein in October 1942, the regiment returned to South Africa on leave in January 1943, having been on active service for two and a half years. Later I transferred to the South Africa Navy (had had infantry life) and seconded to the Royal Navy and served out East, and the last six months of the war was sent to England for a Commission, which I did not get as the war ended. Most of my working life was spent in Sales Departments and as a representative and eventually retiring in 1985. I lost my Darling Noreen on 10th October 1995, just short of 44 years of very happy married life and am now living in a retirement complex in Umhlanga Rocks.. Claude. 12th Jul 1999 |
Keith Chittenden |
18 Cordia Crescent |
Herrwood Park |
Umhlanga Rocks |
Natal |
D. E. Chittenden |
152 Nicholson Road |
Glenwood |
Durban 4001 |
Natal |
I. M. Chittenden |
901 Kings Hill |
Durban |
Natal 4001 |
Chittenden Elfriede |
Braunschweig, Herman-Blumenau, Str
A. |
(05 31) 37 68 833 8108 |
John |
Anne Hochstadter Weg, Muchen
(0 89) 1 41 39 810 1080997 |
Christina |
Dusseldorf Alte, Land Str 46 |
(02 11) 40 76 6340 489 |
Chittenden Robert |
Untereck |
(0 80 32) 89
16 |